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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/sysutils/gamin/patches Forgot to cvs add this patch.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 556273:cd565599c096
user:      jmcneill <>
date:      Wed Mar 18 14:44:38 2009 +0000

Forgot to cvs add this patch.


 sysutils/gamin/patches/patch-ag |  139 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 139 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (143 lines):

diff -r c0f8f0b81f49 -r cd565599c096 sysutils/gamin/patches/patch-ag
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysutils/gamin/patches/patch-ag   Wed Mar 18 14:44:38 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ag,v 1.1 2009/03/18 14:44:38 jmcneill Exp $
+--- server/gam_fs.c.orig       2008-11-12 15:45:28.000000000 -0500
++++ server/gam_fs.c
+@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
+ #include "gam_error.h"
+ #include "gam_fs.h"
++#if defined(__NetBSD__)
++#include <sys/statvfs.h>
+ typedef struct _gam_fs_properties {
+@@ -21,12 +25,16 @@ typedef struct _gam_fs_properties {
+ typedef struct _gam_fs {
+       char *path;
+       char *fsname;
++      guint64 flags;
+ } gam_fs;
+ static gboolean initialized = FALSE;
++#if defined(__NetBSD__)
++static gboolean initializing = FALSE;
+ static GList *filesystems = NULL;
+ static GList *fs_props = NULL;
+-static struct stat mtab_sbuf;
++static struct stat mtab_sbuf, hal_mtab_sbuf;
+ static void
+ gam_fs_free_filesystems (void)
+@@ -110,6 +118,7 @@ gam_fs_filesystem_sort_cb (gconstpointer
+       return strlen(fsb->path) - strlen (fsa->path);
+ }
++#if defined(__linux__)
+ static void
+ gam_fs_scan_mtab (void)
+ {
+@@ -165,10 +174,40 @@ gam_fs_scan_mtab (void)
+       gam_fs_free_filesystems ();
+       filesystems = g_list_sort (new_filesystems, gam_fs_filesystem_sort_cb);
+ }
++#if defined(__NetBSD__)
++static void
++gam_fs_getmntinfo (void)
++      struct statvfs *stat;
++      GList *new_filesystems = NULL;
++      gam_fs *fs = NULL;
++      int i, n;
++      n = getmntinfo(&stat, MNT_NOWAIT);
++      if (n == -1)
++              return;
++      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
++      {
++              fs = g_new0 (gam_fs, 1);
++              fs->path = g_strdup (stat[i].f_mntonname);
++              fs->fsname = g_strdup (stat[i].f_fstypename);
++              fs->flags = stat[i].f_flag;
++              new_filesystems = g_list_prepend (new_filesystems, fs);
++      }
++      gam_fs_free_filesystems ();
++      filesystems = g_list_sort (new_filesystems, gam_fs_filesystem_sort_cb);
+ void
+ gam_fs_init (void)
+ {
++#if defined(__linux__)
+       if (initialized == FALSE)
+       {
+               initialized = TRUE;
+@@ -199,6 +238,56 @@ gam_fs_init (void)
+               mtab_sbuf = sbuf;
+       }
++#elif defined(__NetBSD__)
++      if (initialized == FALSE && initializing == FALSE)
++      {
++              GList *iterator = NULL;
++              GHashTable *fs_hash = NULL;
++              gam_fs *fs = NULL;
++              initialized = initializing = TRUE;
++              gam_fs_getmntinfo ();
++              iterator = filesystems;
++              fs_hash = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);
++              while (iterator) {
++                      fs = iterator->data;
++                      if (!g_hash_table_lookup (fs_hash, fs->fsname)) {
++                              if (fs->flags & MNT_LOCAL)
++                                      gam_fs_set (fs->fsname, GFS_MT_DEFAULT, 0);
++                              else
++                                      gam_fs_set (fs->fsname, GFS_MT_POLL, 5);
++                              g_hash_table_insert (fs_hash, g_strdup (fs->fsname), GINT_TO_POINTER (1));
++                      }
++                      iterator = g_list_next (iterator);
++              }
++              g_hash_table_destroy (fs_hash);
++              initializing = FALSE;
++      } else if (initializing == FALSE) {
++              struct stat sbuf;
++              gboolean need_update = FALSE;
++              if (stat ("/etc/fstab", &sbuf) == 0)
++                      if (sbuf.st_mtime != mtab_sbuf.st_mtime) {
++                              mtab_sbuf = sbuf;
++                              need_update = TRUE;
++                      }
++              if (stat ("/media/.hal-mtab", &sbuf) == 0)
++                      if (sbuf.st_mtime != hal_mtab_sbuf.st_mtime) {
++                              hal_mtab_sbuf = sbuf;
++                              need_update = TRUE;
++                      }
++              if (need_update == TRUE)
++                      gam_fs_getmntinfo ();
++      }
+ }
+ gam_fs_mon_type

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