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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/emulators/p11 Fix typo and rewrap some longish lines.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 514694:0046ddd19e66
user:      jlam <>
date:      Fri Jun 16 15:53:17 2006 +0000

Fix typo and rewrap some longish lines.


 emulators/p11/DESCR |  15 +++++++++------
 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diffs (27 lines):

diff -r b57d76a4d486 -r 0046ddd19e66 emulators/p11/DESCR
--- a/emulators/p11/DESCR       Fri Jun 16 14:35:54 2006 +0000
+++ b/emulators/p11/DESCR       Fri Jun 16 15:53:17 2006 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-P11 s a PDP11 emulator, which currently emulates the following configuration:
+P11 is a PDP11 emulator, which currently emulates the following
         - a KDJ11A processor (including fpp)
         - one or more RL-controllers (RLV12) with up to 4 RL02 each
         - one or more RHV?? controllers with up to 8 RP06 each
@@ -10,9 +12,10 @@
         - a DEQNA ethernet adapter
         - a toy clock
-On a 900MHz Athlon under FreeBSD 5.0 a 'make build; make installsrc' of
-2.11BSD takes around 2:24 hours - this is several times faster than
-a real KDJ11A (if /usr is mounted async,noaccesstime).
-Floating point speed is in the order of 10 times the original.
+On a 900MHz Athlon under FreeBSD 5.0 a 'make build; make installsrc'
+of 2.11BSD takes around 2:24 hours - this is several times faster than
+a real KDJ11A (if /usr is mounted async,noaccesstime).  Floating point
+speed is in the order of 10 times the original.
-P11 successfully runs RSX11M-PLUS, UN*X Version 5/6/7, 2.11BSD, RT-4 and XXDP.
+P11 successfully runs RSX11M-PLUS, UN*X Version 5/6/7, 2.11BSD, RT-4
+and XXDP.

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