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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files/doc In some cases variables of ...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 515290:96fb0da19ca1
user:      rillig <>
date:      Fri Jun 30 12:34:44 2006 +0000

In some cases variables of the same data type are interpreted
differently, which may lead to problems.


 pkgtools/pkglint/files/doc/chap.types.xml |  37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diffs (49 lines):

diff -r 743b46837da6 -r 96fb0da19ca1 pkgtools/pkglint/files/doc/chap.types.xml
--- a/pkgtools/pkglint/files/doc/chap.types.xml Fri Jun 30 11:37:56 2006 +0000
+++ b/pkgtools/pkglint/files/doc/chap.types.xml Fri Jun 30 12:34:44 2006 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<!-- $NetBSD: chap.types.xml,v 1.10 2006/05/16 22:18:17 rillig Exp $ -->
+<!-- $NetBSD: chap.types.xml,v 1.11 2006/06/30 12:34:44 rillig Exp $ -->
 <chapter id="types">
 <title>The &pkglint; type system</title>
@@ -486,4 +486,39 @@
+<sect1 id="types.kinds">
+<title>Different interpretation of the same data types</title>
+       <para>As explained above, there are internal lists and external
+       lists in pkgsrc. But that is not the only attribute that a list
+       can have. They also differ in the way they are defined, which
+       files may access them, and what it means to append to append a
+       value to it.</para>
+       <para>For example, <varname>NOT_FOR_PLATFORM</varname> is a list
+       that every file may append to without leading to unexpected
+       behavior. Compare this with
+       <varname>ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM</varname>, which should only be set
+       in a single place throughout pkgsrc. Let's say in the package
+       <filename>Makefile</filename> it is set to
+       <literal>NetBSD-*-*</literal>, because this file's author knows
+       for sure that the package is only usable on NetBSD. Now when
+       some <filename>*.mk</filename> file from a dependency package
+       adds <literal>DragonFly-*-*</literal> to it, the intent of the
+       package <filename>Makefile</filename> is undermined by the
+       dependency package, because now it is possible to build the
+       package on DragonFly, too.</para>
+       <para>The same problem arises with the various variables that
+       can be either <literal>yes</literal> or undefined. They should
+       always be chosen so that two definitions in different files
+       don't undermine each other. A good example is
+       <varname>USE_LIBTOOL</varname>, a bad example is
+       <varname>NO_BUILD</varname>.</para>
+       <para>TODO: What are the general properties of
+       <quote>good</quote> and <quote>bad</quote> variables? How can it
+       be decided of which kind a certain variable is?</para>

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