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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/x11/gtk2-engines Update to 2.8.0:

branches:  trunk
changeset: 518652:540f4c638b94
user:      jmmv <>
date:      Fri Sep 15 15:10:33 2006 +0000

Update to 2.8.0:

Overview of Changes in 2.7.8 (since 2.7.7)

Highlights in this release include:

        - Ensure all engines (except smooth) compile with paranoia compiler flags
        - Miscellaneous cleanups to the Clearlooks engine
        - Many RTL issues fixed in Clearlooks
        - Fixed minor visual issues in other engines

See the ChangeLog for full details of other smaller fixes and enhancements.

Fixed bugs in this release:

        326309 - Clearlooks read-only checkboxes are nearly invisible
        328053 - GtkTreeView's title bar's borders isn't shown properly in RTL applications
        45579 ( - sodipodi rulers corrupted when using industrial gtk engine

Overview of Changes in 2.7.8 (since 2.7.7)

Highlights in this release include:

        - Add paranoia and deprecated configure flags
        - Improve HighContrast (HC) engine inconsistent state check mark
        - Use the base/text values for expander arrow in HC (fixes invisible
          indicator problem)
        - Improve visibility/contrast of checks in HC
        - Fix broken Clearlooks menu on panel check
        - Implement a focus rectangle for GtkEntry
        - Many other visual improvements to Industrial

See the ChangeLog for full details of other smaller fixes and enhancements.

Fixed bugs in this release:

        349575 - C89 Fixes (Last C89 Patch to close bug)
        350606 - Location of G_GNUC_INTERNAL breaks Solaris build
        351057 - Leak in clearlooks_style.c

Overview of Changes in 2.7.7 (since 2.7.6)

Highlights in this release include:

* RTL fixes and other enhancements in Crux
* Lots of namespace and symbol precautions
* Port of Industrial to cairo

Fixed bugs in this release:

        349575 - C89 Fixes
        347227 - Add inconsistent state for option buttons (Clearlooks)

Overview of Changes in 2.7.6 (since 2.7.5)

Highlights in this release include:

* More improvements to the cairo version of Crux, now using purple highlights.
* Further improvements to the cairo version of the High Constrast engine
* New cairo based Engine called Glide for the Glider theme

Fixed bugs in this release:

        343893 - Engines need to handle GTK_ARROW_NONE.
        348167 - Remove crux/pixmaps directory.

Overview of Changes in 2.7.5 (since 2.7.4)

Highlights in this release include:

* Further improvements to the cairo version of Crux, now with a new tango style
  from a mockup by Lapo Calamandrei
* Fixed lots of memory leaks in Clearlooks, and several other bugs
* High Constrast engine conversion to cairo started
* Redmond, Thinice and Mist engine conversions to cairo almost complete
* Lighthouseblue and Metal engines have been removed, since no one has
  volounteered to convert them to cairo, and they are no longer maintained.

Fixed bugs in this release:

        345769 - Clearlooks' gtk_paint_* functions do not correctly obey the
                 passed clip rect
        341694 - Crash in d4x (industrial)
        338826 - style copy function broken in clearlooks
        337381 - GtkHScale is improperly displayed in RTL (clearlooks)
        325760 - panel applets have black background on transparent/solid colour
                 panels (clearlooks)
        332639 - Fix memory leaks in draw_flat_box and
                 gtk_treeview_get_header_index (clearlooks)
        325932 - "Inconsistent" checkbox state missing (clearlooks)

Overview of Changes in 2.7.4 (since 2.7.3)

* Not compiling any animation code in clearlooks anymore
* Crux updated with radio and check buttons drawn using cairo
* Crux updated with progress bar bars drawn using cairo

Overview of Changes in 2.7.3 (since 2.7.2)

* Various fixes and updates to Clearlooks
* Fixes to hc (#318151)
* Cleanups in lighthouseblue (#321140)

Overview of Changes in 2.7.2 (since 2.7.1)

* Numerous Clearlooks bug fixes (including #315562, #323218, #323218, #325168)
* Patches and fixes for bug 321140 to hc, industrial, mist, redmond, smooth
  and thinice engines (cleanups for compiler warnings and removal of unneeded

Overview of Changes in 2.7.1 (since 2.7.0)

* Bug fixes to metal and thinice engines (bug 323215)
* Updates and bug fixes to Clearlooks engine

Overview of Changes in 2.7.0 (since 2.6.3)
* Clearlooks and Mist engine now uses cairo to do drawing
* Redmond and Crux engine conversions to cairo started
* Various cleanups and fixes
* Animation code for checkboxes and radiobuttons in clearlooks (off by default)


 x11/gtk2-engines/Makefile |    8 +-
 x11/gtk2-engines/PLIST    |  107 ++++-----------------------------------------
 x11/gtk2-engines/distinfo |    8 +-
 3 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)

diffs (166 lines):

diff -r 69c59844d398 -r 540f4c638b94 x11/gtk2-engines/Makefile
--- a/x11/gtk2-engines/Makefile Fri Sep 15 15:10:14 2006 +0000
+++ b/x11/gtk2-engines/Makefile Fri Sep 15 15:10:33 2006 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.42 2006/08/06 19:03:57 jmmv Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.43 2006/09/15 15:10:33 jmmv Exp $
-DISTNAME=              gtk-engines-2.6.10
+DISTNAME=              gtk-engines-2.8.0
 PKGNAME=               ${DISTNAME:S/gtk/gtk2/}
 CATEGORIES=            x11
-MASTER_SITES=          ${MASTER_SITE_GNOME:=sources/gtk-engines/2.6/}
+MASTER_SITES=          ${MASTER_SITE_GNOME:=sources/gtk-engines/2.8/}
 EXTRACT_SUFX=          .tar.bz2
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 CONFLICTS+=            gtk2-engines-industrial-[0-9]*
 CONFLICTS+=            gnome-themes-extras<0.8
-BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.gtk2+=   gtk2+>=2.6.4
+BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.gtk2+=   gtk2+>=2.8.0
 USE_TOOLS+=            pkg-config
 GNU_CONFIGURE=         yes
diff -r 69c59844d398 -r 540f4c638b94 x11/gtk2-engines/PLIST
--- a/x11/gtk2-engines/PLIST    Fri Sep 15 15:10:14 2006 +0000
+++ b/x11/gtk2-engines/PLIST    Fri Sep 15 15:10:33 2006 +0000
@@ -1,95 +1,17 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.11 2005/08/26 16:33:40 drochner Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.12 2006/09/15 15:10:33 jmmv Exp $
@@ -101,17 +23,10 @@
 @comment in theme-dirs: @dirrm share/themes/Redmond
 @dirrm share/themes/Mist/gtk-2.0
 @comment in theme-dirs: @dirrm share/themes/Mist
-@dirrm share/themes/Metal/gtk-2.0
-@comment in theme-dirs: @dirrm share/themes/Metal
-@dirrm share/themes/LighthouseBlue/gtk-2.0
-@comment in theme-dirs: @dirrm share/themes/LighthouseBlue
 @dirrm share/themes/Industrial/gtk-2.0
 @comment in theme-dirs: @dirrm share/themes/Industrial
-@dirrm share/themes/Crux/pixmaps
 @dirrm share/themes/Crux/gtk-2.0
 @comment in theme-dirs: @dirrm share/themes/Crux
 @dirrm share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0
 @comment in theme-dirs: @dirrm share/themes/Clearlooks
-@comment in xdg-dirs: @dirrm share/themes
-@comment in gtk2: @dirrm lib/gtk-2.0/engines
-@comment in gtk2: @dirrm lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/engines
+@comment in gtk2: @dirrm lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines
diff -r 69c59844d398 -r 540f4c638b94 x11/gtk2-engines/distinfo
--- a/x11/gtk2-engines/distinfo Fri Sep 15 15:10:14 2006 +0000
+++ b/x11/gtk2-engines/distinfo Fri Sep 15 15:10:33 2006 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.16 2006/08/06 19:03:57 jmmv Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.17 2006/09/15 15:10:33 jmmv Exp $
-SHA1 (gtk-engines-2.6.10.tar.bz2) = 5c3f88893c1d1d7665709271dbac37f1f7e30758
-RMD160 (gtk-engines-2.6.10.tar.bz2) = dc9b415471109f7c645888edd810ff10abf6add7
-Size (gtk-engines-2.6.10.tar.bz2) = 472374 bytes
+SHA1 (gtk-engines-2.8.0.tar.bz2) = 67a735f3b1830af9554a712670e2a5902043f5a5
+RMD160 (gtk-engines-2.8.0.tar.bz2) = 76f17146b65952577da67f2dc59a15c44dabc3cf
+Size (gtk-engines-2.8.0.tar.bz2) = 459202 bytes

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