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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/devel/php-composer php-composer: Update to 2.1.9

branches:  trunk
changeset: 768613:ef7c6457945d
user:      tpaul <>
date:      Wed Oct 27 12:29:27 2021 +0000

php-composer: Update to 2.1.9

Upstream release notes:

 - Security: Fixed command injection vulnerability on Windows
   (GHSA-frqg-7g38-6gcf / CVE-2021-41116)
 - Fixed classmap parsing with a new class parser which does not rely on regexes
   anymore (#10107)
 - Fixed inline git credentials showing up in output in some conditions (#10115)
 - Fixed support for running updates while offline as long as the cache contains
   enough information (#10116)
 - Fixed show --all foo/bar which as of 2.0.0 was not showing all versions
   anymore but only the installed one (#10095)
 - Fixed VCS repos ignoring some versions silently when the API rate limit is
   reached (#10132)
 - Fixed CA bundle to remove the expired Let's Encrypt root CA

 - Fixed regression in 2.1.7 when parsing classmaps in files containing invalid
   Unicode (#10102)

 - Added many type annotations internally, which may have an effect on CI/static
   analysis for people using Composer as a dependency. This work will continue
   in following releases
 - Fixed regression in 2.1.6 when parsing classmaps with empty heredocs (#10067)
 - Fixed regression in 2.1.6 where list command was not showing plugin commands
 - Fixed issue handling package updates where the package type changed (#10076)
 - Fixed docker being detected as WSL when run inside WSL (#10094)

 - Updated internal PHAR signatures to be SHA512 instead of SHA1
 - Fixed uncaught exception handler regression (#10022)
 - Fixed more PHP 8.1 deprecation warnings (#10036, #10038, #10061)
 - Fixed corrupted zips in the cache from blocking installs until a cache clear,
   the bad archives are now deleted automatically on first failure (#10028)
 - Fixed URL sanitizer handling of new github tokens (#10048)
 - Fixed issue finding classes with very long heredocs in classmap autoload
 - Fixed proc_open being required for simple installs from zip, as well as
   diagnose (#9253)
 - Fixed path repository bug causing symlinks to be left behind after a package
   is uninstalled (#10023)
 - Fixed issue in 7-zip support on windows with certain archives (#10058)
 - Fixed bootstrapping process to avoid loading the composer.json and plugins
   until necessary, speeding things up slightly (#10064)
 - Fixed lib-openssl detection on FreeBSD (#10046)
 - Fixed support for ircs:// protocol for support.irc composer.json entries


 devel/php-composer/Makefile |  4 ++--
 devel/php-composer/distinfo |  8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diffs (25 lines):

diff -r 6a87cfdb806e -r ef7c6457945d devel/php-composer/Makefile
--- a/devel/php-composer/Makefile       Wed Oct 27 10:16:44 2021 +0000
+++ b/devel/php-composer/Makefile       Wed Oct 27 12:29:27 2021 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.22 2021/08/12 21:47:53 tpaul Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.23 2021/10/27 12:29:27 tpaul Exp $
-VERSION=       2.1.5
+VERSION=       2.1.9
 PKGNAME=       ${PHP_PKG_PREFIX}-composer-${VERSION}
 DISTNAME=      composer
 CATEGORIES=    devel
diff -r 6a87cfdb806e -r ef7c6457945d devel/php-composer/distinfo
--- a/devel/php-composer/distinfo       Wed Oct 27 10:16:44 2021 +0000
+++ b/devel/php-composer/distinfo       Wed Oct 27 12:29:27 2021 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.23 2021/10/26 10:18:01 nia Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.24 2021/10/27 12:29:27 tpaul Exp $
-BLAKE2s (php-composer/2.1.5/composer.phar) = d87b4c986d92ac0aa07636880644a1984d796572b74a834530ab18ec27d8c4ce
-SHA512 (php-composer/2.1.5/composer.phar) = 8af0f8ef73015b452f9fa20bc2bccd190a5983865203f163450544743090ca191a4c46a304514365d7b3e36fa8f41f8c146c8c9be4a2d8c5965e8d4b2ed20768
-Size (php-composer/2.1.5/composer.phar) = 2256047 bytes
+BLAKE2s (php-composer/2.1.9/composer.phar) = 0c5c5abf3b7155d94d3132b895412c82db9ff9a528f5485b840cc3e14ee17bef
+SHA512 (php-composer/2.1.9/composer.phar) = 2639b0d4e88cfd212173cfc5d8cb402f8c30717c02cd78b3315c1663d7c35fae794ff44f577a6757048b6e87a4c92f1bc81da52ef164afbbac9c7573cd447515
+Size (php-composer/2.1.9/composer.phar) = 2268732 bytes

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