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[pkgsrc/tv-derecurse]: pkgsrc/mk Factor out PLIST generation and handling int...

branches:  tv-derecurse
changeset: 483966:9405fc4838dd
user:      tv <>
date:      Tue Nov 23 17:15:22 2004 +0000

Factor out PLIST generation and handling into its own morsel that's a
little easier to handle and maintain.


 mk/   |  642 +------------------------------------------------------
 mk/ |    9 +-
 mk/     |  659 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 667 insertions(+), 643 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1371 to 300 lines):

diff -r 1bc0f253dddc -r 9405fc4838dd mk/
--- a/mk/     Tue Nov 23 16:50:18 2004 +0000
+++ b/mk/     Tue Nov 23 17:15:22 2004 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#      $NetBSD:,v 1.1540.2.3 2004/11/23 16:50:18 tv Exp $
+#      $NetBSD:,v 1.1540.2.4 2004/11/23 17:15:22 tv Exp $
 # This file is in the public domain.
@@ -1162,25 +1162,7 @@
 ##### PLIST manipulation
-.  if ${PKG_INSTALLATION_TYPE} == "pkgviews"
-# _PLIST_IGNORE_FILES basically mirrors the list of ignored files found
-# in pkg_views(1).  It's used by the dynamic PLIST generator to skip
-# adding the named files to the PLIST.
-_PLIST_IGNORE_FILES=   +*                      # package metadata files
-_PLIST_IGNORE_FILES+=  info/dir
-.    if defined(INFO_DIR) && empty(INFO_DIR:Minfo)
-.    endif
-_PLIST_IGNORE_FILES+=  *[~\#] *.OLD *.orig *,v # scratch config files
-PKG_ARGS_INSTALL+=     -U      # don't update the pkgdb.byfile.db
-PKG_ARGS_BINPKG+=      -E      # create an empty views file in the binpkg
+.  include "../../mk/"
 ##### Make subtargets for non-su portion of "install".
@@ -2745,253 +2727,6 @@
 delete-package: delete-package-links
        ${_PKG_SILENT}${_PKG_DEBUG}${RM} -f ${PKGFILE}
-# Do handling of shared libs for two cases:
-# SHLIB_PLIST_MODE=1: when first called via the ${PLIST} target,
-#                     update the PLIST to contain ELF symlink, run
-#                     ldconfig on a.out,  etc. (used when called via
-#                     the ${PLIST} target). Will update ${PLIST}.
-# SHLIB_PLIST_MODE=0: when called via the real-su-install target,
-#                     actually generate symlinks for ELF, run ldconfig
-#                     for a.out, etc. Will not modify ${PLIST}.
-# XXX This target could need some cleanup after it was ripped out of
-#     real-su-install
-_AOUT_AWK = \
-       BEGIN { linkc = 1 }                     \
-       /^@/ { lines[NR] = $$0; next }          \
-       function libtool_release(lib) {         \
-               if (gsub("-[^-]+\\.so\\.", ".so.", lib)) { \
-                       if (system("${TEST} -h ${PREFIX}/" lib) == 0) { \
-                               rels[NR] = lib; \
-                       }                       \
-               }                               \
-       }                                       \
-       /.*\/lib[^\/]+\.so\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$$/ { \
-               libtool_release($$0);           \
-               lines[NR] = $$0;                \
-               sub("\\.[0-9]+$$", "");         \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               sub("\\.[0-9]+$$", "");         \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               sub("\\.[0-9]+$$", "");         \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               if (sub("-[^-]+\\.so$$", ".so")) { \
-                       links[linkc++] = $$0;   \
-               }                               \
-               next                            \
-       }                                       \
-       /.*\/lib[^\/]+\.so\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$$/ { \
-               libtool_release($$0);           \
-               lines[NR] = $$0;                \
-               sub("\\.[0-9]+$$", "");         \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               sub("\\.[0-9]+$$", "");         \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               if (sub("-[^-]+\\.so$$", ".so")) { \
-                       links[linkc++] = $$0;   \
-               }                               \
-               next                            \
-       }                                       \
-       { lines[NR] = $$0 }                     \
-       END {                                   \
-               for (i = 0 ; i <= linkc ; i++)  \
-                       for (j = 1 ; j < NR ; j++) \
-                               if (lines[j] == links[i]) \
-                                       lines[j] = "@comment " lines[j]; \
-               if (${SHLIB_PLIST_MODE})        \
-                       for (i = 1 ; i <= NR ; i++) { \
-                               print lines[i]; \
-                               if (rels[i] != "") \
-                                       print rels[i]; \
-                       }                       \
-       }
-       /^@/ { lines[NR] = $$0; next }          \
-               function libtool_release(lib) {         \
-               if (gsub("\\.so\\.", ".", lib) || gsub("\\.so$$", "", lib)) { \
-                       lib = lib ".dylib"; \
-                       if (system("${TEST} -h ${PREFIX}/" lib) == 0) { \
-                               rels[NR] = lib; \
-                       }                       \
-               }                               \
-       }                                       \
-       /.*\/lib[^\/]+\.so\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$$/ { \
-               libtool_release($$0);           \
-               lines[NR] = $$0;                \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               sub("\\.[0-9]+$$", "");         \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               sub("\\.[0-9]+$$", "");         \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               sub("\\.[0-9]+$$", "");         \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               if (sub("-[^-]+\\.so$$", ".so")) { \
-                       links[linkc++] = $$0;   \
-               }                               \
-               next                            \
-       }                                       \
-       /.*\/lib[^\/]+\.so\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$$/ { \
-               libtool_release($$0);           \
-               lines[NR] = $$0;                \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               sub("\\.[0-9]+$$", "");         \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               sub("\\.[0-9]+$$", "");         \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               if (sub("-[^-]+\\.so$$", ".so")) { \
-                       links[linkc++] = $$0;   \
-               }                               \
-               next                            \
-       }                                       \
-       /.*\/lib[^\/]+\.so\.[0-9]+$$/ {         \
-               libtool_release($$0);           \
-               lines[NR] = $$0;                \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               sub("\\.[0-9]+$$", "");         \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               if (sub("-[^-]+\\.so$$", ".so")) { \
-                       links[linkc++] = $$0;   \
-               }                               \
-               next                            \
-       }                                       \
-       /.*\/lib[^\/]+\.so$$/ {                 \
-               lines[NR] = $$0;                \
-               if (system("${TEST} -f ${PREFIX}/" $$0) == 0) { \
-                       next;                   \
-               }                               \
-               libtool_release($$0);           \
-               links[linkc++] = $$0;           \
-               if (sub("-[^-]+\\.so$$", ".so")) { \
-                       links[linkc++] = $$0;   \
-               }                               \
-               next                            \
-       }                                       \
-       { lines[NR] = $$0 }                     \
-       END {                                   \
-               for (i = 0 ; i <= linkc ; i++)  \
-                       for (j = 1 ; j <= NR ; j++) \
-                               if (lines[j] == links[i]) \
-                                       lines[j] = "@comment " lines[j]; \
-               if (${SHLIB_PLIST_MODE})        \
-                       for (i = 1 ; i <= NR ; i++) { \
-                               print lines[i]; \
-                               if (rels[i] != "") { \
-                                       print rels[i]; \
-                                       cmd = "${LS} -l ${PREFIX}/" rels[i]; \
-                                       cmd | getline tgt; \
-                                       close(cmd); \
-                                       gsub(".* ", "", tgt); \
-                                       if (tgts[tgt] == "") { \
-                                               tgts[tgt] = tgt; \
-                                               if (index(tgt, "/") == 1) \
-                                                       print tgt; \
-                                               else { \
-                                                       prefix=""; \
-                                                       if (match(rels[i], ".*/") != 0) \
-                                                               prefix=substr(rels[i],1,RLENGTH); \
-                                                       print prefix tgt; \
-                                               } \
-                                       }       \
-                               }               \
-                       }                       \
-       }
-# Turn lib*.so.*, lib*.so into lib*.a.  Drop duplicates.
-       /^@/ { lines[NR] = $$0; next }          \
-       /.*\/lib[^\/]+\.so(\.[0-9]+)*$$/ {      \
-               sub("(\\.[0-9]+)*$$", "");      \
-               sub("\\.so$$", ".a");           \
-               lines[NR] = $$0;                \
-               next                            \
-       }                                       \
-       { lines[NR] = $$0 }                     \
-       END {                                   \
-               nlibs = 0;                      \
-               for (i = 1; i <= NR; i++) {     \
-                       for (j = 0; j < nlibs; j++) { \
-                               if (libs[j] == lines[i]) \
-                                       break;  \
-                       }                       \
-                       if (j >= nlibs)         \
-                               print lines[i]; \
-                       if (match(lines[i], ".*/lib[^/]+\\.a$$")) { \
-                               libs[nlibs] = lines[i]; \
-                               nlibs++;        \
-                       }                       \
-               }                               \
-       }
-.PHONY: do-shlib-handling
-       ${_PKG_SILENT}${_PKG_DEBUG}                                     \
-       sos=`${EGREP} -h '^.*/lib[^/]+\.so$$' ${PLIST} || ${TRUE}`;     \
-       if [ "$$sos" != "" ]; then                                      \
-               shlib_type=`${_GET_SHLIB_TYPE}`;                        \
-               if [ "${SHLIB_PLIST_MODE}" = "0" ]; then                \
-                       ${ECHO_MSG} "${_PKGSRC_IN}> [Automatic $$shlib_type shared object handling]"; \
-               fi;                                                     \
-               case "$$shlib_type" in                                  \
-               ELF)    ;;                                              \
-               "a.out")                                                \
-                       ${AWK} '${_AOUT_AWK}' <${PLIST} >${PLIST}.tmp ; \
-                       if [ "${SHLIB_PLIST_MODE}" = "1" ]; then        \
-                               ${MV} ${PLIST}.tmp ${PLIST};            \
-                       else                                            \
-                               ${RM} ${PLIST}.tmp ;                    \
-                       fi ;                                            \
-                       cnt=`${EGREP} -c '^@exec[       ]*${LDCONFIG}$$' ${PLIST} || ${TRUE}`; \
-                       if [ "${SHLIB_PLIST_MODE}" = "1" ]; then        \
-                               if [ $$cnt -eq 0 ]; then                \
-                                       ${ECHO} "@exec ${LDCONFIG}" >> ${PLIST}; \
-                                       ${ECHO} "@unexec ${LDCONFIG}" >> ${PLIST}; \
-                               fi                                      \
-                       fi;                                             \
-                       if [ "${SHLIB_PLIST_MODE}" = "0" ]; then        \
-                               if [ "${PKG_VERBOSE}" != "" ]; then     \
-                                       ${ECHO_MSG} "$$sos";            \
-                                       ${ECHO_MSG} "Running ${LDCONFIG}"; \
-                               fi;                                     \
-                               ${LDCONFIG} || ${TRUE};                 \
-                       fi                                              \
-                       ;;                                              \
-               "dylib")                                                \
-                       ${AWK} '${_DYLIB_AWK}' <${PLIST} >${PLIST}.tmp && \
-                       if [ "${SHLIB_PLIST_MODE}" = "1" ]; then        \
-                               ${MV} ${PLIST}.tmp ${PLIST};            \
-                       else                                            \
-                               ${RM} ${PLIST}.tmp ;                    \
-                       fi ;                                            \
-                       ;;                                              \
-               "aixlib")                                               \
-                       ${AWK} '${_AIXLIB_AWK}' <${PLIST} >${PLIST}.tmp && \
-                       ${MV} ${PLIST}.tmp ${PLIST};                    \
-                       ;;                                              \
-               "*")                                                    \
-                       if [ "${SHLIB_PLIST_MODE}" = "0" ]; then        \
-                               ${ECHO_MSG} "No shared libraries for ${MACHINE_ARCH}"; \
-                       fi ;                                            \
-                       if [ "${SHLIB_PLIST_MODE}" = "1" ]; then        \
-                               for so in $$sos; do                     \
-                                       if [ X"${PKG_VERBOSE}" != X"" ]; then \
-                                               ${ECHO_MSG} >&2 "Ignoring $$so"; \
-                                       fi;                             \
-                                       ${SED} -e "s;^$$so$$;@comment No shared objects - &;" \
-                                               ${PLIST} >${PLIST}.tmp && ${MV} ${PLIST}.tmp ${PLIST};  \
-                               done;                                   \
-                       fi ;                                            \
-                       ;;                                              \
-               esac;                                                   \
-       fi
-.endif # SHLIB_HANDLING == "YES"
 # Check if all binaries and shlibs find their needed libs
 # Must be run after "make install", so that files are installed, and
 # ${PLIST} exists.
@@ -3033,40 +2768,6 @@
-# Macro to print out the actual shared library type.
-.if defined(USE_LANGUAGES) && !empty(USE_LANGUAGES)
-.  if ${_OPSYS_SHLIB_TYPE} == "ELF/a.out"
-.    if (${OBJECT_FMT} == "ELF" || ${OBJECT_FMT} == "a.out")
-_GET_SHLIB_TYPE=       ${ECHO} '${OBJECT_FMT}' # speedup if already known

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