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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/graphics/aqsis Update to 1.8.1. Changes: 10 years of d...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 603190:5cadbe306a5b
user:      dholland <>
date:      Mon Apr 30 01:59:12 2012 +0000

Update to 1.8.1. Changes: 10 years of development.
Add missing DESTDIR support.

Restriction: so far the GUI parts, which require qt4, are not built
by default, and probably won't build yet if enabled.


 graphics/aqsis/Makefile                                  |  167 +++++++-
 graphics/aqsis/PLIST                                     |  322 ++++++++++----
 graphics/aqsis/distinfo                                  |   26 +-
 graphics/aqsis/                                |   14 +
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-aa                          |   21 -
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-ab                          |   16 -
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-ac                          |   16 -
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-ad                          |  257 -----------
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-ae                          |   10 -
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-af                          |   13 -
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-ag                          |   23 -
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-ah                          |   34 -
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-ai                          |   34 -
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-aj                          |  139 ------
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-ak                          |   13 -
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-al                          |  204 ---------
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-am                          |   13 -
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-an                          |   13 -
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-ao                          |   13 -
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-ap                          |   49 --
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-aq                          |   24 -
 graphics/aqsis/patches/patch-cmake_modules_FindPNG_cmake |   15 +
 22 files changed, 416 insertions(+), 1020 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1544 to 300 lines):

diff -r b5cbfac35d09 -r 5cadbe306a5b graphics/aqsis/Makefile
--- a/graphics/aqsis/Makefile   Sun Apr 29 22:49:31 2012 +0000
+++ b/graphics/aqsis/Makefile   Mon Apr 30 01:59:12 2012 +0000
@@ -1,27 +1,170 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.36 2012/02/06 12:40:16 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.37 2012/04/30 01:59:12 dholland Exp $
-DISTNAME=              aqsis-0.6.4
-PKGREVISION=           9
+DISTNAME=              aqsis-1.8.1
 CATEGORIES=            graphics
 COMMENT=               Renderman clone
-LICENSE=               gnu-gpl-v1
+LICENSE=               gnu-gpl-v2 AND gnu-lgpl-v2.1 AND modified-bsd
+PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT=   user-destdir
+USE_CMAKE=             yes
+USE_LANGUAGES=         c c++
+USE_TOOLS+=            pkg-config flex bison
+# Insists on being built in a separate directory.
+CONFIGURE_DIRS=                build
+CMAKE_ARG_PATH=                ..
+       mkdir ${WRKSRC}/build
-MAKE_JOBS_SAFE=                no
+# Something in cmake issues -ldl regardless of whether it's appropriate.
+# Kludge around it.
+# This does not work; it sets CMAKE_DL_LIBS which the cmake documentation
+# says is where -ldl comes from, but this does not apparently prevent
+# cmake from issuing -ldl.
+.include "../../mk/"
+.if ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD"
+# Forcibly reprogram cmake's rpath substitution.
+BLDIR=         ${WRKDIR}/.buildlink/lib
-GNU_CONFIGURE=         yes
-USE_LIBTOOL=           yes
-USE_TOOLS+=            gmake lex
+SUBST_CLASSES+=                rpath
+SUBST_STAGE.rpath=     post-configure
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/libs/math/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/libs/util/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/libs/riutil/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/libs/slcomp/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/libs/tex/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/libs/shadervm/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/libs/slxargs/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/libs/ri2rib/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/libs/core/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/tools/aqsl/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/tools/aqsltell/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/tools/aqsis/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/tools/miqser/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/tools/teqser/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/tools/displays/exr/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/tools/displays/file/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/tools/displays/piqsl/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/tools/displays/sdcBMP/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/tools/displays/xpm/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_FILES.rpath+=    build/tools/procedurals/hairgen/cmake_install.cmake
+SUBST_SED.rpath=       -e '/OLD_RPATH/s,"::*","${PREFIX}/lib",'
+SUBST_SED.rpath+=      -e '/OLD_RPATH/s,${BLDIR},${PREFIX}/lib,'
+SUBST_SED.rpath+=      -e '/OLD_RPATH/s,:",",'
+SUBST_SED.rpath+=      -e '/NEW_RPATH/s,"${PREFIX}/.*","${PREFIX}/lib",'
+SUBST_MESSAGE.rpath=   Fixing broken rpath mangling.
+# Scripts.
+REPLACE_PYTHON+=       examples/features/occlusion/
+# This script wants to run something called 'hython', which is
+# apparently a Python embedding inside something called Houdini,
+# which appears to be payware. So let's let it slide.
+CHECK_INTERPRETER_SKIP+=       share/aqsis/plugins/houdini/
-GCC_REQD+=             2.95.3
-USE_LANGUAGES=         c c++
+# These are all ostensibly bash scripts but I see no bashisms in any of them.
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/archives/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/bake/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/curves/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/layeredshaders/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/levelofdetail/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/motionblur/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/motionblur/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/multipass/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/objectinstance/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/occlusion/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/pointcloud/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/shadows/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/shadows/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/solidmodeling/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/subdivision/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/features/textures/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/procedurals/menger/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/scenes/fisheye/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/scenes/microbe/
+REPLACE_SH+=   examples/scenes/vase/
+REPLACE_SH+=   tools/neqsus/houdini/
+REPLACE_SH+=   distribution/linux/
+REPLACE_SH+=   distribution/linux/
+REPLACE_SH+=   distribution/linux/
+# Handle the config file.
+# XXX the post-install rule will result in an overwritten config file
+# if using a non-DESTDIR build. However, I can't get it to install the
+# thing anywhere else; the setting cmake documents that ought to move
+# it does not work.
+CONF_FILES+=           share/examples/aqsis/aqsisrc ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/aqsisrc
+INSTALLATION_DIRS+=    share/examples/aqsis
-.include "../../devel/libargparse/"
-.include "../../graphics/Mesa/"
+       mv ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/aqsis/aqsisrc \
+               ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/examples/aqsis/aqsisrc
+       rmdir ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/aqsis || ${TRUE}
+       rmdir ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/etc || ${TRUE}
+# Depends. The package says:
+# CMake (v2.6.3+)
+# Boost (v1.34.1+)
+# libtiff.lib (v3.7.1+)
+# flex (v2.5.4) (2.5.31 causes problems, see FAQ 2.2)
+# bison (v1.35+)
+# Qt (v4.6+) - optional, for framebuffer rendering and other GUI components
+# libzlib (v1.1.4+)
+# libjpeg (v6b+)
+# libilmbase (v1.6+)
+# OpenEXR - if you want to read and write OpenEXR HDR image files
+# and in practice it also needs png.
+# Qt is optional and, for the time being, doesn't work - will need at
+# least PLIST additions.
+# From what I can tell it may react to py-sphinx and/or doxygen by
+# installing more docs or other material. Not sure how to beat on
+# cmake to make sure this doesn't happen.
+.include ""
+.include "../../devel/boost-libs/"
+.include "../../graphics/png/"
 .include "../../graphics/tiff/"
+.include "../../graphics/ilmbase/"
+.include "../../graphics/openexr/"
+.include "../../devel/zlib/"
+.include "../../mk/"
 .include "../../mk/"
+.include "../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/"
+.include "../../lang/python/"
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r b5cbfac35d09 -r 5cadbe306a5b graphics/aqsis/PLIST
--- a/graphics/aqsis/PLIST      Sun Apr 29 22:49:31 2012 +0000
+++ b/graphics/aqsis/PLIST      Mon Apr 30 01:59:12 2012 +0000
@@ -1,99 +1,231 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.3 2009/06/14 17:59:06 joerg Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.4 2012/04/30 01:59:12 dholland Exp $

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