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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/net/p5-SOAP-Lite Update p5-SOAP-Lite to 0.69.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 520443:d2e2f785c9f3
user:      obache <>
date:      Sat Oct 21 17:11:47 2006 +0000

Update p5-SOAP-Lite to 0.69.

0.69 Aug 16 2006

  ! Commented out two lines of code that were causing S::L to die under
    a non-fatal error condition. This is a HACK.

0.68 July 6 2006

  ! Patched support for mod_perl Apache2 (thanks to JT Justman)
  ! Fixed bug where SOAP::SOM objects were not properly detected,
    serialized and returned (thanks chris at prather dot o r g)
  ! Fixed bug with default_ns and ns functions so that they
    serialized XML properly.
  + Started to add experimental DIME support - possible impacts to MIME
    support as well

0.65-beta7 May 12 2005

  + Added default_ns and ns to replace the confusing use of uri() and

0.65-beta6 June 3 2005

  ! Fixed bug resulting in XMLRPC requests to be serialized using the
    doc/literal serializer if serializing arrays

0.65-beta5 May 6 2005

  ! Fixed critical bug which prevented all XMLRPC servers from working

0.65-beta4 Apr 3 2005

  ! Fixed bug 1160881 - HTTP headers are now terminated by \r\n for
    compatibility with .NET and compliance with HTTP spec.
  ! Fixed 1158666 - no longer call deprecated subroutine
  + got a lot of enhancements - now has help and version
    output, run time options, etc. See 'man' for more.
  + Classes generated by now have a special subroutine
    called 'want_som.' When set to 1, the stub class will return a
    SOAP::SOM object for every request.
  ! Fixed bug 1149427 - now capable of returning SOAP::SOM objects
    from generated stub classes.

0.65-beta3 Mon Oct 25 2004

  + SOAP::Lite will only warn you once when you call a doc/literal
  + Added SOAP::Schema->cache_dir() and SOAP::Schema->cache_ttl(),
    which control how code stubs generated from WSDLs are cached to
    prevent constant reparsing of WSDL files.
  ! Tested SOAP::Lite against Google, Salesforce, and FedEx. So far,
    clients can successfully call these service providers (at least
    some of their operations) - testing does not provide 100% coverage
    of their APIs.

0.65-beta2.1 Mon Oct 25 2004

  + Fixed bug in unit tests in which MIME::Tools was not properly detected
    resulting in failed unit tests for some users.
  + Fixed some documentation issues (speling, etc).

0.65-beta2 Mon Oct 25 2004
  ** WARNING ** substantial changes have been made to SOAP::Lite in
  this release in regards to how it manages attachments. The changes
  may introduce instabilities into your software that relies on this
  functionality. Please test your software with 0.65 prior to moving it
  to a production environment.

  + Added ReleaseNotes.txt
  + Added section REPORTING BUGS to pod comments
  + Deprecated SOAP::Lite->schema removed
  + Deprecated SOAP::Lite->on_debug removed
  + Deprecated SOAP::Schema->schema in favor of SOAP::Schema->schema_url
  + Added SOAP::Schema->useragent - which returns the LWP::UserAgent instance
    that will be used when accessing WSDLs via the SOAP::Lite->service call.
    This is helpful when access to a WSDL requires authentication, etc.
  + Made changes that allow messages to be constructed using a NULL body:
    <Envelope><Body /></Envelope>
  + Added constant OBJS_BY_REF_KEEPALIVE which defaults to 600 - this is
    so that services can configure how long to cache objects marked as persistent
    using SOAP::Server::Object->objects_by_reference()
  + Added the ability for a user to modify the UserAgent class used
    by SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client, updated's documentation
    to reflect this. Added $SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::USERAGENT_CLASS
    variable as a means of setting this.
  + Added initial DIME support
  + SOAP Packager package/unpackage now take in a context variable as
    input because DIME needs to know what version of SOAP you are using.
  + Refactored and rewrote README
  + Renamed SOAP::Schema->stub() to SOAP::Schema->generate_stub. This populates
    a private variable called C<stub> with the autogenerate Perl code.
  + Added SOAP::Schema->stub() which returns the autogenerated Perl code used
    internally by SOAP::Lite. This can be helpful for debugging SOAP::Lite's
    utilization of WSDL, as well as helpful to developers working on S::L's
    WSDL support.

0.65-beta1 Mon Oct 18 15:55:00 2004

  + Made SOAP::Serializer->readable actually produce readable XML!
  ! Fixed bug 747312 - Made XML Schema 2001 the default schema
  + Changed typelookup of base64 to base64Binary to conform with 2001
  + Added support for [almost] all XML Schema 2001 built-in datatypes
  + Added register_ns subroutine to SOAP::Serializer
  + Added find_prefix subroutine to SOAP::Serializer
  + Added use_prefix subroutine to SOAP::Serializer
  + Added a necessary set of initial subroutinues to support wsdl2perl
  + Added format_datetime to SOAP::Utils
  + Documented SOAP::SOM->parts
  + Added SOAP::SOM->is_multipart
  + Properly escaped characters to facilitate emacs syntax highlighting
  + Ran podchecker to validate all POD comments
  ! Fixed bug 749636 - changed a croak to a warn to enable socket
    timeouts in SOAP::Transport::TCP::Server
  + Added support for UDDI 2/3
  + Majorly revamped product documentation thanks to the kind
    contribution made by O'Reilly. Appendix B from "Programming Web
    Services with Perl" has been completely integrated.
  + To better segment SOAP::Lite documentation, many modules have been
    added that contain documentation only. For those who loved the old
    documentation, it can be found in lib/OldDocs/SOAP/*.pm and
  ! Fix a bug in which doclit style arrays were not being deserialized
    properly. IOW, Repeated elements were not made into an array, only
    the last occurring value was recorded.
  + Added the ability for a SOAP Client to gain direct access to the
    HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response objects.
  + Changed default envelope namespace prefix from SOAP-ENV to soap
  + Changed default encoding namespace prefix from SOAP-ENC to soapenc
  + Reachitected MIME support to decouple MIME layer from transport
    layer. This only impacts the HTTP layer since that is the only
    transport in SOAP::Lite that supports attachments.
  + Creation of SOAP::Packager - decoupled in an extensible way the
    packaging of parts (a.k.a. attachments). This is used for encoding
    and decoding. This enables a more seemless addition of DIME
    support. Changes were made throughout SOAP::Lite to accomodate this
    - a call "context" was added to SOAP::Server and SOAP::Deserializer
      so that those classes could have access to the global
      SOAP::Packager instance
    - deprecated many function calls and packages having to do with
      attachment support
    - fixed several of the SOAP::*::new() methods so that they don't
      inadvertantly reinitialize themselves and destroy precious context
      information in the process
  + Gave developers direct access to MIME::Parser object so that they
    can optimize its use. See the following URL to optimize it for
    memory consumption, parsing speed, disk utilization, etc:
  + Added a context variable to SOAP::Serializer and SOAP::Deserializer
    so that they have mechanisms for getting instance data from the
    calling context. The value of context is either SOAP::Lite or
    SOAP::Server depending upon the role the service is playing in the
    transaction. Contexts are initialized when a call is made, and
    destroyed when a call is completed.
  + Greater than character '>' has been added to list of characters
    that will be automatically escaped. This is not a requirement by
    the XML spec, it is a MAY, but I am doing it after seeing a minority
    of people report a compatibility problem.
  - Removed deprecated methods: SOAP::Serializer::namespace and
  + Added SOAP::Serializer::encodingStyle method which allows users to
    set the URI for default encodingStyle.
  + Added initial support for literal encoding style. EXPERIMENTAL
  + Added some true constant values representing various SOAP namespace
  + Added SOAP::Constants::SUPPORTED_ENCODING_STYLES for better tracking
    of the set of encoding styles that the toolkit can [de]serialize
  ! Fixed bug 840172 - "Makefile.PL --noprompt flag broken," now fixed
  + Updated SOAP 1.2 URIs to the latest (TODO - maintain support for
    older ones)
  + Added HTTPS support for HTTP::Server Daemon class - thanks to Nils
    Sowen for this contribution


 net/p5-SOAP-Lite/Makefile         |    7 +-
 net/p5-SOAP-Lite/distinfo         |    9 +-
 net/p5-SOAP-Lite/patches/patch-aa |  163 --------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)

diffs (204 lines):

diff -r 19b3bfeb8695 -r d2e2f785c9f3 net/p5-SOAP-Lite/Makefile
--- a/net/p5-SOAP-Lite/Makefile Sat Oct 21 14:59:38 2006 +0000
+++ b/net/p5-SOAP-Lite/Makefile Sat Oct 21 17:11:47 2006 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2006/03/04 21:30:22 jlam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.13 2006/10/21 17:11:47 obache Exp $
-DISTNAME=      SOAP-Lite-0.60a
+DISTNAME=      SOAP-Lite-0.69
 PKGNAME=       p5-${DISTNAME}
 CATEGORIES=    net perl5
@@ -18,5 +17,7 @@
 PERL5_PACKLIST=        auto/SOAP/Lite/.packlist
+MAKE_PARAMS+=  </dev/null
 .include "../../lang/perl5/"
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r 19b3bfeb8695 -r d2e2f785c9f3 net/p5-SOAP-Lite/distinfo
--- a/net/p5-SOAP-Lite/distinfo Sat Oct 21 14:59:38 2006 +0000
+++ b/net/p5-SOAP-Lite/distinfo Sat Oct 21 17:11:47 2006 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2005/06/17 15:29:38 hira Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.5 2006/10/21 17:11:47 obache Exp $
-SHA1 (SOAP-Lite-0.60a.tar.gz) = 4b2f76ecb7f8b76bcaa86bd78dbf658d6db6f59a
-RMD160 (SOAP-Lite-0.60a.tar.gz) = 010c563de36b4c0e6253ead410ea0425d6c74e95
-Size (SOAP-Lite-0.60a.tar.gz) = 170390 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-aa) = 1e856bfff494e4cc900ab8ea0b7f446d6fac176c
+SHA1 (SOAP-Lite-0.69.tar.gz) = ea61703ec7e4d62aa367160d275eac203b294a5d
+RMD160 (SOAP-Lite-0.69.tar.gz) = 4c22fea71906818307d43276f50ed32782cb6a86
+Size (SOAP-Lite-0.69.tar.gz) = 238150 bytes
diff -r 19b3bfeb8695 -r d2e2f785c9f3 net/p5-SOAP-Lite/patches/patch-aa
--- a/net/p5-SOAP-Lite/patches/patch-aa Sat Oct 21 14:59:38 2006 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.3 2005/06/17 15:29:38 hira Exp $
---- Makefile.PL.orig   2003-08-19 04:43:01.000000000 +1000
-+++ Makefile.PL        2004-05-17 09:05:06.000000000 +1000
-@@ -5,26 +5,6 @@
- require 5.004;
- use strict;
--my @PREREQS = (
--# ["<feature>","<installed module>",<dependency hash>,<install by default, 2=always>];
--  ["Core Package","SOAP::Lite",{"XML::Parser" => "2.23","MIME::Base64" => 0, "URI" => 0},2],
--  ["Client HTTP support","",{"LWP::UserAgent" => 0},1],
--  ["Client HTTPS support","SOAP::Transport::HTTPS::Client",{"Crypt::SSLeay" => 0},0],
--  ["Client SMTP/sendmail support","SOAP::Transport::MAILTO::Client",{"MIME::Lite" => 0},1],
--  ["Client FTP support","SOAP::Transport::FTP::Client",{"Net::FTP" => 0,"IO::File" => 0},0],
--  ["Standalone HTTP server","SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Daemon",{"HTTP::Daemon" => 0},1],
--  ["Apache/mod_perl server","SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Apache",{"Apache" => 0},0],
--  ["FastCGI server","SOAP::Transport::HTTP::FCGI",{"FCGI" => 0},0],
--  ["POP3 server","SOAP::Transport::POP3::Server",{"Net::POP3" => 0,"MIME::Parser" => 0},1],
--  ["IO server","SOAP::Transport::IO::Server",{"IO::File" => 0},0],
--  ["MQ transport support","SOAP::Transport::MQ",{"MQSeries" => 0},1],
--  ["JABBER transport support","SOAP::Transport::JABBER",{"Net::Jabber" => 0},0],
--  ["MIME messages","SOAP::MIMEParser",{"MIME::Parser" => 0},1],
--  ["SSL Support for TCP Transport","SOAP::Transport::TCP",{"IO::Socket::SSL" => 0},0],
--  ["Compression support for HTTP","SOAP::Transport::HTTP",{"Compress::Zlib" => 0},0],
--  ["MIME interoperability w/ Axis","SOAP::Lite",{"MIME::Parser" => "6.106"},0],
- use Getopt::Long;
- my $helptext = <<EOI;
-@@ -40,131 +20,10 @@
--# Create config parameters using module names and expand help text
--# We will create a hash (%config) that has each module => (1|0) for install
--my(%options, %config, %has_module_cache);
--# Initialize the prereq table and all help text
--foreach my $prereq (@PREREQS) {
--  my ($feature,$dep,$modules,$default) = @$prereq;
--  next unless $dep ne "";
--  $prereq->[3] = has_all_modules($modules) unless $prereq->[3] == 2;
--  my $module = do { $dep =~ s/::/-/g; $dep };
--  my $shortcut = do { (my $t = $module) =~ s/SOAP-(?:Transport-)?//; $t };
--  $config{$dep} = has_all_modules($modules);
--  $options{"install-$dep|$shortcut!"} = \$config{$dep};
--  $helptext .= sprintf "  --[no]install-%-28s --[no]%s\n", $dep, $shortcut;
--  'prompt!'   => \(my $prompt = 1),
--  'alltests!' => \(my $alltests = 0),
--  'help|?'    => \(my $help = 0),
--  %options,
--$help and print($helptext), exit;
--ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt(<<EOI . "Press <enter> to see the detailed list.");
--We are about to install SOAP::Lite and for your convenience will provide
--you with list of modules and prerequisites, so you'll be able to choose
--only modules you need for your configuration.
--XMLRPC::Lite, UDDI::Lite, and XML::Parser::Lite are included by default.
--Installed transports can be used for both SOAP::Lite and XMLRPC::Lite.
--# This hash will contain a list of all perl modules we would like to
--# explicitly depend upon in our Makefile
--my %prereqs;
--my $proceed;
--do {
--  print_prereq_table();
--  # Ask the user if this is the configuration they desire
--  $proceed = $prompt ?
--    ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt("\nDo you want to proceed with this configuration?" => 'yes') =~ /^\s*y/i : 1;
--  # Loop through each prerequisite and ask the user if they wish to
--  # install it or not - reset prereqs, cause they change each time
--  %prereqs = ();
--  for my $prereq (@PREREQS) {
--    my ($feature,$dep,$modules,$default) = @$prereq;
--    next unless $dep ne "";
--    unless ($proceed || $prereq->[3] == 2) { # need to use $prereq, because we modify actual value
--      $prereq->[3] = (ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt("Do you plan to use ${feature}?" => ($prereq->[3] ? 'yes' : 'no')) =~ /^\s*(y)/i);
--    }
--    (%prereqs = (%prereqs, map { $_,$modules->{$_} } keys %$modules)) if $prereq->[3];
--  }
--} while (!$proceed);
--#foreach my $key (keys %prereqs) {
--#  print "$key=".$prereqs{$key}."\n";
--# Warn the user about the testing that will occur
--my $noncoretests = $prompt ? ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt('
--During "make test" phase we may run tests with several SOAP servers
--that may take long and may fail due to server/connectivity problems.
--Do you want to perform these tests in addition to core tests?', $alltests ? 'yes' : 'no') =~ /^\s*(y)/i : $alltests;
--my $tests = join ' ', glob ($noncoretests ? 't/*.t' : 't/0*.t');
- WriteMakefile(
-     'NAME'       => 'SOAP::Lite',
-     'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/SOAP/',
--    'PREREQ_PM'    => \%prereqs,
-     'EXE_FILES'    => ['bin/', 'bin/', 'bin/'],
--    test           => {TESTS => $tests},
- );
--# Supporting subroutines
--# Maintains a cache of what 3rd party modules you have
--# installed
--sub has_module {
--  my ($mod, $version) = @_;
--  $version ||= '';
--  # use "require Foo; Exporter::require_version('Foo' => 1)" instead of
--  # obvious "use Foo 1". The later doesn't work with MIME::Parser
--  # wonder why? --PK
--  return ($has_module_cache{"$mod$version"} ||= eval("require $mod; Exporter::require_version('$mod', $version); 1"));
--# Return 1 if all modules contained in the inputed array
--# are installed, 0 otherwise
--sub has_all_modules {
--  my ($mods) = @_;
--  foreach my $mod (keys %$mods) {
--    return 0 if !has_module($mod, $mods->{$mod});
--  }
--  return 1;
--# Print a single prerequisite to the screen
--sub print_prereq {
--  my ($feature,$dep,$modules,$install) = @_;
--  my $i = 0;
--  foreach my $module (keys %$modules) {
--    my $detected = (has_module($module, $modules->{$module}) ? "*" : " ");
--    printf("%-29s [%s] %-24s %-8s\n",($i++ ? "" : $feature),$detected,$module . ($modules->{$module} ? " (v$modules->{$module})" : ""),($i == 1 ? ($install ? ($install == 2 ? "always" : "[ yes ]") 
: "[ no ]") : ""));
--  }
--# Print the entire prerequisites table
--sub print_prereq_table {
--  printf("%-29s %-28s %-8s\n","Feature","Prerequisites","Install?");
--  printf("%s %s %s\n","-" x 29,"-" x 28,"-" x 8);
--  foreach my $pre (@PREREQS) {
--    my ($feature,$dep,$modules,$default) = @{$pre};
--    print_prereq(@{$pre});
--  }
--  print "--- An asterix '[*]' indicates if the module is currently installed.\n";
- 1;

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