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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/audio/gimmix Update gimmx to
branches: trunk
changeset: 559775:fb26aa53b0dc
user: obache <>
date: Sat May 30 01:33:11 2009 +0000
Update gimmx to
Version (February 07, 2009)
* Fix location of libmpd headers in gimmix.h [thanks to Qball]
* Check for libmpd>=0.17.0 in configure script [thanks to Qball]
* Set default cover when gimmix starts.
Version 0.5.6 (February 07, 2009)
* Gimmix requires libmpd version to be atleast 0.17.0 or higher
* Fixed lots of crashes/lockups due to cover/lyrics plugins.
* Tag editing support is now optional.
* Revamped tag editor and now it also shows album cover.
* Speed improvements and fixed some memory leaks.
* Added Swedish translation (Thanks to Niklas Grahn)
Version 0.5.5 (January 02, 2009)
* Bug #313023: Fix missing entries in POTFILES
* Bug #313018: gimmix.desktop contains encoding key (which is deprecated)
Version 0.5.4 (January 01, 2009)
* Bug #307527: Fix missing prototypes in some headers (patch from Christoph Mende)
* Added support for columns in Current playlist
* Fixed a bug where newly fetched lyrics were sometimes stored at odd locations
* LOTS of memory leaks fixed
* Fixed some crashes due to cover/lyrics plugins
Version 0.5.3 (December 12, 2008)
* Bug #293908: Segfaults when disabling coverart plugin
* Bug #305662: Segfault with accents and long filename
* Added support for manually setting cover images from files
* Added support for connection through proxy servers
* Fixed random crashes because of cover and lyrics plugins
Version 0.5.2 (October 11, 2008)
* Improved connection handling and fixed almost all crashes
* Fix random crashes occurring because of cover and lyrics plugins
* Fixed a bug that caused Gimmix to freeze sometimes when the user clicked "Get Lyrics" button
* Interface enhancement: Player control buttons made borderless
* Fixed delays/problems while updating song info when user updates an ID3 tag
* Wejpconfig updated to 20061102
* Previously Gimmix could handle only 128 covers in the database. This is now fixed.
* Fixed a crash when saving newly fetched album covers whose album name(s) contained trailing whitespaces
* The system tray tooltip is too close to the panel. make it display a little away from the panel.
Version 0.5.1 (October 02, 2008)
* Gimmix is now compatible with libmpd >= v0.16.0
* Improved cover art search function
* Numerous crash fixes
* Cover and Lyrics plugins are now enabled by default. use --disable-lyrics and --disable-cover to
disable them.
* Gimmix now continues to run even if mpd is not running. Users can reconnect to mpd from Gimmix by
clicking the "Connect" button
* Fixed a bug where "Germany" was not being displayed in cover art location in preferences
* Minor tweaks
Version 0.5.0 (September 26, 2008) Happy 2nd Birthday GIMMIX! \o/
* Bug #234739: Progress bar shows garbage next to time (in case of songs of length over 99 minutes)
* Bug #253140: Gimmix sometimes displays "assertion `percentage >= 0 && percentage <= 1.0' failed"
* Bug #263975: Window becomes too large if the song title is very long. This bug also fixes an issue
where strange trailing whitespaces appearead in the song title when the user modified the ID3 tag
information of a song.
* Added support for command-line arguments using getopt. (currently only --version)
* Added German translation (Thanks to Martin Stromberger)
* Added support for fetching Lyrics from
* Added support for fetching Album cover art from
* Added support for changing audio output device in Preferences
* Some user interface enhancements
audio/gimmix/Makefile | 18 +++++++++++++++---
audio/gimmix/PLIST | 6 +++++-
audio/gimmix/distinfo | 9 ++++-----
3 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diffs (72 lines):
diff -r 7ed333c8016b -r fb26aa53b0dc audio/gimmix/Makefile
--- a/audio/gimmix/Makefile Sat May 30 01:32:50 2009 +0000
+++ b/audio/gimmix/Makefile Sat May 30 01:33:11 2009 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2008/07/30 10:57:25 drochner Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2009/05/30 01:33:11 obache Exp $
-DISTNAME= gimmix-0.4.3
+DISTNAME= gimmix-
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
@@ -14,12 +14,24 @@
-USE_TOOLS+= intltool msgfmt pkg-config
+USE_TOOLS+= intltool gmake msgfmt pkg-config
USE_DIRS+= xdg-1.1
+# fixes broken symbolic link to /usr/share/intltool/
+ rm -f ${WRKSRC}/po/
+ ln -s ${TOOLS_PREFIX.intltool:Q}/share/intltool/ \
+ ${WRKSRC}/po/
.include "../../x11/gtk2/"
+BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.libmpd+= libmpd>=0.17.0
.include "../../audio/libmpd/"
+BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.libglade+= libglade>=2.6
.include "../../devel/libglade/"
+BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.taglib+= taglib>=1.4
.include "../../audio/taglib/"
.include "../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/"
+.include "../../textproc/libnxml/"
+.include "../../www/curl/"
.include "../../mk/"
diff -r 7ed333c8016b -r fb26aa53b0dc audio/gimmix/PLIST
--- a/audio/gimmix/PLIST Sat May 30 01:32:50 2009 +0000
+++ b/audio/gimmix/PLIST Sat May 30 01:33:11 2009 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 2008/05/09 16:58:32 drochner Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.2 2009/05/30 01:33:11 obache Exp $
diff -r 7ed333c8016b -r fb26aa53b0dc audio/gimmix/distinfo
--- a/audio/gimmix/distinfo Sat May 30 01:32:50 2009 +0000
+++ b/audio/gimmix/distinfo Sat May 30 01:33:11 2009 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2008/07/30 10:57:25 drochner Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2009/05/30 01:33:11 obache Exp $
-SHA1 (gimmix-0.4.3.tar.bz2) = fa3d3780ef5a2f2fa110b12383625f107436a0c7
-RMD160 (gimmix-0.4.3.tar.bz2) = 872a99cc874432d113a05a3f5feff2237bde9127
-Size (gimmix-0.4.3.tar.bz2) = 526910 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-aa) = 923de2b4fa12819b9ae632ea53f41aaa48334a08
+SHA1 (gimmix- = 3f9761a65745776d4cd4188756d26500ef6a1f1a
+RMD160 (gimmix- = 549eabe9111510907212a6d2eb8ae801bc9e2a1a
+Size (gimmix- = 338447 bytes
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