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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/devel/p5-IO-Compress Updating package in devel/p5-IO-C...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 598838:26fff1d58337
user:      sno <>
date:      Tue Jan 31 08:12:26 2012 +0000

Updating package in devel/p5-IO-Compress for CPAN distribution IO-Compress
from 2.040 to 2.048.

Upstream changes:
  2.048 29 January 2012
      * Set minimum zlib version to 1.2.0

      * IO::Compress test suite fails with Compress::Raw::Zlib 2.047 and zlib < 1.2.4
        [RT# 74503]

  2.047 28 January 2012
      * Set minimum Perl version to 5.6

      * IO::Compress::Zip
        - In one-shot zip, set the Text Flag if "-T" thinks the file is a
          text file.
        - In one-shot mode, wrote mod time & access time in wrong order
          in the "UT" extended field.

  2.046 18 December 2011
      * Minor update to bin/zipdetails

      * Typo in name of IO::Compress::FAQ.pod

      * IO::Uncompress::Unzip
        - Example for walking a zip file used eof to control the outer
          loop. This is wrong.

      * IO::Compress::Zip
        - Change default for CanonicalName to false.
          [RT# 72974]

  2.045 3 December 2011
      * Restructured IO::Compress::FAQ.pod

  2.044 2 December 2011
      * Moved FAQ.pod under the lib directory so it can get installed

      * Added bin/zipdetails

      * IO::Compress::Zip
        - In one-shot mode enable Zip64 mode if the input file/buffer
          >= 0xFFFFFFFF bytes.

      * IO::Compress::FAQ
        - Updates

  2.043 20 November 2011
      * IO::Compress::Base
        - Fixed issue that with handling of Zip files with two (or more)
          entries that were STORED. Symptom is the first is uncompressed
          ok, but the next will terminate early if the size of the file is
          greater than BlockSize.
          Regression test added to t/006zip.t
          [RT# 72548]

  2.042 17 November 2011
      * IO::Compress::Zip
        - Added exUnixN option to allow creation of the "ux" extra field.
          This allows 32-bit UID/GID to be stored.
        - In one-shot mode use exUnixN rather than exUnix2 for the UID/GID.

      * IO::Compress::Zlib::Extra::parseExtraField
        - Fixed bad test for length of ID field
          [RT# 72329 & #72505]


 devel/p5-IO-Compress/Makefile |  4 ++--
 devel/p5-IO-Compress/distinfo |  8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diffs (25 lines):

diff -r 902cdbeada51 -r 26fff1d58337 devel/p5-IO-Compress/Makefile
--- a/devel/p5-IO-Compress/Makefile     Tue Jan 31 08:07:59 2012 +0000
+++ b/devel/p5-IO-Compress/Makefile     Tue Jan 31 08:12:26 2012 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2011/11/11 11:10:42 sno Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.16 2012/01/31 08:12:26 sno Exp $
-DISTNAME=      IO-Compress-2.040
+DISTNAME=      IO-Compress-2.048
 PKGNAME=       p5-${DISTNAME}
 SVR4_PKGNAME=  p5icb
 CATEGORIES=    devel perl5
diff -r 902cdbeada51 -r 26fff1d58337 devel/p5-IO-Compress/distinfo
--- a/devel/p5-IO-Compress/distinfo     Tue Jan 31 08:07:59 2012 +0000
+++ b/devel/p5-IO-Compress/distinfo     Tue Jan 31 08:12:26 2012 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.11 2011/11/11 11:10:42 sno Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.12 2012/01/31 08:12:26 sno Exp $
-SHA1 (IO-Compress-2.040.tar.gz) = 0178db4bd843cc61c991bb273d134b56ab78149e
-RMD160 (IO-Compress-2.040.tar.gz) = 9bcb94d33259778ada88a4ace12d2dda609e1e17
-Size (IO-Compress-2.040.tar.gz) = 221162 bytes
+SHA1 (IO-Compress-2.048.tar.gz) = 080cf952c2bf7cca36803361b61bca82e968a2d1
+RMD160 (IO-Compress-2.048.tar.gz) = 05c37e290f2cd681b5b50e0b2080ccddfe667845
+Size (IO-Compress-2.048.tar.gz) = 236662 bytes

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