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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/databases/ruby-activerecord70 databases/ruby-activerec...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 371917:8bc4410a1e78
user:      taca <>
date:      Sun Jan 16 14:07:29 2022 +0000

databases/ruby-activerecord70: update to 7.0.1

7.0.1 (2021-01-06)

* Change QueryMethods#in_order_of to drop records not listed in values.

  in_order_of now filters down to the values provided, to match the
  behavior of the Enumerable version.

  Kevin Newton

* Allow named expression indexes to be revertible.

  Previously, the following code would raise an error in a reversible
  migration executed while rolling back, due to the index name not
  being used in the index removal.

        add_index(:settings, "(data->'property')", using: :gin, name: :index_settings_data_property)

  Fixes #43331.

  Oliver Günther

* Better error messages when association name is invalid in the
  argument of ActiveRecord::QueryMethods::WhereChain#missing.


* Fix ordered migrations for single db in multi db environment.


* Extract on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for mysql2 adapter.

  Kazuhiro Masuda

* Fix incorrect argument in PostgreSQL structure dump tasks.
  Updating the --no-comment argument added in Rails 7 to the correct
  --no-comments argument.

  Alex Dent

* Fix schema dumping column default SQL values for sqlite3.


* Correctly parse complex check constraint expressions for PostgreSQL.


* Fix timestamptz attributes on PostgreSQL handle blank inputs.

  Alex Ghiculescu

  Fix migration compatibility to create SQLite references/belongs_to
  column as integer when migration version is 6.0.

  Reference/belongs_to in migrations with version 6.0 were creating
  columns as bigint instead of integer for the SQLite Adapter.

  Marcelo Lauxen

* Fix joining through a polymorphic association.

  Alexandre Ruban

* Fix QueryMethods#in_order_of to handle empty order list.

  Post.in_order_of(:id, []).to_a Also more explicitly set the column
  as secondary order, so that any other value is still ordered.

  Jean Boussier

* Fix rails dbconsole for 3-tier config.

  Eileen M. Uchitelle

* Fix quoting of column aliases generated by calculation methods.

  Since the alias is derived from the table name, we can't assume the
  result is a valid identifier.

        class Test < ActiveRecord::Base
          self.table_name = '1abc'
        # syntax error at or near "1" (ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid)
        # LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all, "1abc"."id" AS 1abc_id FROM "1...

  Jean Boussier


 databases/ruby-activerecord70/distinfo |  8 ++++----
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diffs (13 lines):

diff -r 3a5f7cbea96d -r 8bc4410a1e78 databases/ruby-activerecord70/distinfo
--- a/databases/ruby-activerecord70/distinfo    Sun Jan 16 14:07:02 2022 +0000
+++ b/databases/ruby-activerecord70/distinfo    Sun Jan 16 14:07:29 2022 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2021/12/19 06:04:27 taca Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2022/01/16 14:07:29 taca Exp $
-BLAKE2s (activerecord-7.0.0.gem) = 097834067e9a581a47e15695955d50b1c4d451f50c548dd0be4409100aea34a8
-SHA512 (activerecord-7.0.0.gem) = e65434ca1e21d6225850d2b332a79bc29fa6e761564b1f1a54660d01f9a748c8336f5c35eaf179e5fe36a3e5bf08638230fc6f2a516828642e6fe1fc92d02ab8
-Size (activerecord-7.0.0.gem) = 470528 bytes
+BLAKE2s (activerecord-7.0.1.gem) = 84c75d56271c1d6f3fda2ae5a4ce323bedad422120ffe992dec7f6a5a32326c7
+SHA512 (activerecord-7.0.1.gem) = 506b37f9ec81d4f931ae5726e92d422d58c6557db27fcc720cfa0688441ca8d4b48fe1d95a2223fba7c53bd6679c1af54bfc386db65c5f586abeb41585d938c1
+Size (activerecord-7.0.1.gem) = 472064 bytes

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