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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/sysutils/webmin Update sysutils/webmin to 1.270. Chan...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 512823:2910955d91cd
user:      jlam <>
date:      Tue May 16 04:01:28 2006 +0000

Update sysutils/webmin to 1.270.  Changes from version 1.170 include:

+ Add a makefile fragment which can be used to create pkgsrc-managed
  Webmin modules.

! Fixed a possible remotely exploitable security hole caused by a bug
  Webmin's use of the Perl syslog function.

* Multiple Webmin users and groups can be deleted at once.
* The Webmin Servers Index module can automatically scan for new servers
  on the local network on a regular schedule.
* The idle automatic logout time can be configured on a per-user basis
  in the Webmin Users and Usermin Configuration modules.
* Increased the speed of Webmin configuration reloads done by the
  Webmin Users and Webmin Configuration module. This also prevents any
  down-time while the config is being re-read.
* Improved the timeout detection in HTTP requests, to reduce the ability
  of incorrect or malicious clients to tie up the Webmin webserver
* Enhanced the Unix User Authentication feature to allow different
  users and group members to be treated as different Webmin users.
* Improved the way the OS is detected at install time, so that new
  versions will be automatically supported.
* Different SSL certificates for virtual IP interfaces can be specified
  in the Webmin and Usermin modules, for sites doing SSL virtual hosting.
* Fixed a nasty bug that could cause configuration file permissions
  and ownership to be changed when they are modified.
* An option has been added in the Webmin Configuration module to enable
  full PAM conversations when logging in. This is necessary for systems
  on which PAM asks for more than just a username and password.
* All modules now use a new API for writing to configuration files,
  which ensures that the file does not get written to or truncated if
  the system is out of disk space.
* Added a button to the Webmin Actions Log module for rolling back
  configuration files to before an action was taken.
* Password timeouts are now enabled by default, to prevent brute-force
  password guessing attacks.


 sysutils/webmin/DEINSTALL          |    14 +-
 sysutils/webmin/MESSAGE            |    16 -
 sysutils/webmin/Makefile           |   111 +-
 sysutils/webmin/PLIST              |  1524 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 sysutils/webmin/distinfo           |    11 +-
 sysutils/webmin/files/ |    28 +
 sysutils/webmin/files/    |    19 +-
 sysutils/webmin/patches/patch-aa   |   143 ++-
 sysutils/webmin/patches/patch-ab   |   112 --
 sysutils/webmin/             |    46 +
 10 files changed, 1787 insertions(+), 237 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 2123 to 300 lines):

diff -r bf47f5a44849 -r 2910955d91cd sysutils/webmin/DEINSTALL
--- a/sysutils/webmin/DEINSTALL Tue May 16 02:37:06 2006 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/webmin/DEINSTALL Tue May 16 04:01:28 2006 +0000
@@ -1,17 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: DEINSTALL,v 1.3 2005/01/23 04:36:27 jlam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: DEINSTALL,v 1.4 2006/05/16 04:01:28 jlam Exp $
 case ${STAGE} in
-       uninstall="${WEBMIN_ETCDIR}/"
-       if [ -x "${uninstall}" ]; then
-               ${ECHO} "y" | ${uninstall}
-       fi
-       ;;
-       ${RM} -rf ${WEBMIN_DIR}
+       ${RM} -f @PKG_SYSCONFDIR@/module.infos.cache
diff -r bf47f5a44849 -r 2910955d91cd sysutils/webmin/MESSAGE
--- a/sysutils/webmin/MESSAGE   Tue May 16 02:37:06 2006 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.2 2004/07/23 19:33:16 jlam Exp $
-To configure Webmin for the first time or to upgrade, you will need to
-run the following command as ${ROOT_USER}:
-       ${WEBMIN_DIR}/
-If you are configuring Webmin for the first time, then you can safely
-accept all of the defaults for options prompted by the setup script.
-This is a minimal installation of Webmin.  You will want to install
-Webmin modules from within Webmin itself for the systems and services
-you wish to administer.
diff -r bf47f5a44849 -r 2910955d91cd sysutils/webmin/Makefile
--- a/sysutils/webmin/Makefile  Tue May 16 02:37:06 2006 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/webmin/Makefile  Tue May 16 04:01:28 2006 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.13 2006/03/14 16:00:42 jlam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.14 2006/05/16 04:01:28 jlam Exp $
-DISTNAME=      webmin-1.170-minimal
+DISTNAME=      webmin-1.270-minimal
 PKGNAME=       ${DISTNAME:S/-minimal$//}
 CATEGORIES=    sysutils www
@@ -17,60 +16,82 @@
 NO_BUILD=      yes
 USE_TOOLS+=    perl:run
-REPLACE_PERL+= *.cgi */*.cgi *.pl */*.pl
-WEBMIN_SUBDIR=         share/webmin
-WEBMIN_ETCDIR?=                ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/webmin
-WEBMIN_LOGDIR?=                ${VARBASE}/log/webmin
+WEBMIN_DIR=            ${PREFIX}/share/webmin
+WEBMIN_EGDIR=          ${PREFIX}/share/examples/webmin
+WEBMIN_VARDIR=         ${VARBASE}/webmin
+.for _file_ in         config install-dir perl-path var-path version
+CONF_FILES+=           ${WEBMIN_EGDIR}/${_file_} ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/${_file_}
+.for _module_ in       acl cron init inittab man proc servers webmin   \
+                       webminlog
+OWN_DIRS_PERMS+=       ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/${_module_}                   \
+                       ${ROOT_USER} ${ROOT_GROUP} 0700
+CONF_FILES_PERMS+=     ${WEBMIN_EGDIR}/${_module_}/config              \
+                       ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/${_module_}/config            \
+                       ${ROOT_USER} ${ROOT_GROUP} 0600
+.for _file_ in         miniserv.pem
+CONF_FILES_PERMS+=     ${WEBMIN_DIR}/${_file_} ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/${_file_} \
+                       ${ROOT_USER} ${ROOT_GROUP} 0600
+.for _file_ in         miniserv.conf miniserv.users webmin.acl
+CONF_FILES_PERMS+=     ${WEBMIN_EGDIR}/${_file_} ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/${_file_} \
+                       ${ROOT_USER} ${ROOT_GROUP} 0600
+.for _file_ in         reload restart start stop
+CONF_FILES_PERMS+=     ${WEBMIN_EGDIR}/${_file_} ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/${_file_} \
+                       ${ROOT_USER} ${ROOT_GROUP} 0755
 RCD_SCRIPTS=           webmin
-OWN_DIRS=              ${WEBMIN_LOGDIR}
-# Dynamically generate the Webmin PLIST from the installed files.
-       ( cd ${PREFIX}; ${FIND} ${WEBMIN_SUBDIR} \! -type d -print )    \
-       | ${SORT} -u
-       ( cd ${PREFIX}; ${FIND} ${WEBMIN_SUBDIR} -type d -print )       \
-       | ${SED} -e "s,^,@unexec ${RMDIR} -p %D/,"                      \
-                -e "s,\$$, 2>/dev/null || ${TRUE},"                    \
-       | ${SORT} -ur
+.include "../../security/openssl/"
-       for file in ${WRKSRC}/; do                              \
-               ${SED}  -e "s|/etc/webmin|${WEBMIN_ETCDIR}|g"           \
-                       -e "s|/var/webmin|${WEBMIN_LOGDIR}|g"           \
-                       -e "s|/usr/bin/perl|${PERL5}|g"                 \
-                       -e "/chown.*root/s|root|${ROOT_USER}|g"         \
-                       -e "/chgrp.*bin/s|bin|${ROOT_GROUP}|g"          \
-                       $$file > $$;                            \
-               if [ -x $$file ]; then                                  \
-                       ${CHMOD} +x $$;                         \
-               fi;                                                     \
-               ${MV} -f $$ $$file;                             \
+       ${SED}  -e "s,@WEBMIN_EGDIR@,${WEBMIN_EGDIR},g"                 \
+               -e "s,@WEBMIN_VARDIR@,${WEBMIN_VARDIR},g"               \
+               -e "s,@PERL5@,"${PERL5:Q}",g"                           \
+               ${FILESDIR}/ > ${WRKSRC}/
+       cd ${WRKSRC}; for file in acl/config acl/config-*; do           \
+               ${SED} -e "s,^ssleay=.*,ssleay=${SSLBASE}/bin/openssl," \
+                       "$$file" > "$$";                        \
+               ${MV} -f "$$" "$$file";                         \
-       case "${USE_BUILTIN.openssl}" in                                \
-       [nN][oO])                                                       \
-               for file in ${WRKSRC}/acl/config ${WRKSRC}/acl/config-*; do \
-                       ${SED}  -e "s|^ssleay=.*|ssleay=${SSLBASE}/bin/openssl|" \
-                               $$file > $$;                    \
-                       ${MV} -f $$ $$file;                     \
-               done;                                                   \
-               ;;                                                      \
-       esac
        ${FIND} ${WRKSRC} -name "*.orig" -print | ${XARGS} ${RM} -f
+# Fix up the path to the config directory in the installed example config
+# files.
-       ${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/* ${WEBMIN_DIR}
+       ${SH} ${WRKSRC}/ ${WEBMIN_DIR}
+       ${SED}  -e "/^env_WEBMIN_CONFIG=/s,${WEBMIN_EGDIR},${WEBMIN_ETCDIR}," \
+               -e "/^logout=/s,${WEBMIN_EGDIR},${WEBMIN_ETCDIR},"      \
+               -e "/^userfile=/s,${WEBMIN_EGDIR},${WEBMIN_ETCDIR},"    \
+               -e "/^keyfile=/s,${WEBMIN_EGDIR},${WEBMIN_ETCDIR},"     \
+               ${WEBMIN_EGDIR}/miniserv.conf > ${WRKDIR}/miniserv.conf
+       for file in reload start stop; do                               \
+               ${SED}  -e "s,${WEBMIN_EGDIR}/miniserv.conf,${WEBMIN_ETCDIR}/miniserv.conf," \
+                       ${WEBMIN_EGDIR}/$$file > ${WRKDIR}/$$file;      \
+       done
+       cd ${WEBMIN_EGDIR} && ${RM} -f miniserv.conf reload start stop
+       for file in miniserv.conf; do                                   \
+               ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/$$file ${WEBMIN_EGDIR}/$$file; \
+               ${RM} -f ${WRKDIR}/$$file;                              \
+       done
+       for file in reload start stop; do                               \
+               ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/$$file ${WEBMIN_EGDIR}/$$file; \
+               ${RM} -f ${WRKDIR}/$$file;                              \
+       done
+       ${RM} -f ${WEBMIN_EGDIR}/miniserv.pem ${WEBMIN_EGDIR}/module.infos.cache
+       cd ${WEBMIN_DIR} && ${CHMOD} 0400
-.include "../../security/openssl/"
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r bf47f5a44849 -r 2910955d91cd sysutils/webmin/PLIST
--- a/sysutils/webmin/PLIST     Tue May 16 02:37:06 2006 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/webmin/PLIST     Tue May 16 04:01:28 2006 +0000
@@ -1,2 +1,1524 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.2 2005/05/02 20:34:06 reed Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.3 2006/05/16 04:01:28 jlam Exp $

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