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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/games/singularity Update to 0.27:

branches:  trunk
changeset: 541450:9cac510149bf
user:      wiz <>
date:      Tue Apr 22 20:55:37 2008 +0000

Update to 0.27:

v0.27 (release 2008.04.17):

- Display the actual discovery percentage when preparing to build a base.
  (Brian, Phil)
- Minor text cleanups. (Phil)
* Support events that can happen throughout the course of the game, changing
  things in interesting ways. (Brian, Phil)
* A number of new items and technologies to ease gameplay. (Brian, tweaks
  by Phil and emh)
- Building new machines informs you how much CPU capacity you will receive
  from the new systems. (Brian, Phil for suggestion)
- Idle bases are harder to discover. (Brian)
- Allow keys to be repeated when held down. (Brian, emh for suggestion)
- Fix the constant "CPU complete" dialogs when low on money. (Brian, numerous
  people for suggestion)
- Added research item for construction. Still needs actual implementation.
  Weird time code is blocking. (Brian, ? for suggestion)
- Return to base menu when exiting base screens rather than returning to map.
  (Brian, emh and Max McCracken for suggestion)
- Implemented Security and Reactor values obtained from data files. (Brian)
- Implemented "Destroy" feature from base list (Brian, Max McCracken and emh
  for suggestion)
- When building, items are sorted by their cost to make picking the best one
  easier. (Phil, Gustav Bertram for suggestion)
- Keep the game from crashing when it cannot create a 'music/' directory.
  (Phil, Andrew McMillan for report)
- Added checks to avoid key error crashes related to unfinished Construction
  code. (Brian)
- Added check to avoid crash when hitting 'Destroy' button in an empty base
  list. (Brian)
- Preferences have moved to 'prefs.dat', and now follow the standard Python
  ConfigParser format. (Phil)
- Added difficulty choice dialog handled by pgu. (Brian)
- Increased robustness across the board; E:S should be harder to crash.
- Various strings shortened to fit dialogs. (Phil, Joey Hess for suggestion)
- Fixed bug that kept music from playing. (Phil, Brian Warner for suggestion)
- Keep running if the mixer can't load. (Phil, Rafal Czlonka for bug report)
- Fix up the handling of music paths. (Phil)
- Added support for win and losegame music. (emh)
* Three new tracks, 'Deprecation', 'Awakening,' and 'Inevitable,' including
  the Psycle source! (Max McCracken)
- Research screen will no longer assign an extra base to research. (emh,
  blog... for report)
- When naming base, text will take up the entire box. (emh, blog... for report)
- Fixed a potential crash with display_base_list self-recursing. (Phil,
  Josh Triplett for report)

- Code cleanups and reformatting. (Phil)
- Cleanup a bug introduced in, item may be int rather than object.
- The music loading code is less fragile now; it shouldn't break on too-short
  file names. (Phil)
- Massive changes to data file handling; we now use Python's built-in
  ConfigParser. (Phil)
- Further changes to the data file formats, for consistency and ease of
  code/data maintenance.  (Phil)
- Switched sounds to using data files, for smoother future expansion. (Phil)
- Fixed strings loading. (Phil)


 games/singularity/Makefile |  21 ++++++++++++----
 games/singularity/PLIST    |  56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 games/singularity/distinfo |   8 +++---
 3 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diffs (142 lines):

diff -r 2fbb4fa937bb -r 9cac510149bf games/singularity/Makefile
--- a/games/singularity/Makefile        Tue Apr 22 20:27:16 2008 +0000
+++ b/games/singularity/Makefile        Tue Apr 22 20:55:37 2008 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2008/03/04 06:59:06 jlam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2008/04/22 20:55:37 wiz Exp $
-DISTNAME=              singularity_0.26a
+DISTNAME=              singularity_0.27
 PKGNAME=               ${DISTNAME:S/_/-/}
 CATEGORIES=            games
@@ -14,10 +14,13 @@
 WRKSRC=                        ${WRKDIR}/${PKGNAME_NOREV}
-INSTALLATION_DIRS=     bin share/doc/singularity \
-                       share/singularity/code \
-                       share/singularity/data/music-src \
-                       share/singularity/music
+INSTALLATION_DIRS=     bin share/doc/singularity
+INSTALLATION_DIRS+=    share/singularity/code
+INSTALLATION_DIRS+=    share/singularity/data/music-src
+INSTALLATION_DIRS+=    share/singularity/data/fonts
+INSTALLATION_DIRS+=    share/singularity/data/images
+INSTALLATION_DIRS+=    share/singularity/data/sounds
+INSTALLATION_DIRS+=    share/singularity/music
        ${ECHO} "#!/bin/sh" > ${WRKSRC}/singularity
@@ -30,6 +33,12 @@
        ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/data/*.* \
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/data/fonts/*.* \
+               ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/singularity/data/fonts
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/data/images/*.* \
+               ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/singularity/data/images
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/data/sounds/*.* \
+               ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/singularity/data/sounds
        ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/data/music-src/* \
        ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/README.txt \
diff -r 2fbb4fa937bb -r 9cac510149bf games/singularity/PLIST
--- a/games/singularity/PLIST   Tue Apr 22 20:27:16 2008 +0000
+++ b/games/singularity/PLIST   Tue Apr 22 20:55:37 2008 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 2007/09/04 07:36:21 wiz Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.2 2008/04/22 20:55:37 wiz Exp $
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
@@ -18,37 +19,44 @@
 share/singularity/data/Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0.html
 share/singularity/data/music-src/Advanced Simulacra.psy
 share/singularity/data/music-src/Media Threat.psy
 @exec ${MKDIR} %D/share/singularity/music
 @dirrm share/singularity/music
+@dirrm share/singularity/data/sounds
 @dirrm share/singularity/data/music-src
+@dirrm share/singularity/data/images
+@dirrm share/singularity/data/fonts
 @dirrm share/singularity/data
 @dirrm share/singularity/code
 @dirrm share/singularity
diff -r 2fbb4fa937bb -r 9cac510149bf games/singularity/distinfo
--- a/games/singularity/distinfo        Tue Apr 22 20:27:16 2008 +0000
+++ b/games/singularity/distinfo        Tue Apr 22 20:55:37 2008 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2007/09/04 07:36:21 wiz Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2008/04/22 20:55:38 wiz Exp $
-SHA1 (singularity_0.26a.tar.gz) = 547724c9d6f5cbf6f39530008abb5529743fa418
-RMD160 (singularity_0.26a.tar.gz) = 8241cd5cc8d1ec6e449e351f4f7d06b5a2b243fc
-Size (singularity_0.26a.tar.gz) = 1262046 bytes
+SHA1 (singularity_0.27.tar.gz) = 182665db5697ebb6b98632ad21ad4971e598fb89
+RMD160 (singularity_0.27.tar.gz) = c1a82fe577ef9543cec90d9d9a28fd21a6e54f96
+Size (singularity_0.27.tar.gz) = 1233069 bytes

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