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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/databases/jdbc-postgresql80 Update databases/jdbc-post...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 537396:11bbe867c703
user:      abs <>
date:      Mon Jan 07 23:18:09 2008 +0000

Update databases/jdbc-postgresql80 from 318 to 321

Version 8.0-321 (2007-12-02)

  * fix Make code that parses queries for updateable resultsets
    aware of the ONLY clause. (jurka) Thanks to Oleg Vasylenko.
  * fix While custom type maps are not implemented, the code to
    detect the caller trying to use them threw a ClassCastException.
    Correctly detect the attempted use of custom types and bail
    out with a SQLException. (jurka)

Version 8.0-320 (2007-07-31)

  * add Make setObject recognize a parameter of type java.lang.Byte.
    (jurka) Thanks to Boom Roos.
  * fix Updatable ResultSets did not work when updating bytea
    data and then retrieving it because we send the data to the
    server in binary format, but the ResultSet was expecting to
    read it in text format. So we need to convert the data from
    binary to text format before stuffing it into the ResultSet.
    (jurka) Thanks to Mikko Tiihonen.
  * fix Do escape processing on batch Statements prior to execution.
    This already worked for PreparedStatements, but not plain
    Statements. (jurka) Thanks to Hui Ye.
  * fix When retrieving the columns of a function that returns
    a complex type, don't retrieve system columns (like xmin/xmax/...)
    that you'll find if the type is from a table. (jurka)
  * fix Error message was reporting the wrong parameter type
    value in the V3 protocol's SimpleParameterList implementation.
    (jurka) Thanks to Nathan Keynes.
  * fix Explicitly state which source level we are compiling.
    Newer versions of gij/gcj run a 1.5 VM, but default to a 1.4
    source level compile which tricks up our build system. This
    still doens't fix the case of running with a newer VM than
    compiler, but I don't see what we can do about that. (jurka)
    Thanks to Tom Lane, Oliver Jowett.

Version 8.0-319 (2007-04-18)

  * add Implement ResultSet.updateArray by simply mapping it to
    updateObject which now works for arrays. (jurka)
  * fix Produce the timezone that we send to the server in the
    same format that we can parse. This is important for updatable
    ResultSets as we must be able to parse the format we produce.
    (jurka) Thanks to Leon Do.
  * fix Allow updatable ResultSets to update arrays. (jurka)
    Thanks to Vasylenko.


 databases/jdbc-postgresql80/Makefile |   6 +++---
 databases/jdbc-postgresql80/distinfo |  14 +++++++-------
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diffs (45 lines):

diff -r f054f433c426 -r 11bbe867c703 databases/jdbc-postgresql80/Makefile
--- a/databases/jdbc-postgresql80/Makefile      Mon Jan 07 23:15:35 2008 +0000
+++ b/databases/jdbc-postgresql80/Makefile      Mon Jan 07 23:18:09 2008 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2007/02/22 19:26:17 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2008/01/07 23:18:09 abs Exp $
 DISTNAME=              postgresql-jdbc-8.0-${PGBUILD}.src
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
 COMMENT=               PostgreSQL 8.0 JDBC3 driver
-PGBUILD=               318
+PGBUILD=               321
 JARDIST=               postgresql-8.0-${PGBUILD}.jdbc3.jar
 JARFILE=               postgresql80.jar
 EXTRACT_ONLY=          ${DISTFILES:N*.jar}
 USE_JAVA=              run
 USE_JAVA2=             1.4
+NO_BUILD=              YES
 EXAMPLEDIR=            share/examples/java/${PKGBASE}
 DOCDIR=                        share/doc/java/${PKGBASE}
diff -r f054f433c426 -r 11bbe867c703 databases/jdbc-postgresql80/distinfo
--- a/databases/jdbc-postgresql80/distinfo      Mon Jan 07 23:15:35 2008 +0000
+++ b/databases/jdbc-postgresql80/distinfo      Mon Jan 07 23:18:09 2008 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2007/01/13 21:31:18 abs Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2008/01/07 23:18:09 abs Exp $
-SHA1 (postgresql-8.0-318.jdbc3.jar) = 00d23b0a709369f2cee58ac5cfb7a042a36ff4cf
-RMD160 (postgresql-8.0-318.jdbc3.jar) = b3c4450cbc9736ae578ebd3f938015833daa1924
-Size (postgresql-8.0-318.jdbc3.jar) = 356118 bytes
-SHA1 (postgresql-jdbc-8.0-318.src.tar.gz) = 1bd308db0b69f66a0d195f91c1fb58ffa5891557
-RMD160 (postgresql-jdbc-8.0-318.src.tar.gz) = 2c4c6fa27b2d2724c979c19ce939b0827242ea71
-Size (postgresql-jdbc-8.0-318.src.tar.gz) = 423674 bytes
+SHA1 (postgresql-8.0-321.jdbc3.jar) = aadf23679166ad0e682acf354966f977f027c1b5
+RMD160 (postgresql-8.0-321.jdbc3.jar) = cb9d776b35ba38b3bb0ca0308109800fe1655600
+Size (postgresql-8.0-321.jdbc3.jar) = 358383 bytes
+SHA1 (postgresql-jdbc-8.0-321.src.tar.gz) = c3ce4b86159f01771d3d97b27b99d601f036719b
+RMD160 (postgresql-jdbc-8.0-321.src.tar.gz) = 3baca7cf72ce3b6cc9bab25bf7ec1ea7fc223b1e
+Size (postgresql-jdbc-8.0-321.src.tar.gz) = 425653 bytes

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