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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/security/heimdal If using a system builtin heimdal and...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 507122:6a329c33985c
user:      markd <>
date:      Thu Jan 26 22:46:15 2006 +0000

If using a system builtin heimdal and that heimdal doesn't have a
krb5-config then create one to use in the buildlink tree.  Useful
for packages that expect krb5-config to exist to determine kerberos


 security/heimdal/        |   14 ++++-
 security/heimdal/files/krb5-config |  107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diffs (137 lines):

diff -r 8e61be9bcb48 -r 6a329c33985c security/heimdal/
--- a/security/heimdal/       Thu Jan 26 22:14:50 2006 +0000
+++ b/security/heimdal/       Thu Jan 26 22:46:15 2006 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.6 2005/10/26 15:12:45 jlam Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.7 2006/01/26 22:46:15 markd Exp $
 BUILTIN_PKG:=  heimdal
@@ -104,4 +104,16 @@
 .  endif
+.  if !empty(USE_BUILTIN.heimdal:M[yY][eE][sS]) && !exists(${SH_KRB5_CONFIG})
+BUILDLINK_TARGETS+=    fake-krb5-config
+       ${_PKG_SILENT}${_PKG_DEBUG} \
+       src=../../security/heimdal/files/krb5-config \
+        dst=${BUILDLINK_DIR}/bin/krb5-config; \
+       ${SED} -e s/@HEIMDAL_VERSION@/${BUILTIN_VERSION.heimdal}/ \
+           $${src} >$${dst}; \
+       ${CHMOD} a+x $${dst}
+.  endif
 .endif # CHECK_BUILTIN.heimdal
diff -r 8e61be9bcb48 -r 6a329c33985c security/heimdal/files/krb5-config
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/security/heimdal/files/krb5-config        Thu Jan 26 22:46:15 2006 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# $Heimdal:,v 1.9 2002/09/09 22:29:06 joda Exp $
+# $NetBSD: krb5-config,v 1.1 2006/01/26 22:46:15 markd Exp $
+if test $# -eq 0; then
+  do_usage=yes
+  usage_exit=1
+for i in $*; do
+  case $i in
+  --help)
+    do_usage=yes
+    usage_exit=0
+    ;;
+  --version)
+    echo "heimdal @HEIMDAL_VERSION@"
+    exit 0
+    ;;
+  --prefix=*)
+    prefix=`echo $i | sed 's/^--prefix=//'`
+    ;;
+  --prefix)
+    print_prefix=yes
+    ;;
+  --exec-prefix=*)
+    exec_prefix=`echo $i | sed 's/^--exec-prefix=//'`
+    ;;
+  --exec-prefix)
+    print_exec_prefix=yes
+    ;;
+  --libs)
+    do_libs=yes
+    ;;
+  --cflags)
+    do_cflags=yes
+    ;;
+  krb5)
+    library=krb5
+    ;;
+  gssapi)
+    library=gssapi
+    ;;
+  kadm-client)
+    library=kadm-client
+    ;;
+  kadm-server)
+    library=kadm-server
+    ;;
+  *)
+    echo "unknown option: $i"
+    exit 1
+    ;;
+  esac
+if test "$do_usage" = "yes"; then
+    echo "usage: $0 [options] [libraries]"
+    echo "options: [--prefix[=dir]] [--exec-prefix[=dir]] [--libs] [--cflags]"
+    echo "libraries: krb5 gssapi kadm-client kadm-server"
+    exit $usage_exit
+if test "$prefix" = ""; then
+  prefix=/usr
+if test "$exec_prefix" = ""; then
+  exec_prefix=/usr
+if test "$print_prefix" = "yes"; then
+    echo $prefix
+if test "$print_exec_prefix" = "yes"; then
+    echo $exec_prefix
+if test "$do_libs" = "yes"; then
+    lib_flags="-L/usr/lib"
+    case $library in
+    gssapi)
+       lib_flags="$lib_flags -lgssapi"
+       ;;
+    kadm-client)
+       lib_flags="$lib_flags -lkadm5clnt"
+       ;;
+    kadm-server)
+       lib_flags="$lib_flags -lkadm5srv"
+       ;;
+    esac
+    lib_flags="$lib_flags -lkrb5 -lasn1 -ldes -lroken"
+    lib_flags="$lib_flags -lcrypto -lcom_err"
+    echo $lib_flags
+if test "$do_cflags" = "yes"; then
+    echo "-I/usr/include/gssapi -I/usr/include/krb5"
+exit 0

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