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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/databases Several changes to the postgresql80-* packages:

branches:  trunk
changeset: 497840:cef98eeeaf9a
user:      jlam <>
date:      Fri Aug 05 19:43:44 2005 +0000

Several changes to the postgresql80-* packages:

* Become maintainer for the postgresql80-* packages (ok'd by recht)

* Libtoolize postgresql80 build so that the shared libraries and
  loadable shared modules are built using libtool.  This should make
  PostgreSQL 8.0.x in pkgsrc build correctly on more pkgsrc-supported
  platforms.  This is accomplished with the Makefile.libtool file
  which replaces the Makefile.shlib file in the PostgreSQL distribution.

* Add libltdl modifications from the postgresql74-* packages so that
  this can work on Interix (untested).

* Fix some mismatches between static function declarations and their
  subsesquent definitions in the src/timezone module.  Fixes provided
  by Georg Schwarz.

* Convert PGSQL_USE_HIER into the PKG_OPTION "pgsql-hier-query", and
  teach both postgresql80-client and postgresql80-server to use it.

* Use BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM's "rm" action to remove unwanted compiler

* Remove zlib/ from postgresql80-client/
  as zlib is only used by the pg_dump client.

* Convert some files in files/* into patches that can be fed back
  to the PostgreSQL team.

* Install data and documentation files into share/postgresql instead
  of share/postgresql80 -- it's only possible to install one PostgreSQL
  version at a time in pkgsrc, and the new paths more closely match
  the rest of the installation paths.

* Add more mirrors to the MASTER_SITES list, and add a new variable
  POSTGRESQL_MIRRORS_SORT that has the same syntax as MASTER_SORT that
  can help people pick a nearby mirror.

* Nuke references to libpgtcl which is no longer distributed as part
  of a standard PostgreSQL installation as of version 8.0.

* Provide better documentation for Makefile.custom.

* Avoid linking in the pthread library in the correct way on NetBSD
  by setting DLOPEN_REQUIRE_PTHREADS=no.  Also, provide better
  documentation on why we can't enable thread-safety in the PostgreSQL
  libraries on NetBSD (at least for now).

* Preliminary support for installing postgresql80-* into a separate
  subdirectory under ${LOCALBASE} so possibly allow for multiple
  installations of PostgreSQL on the same machine.  Note that THIS

* Update the hierarchical-queries patch to "8.0.3-0.5.5" which fixes
  a bug which was crashing the backend when PRIOR was used in the
  target list.  The _level_ column is no longer automatically added
  to target list.  This makes it possible to use hierarchical queries
  as IN subqueries.  To get _level_ back you just have to explicitly
  mention it in target list.

Bump the following PKGREVISIONs:

        postgresql80-client     -> 2
        postgresql80-server     -> 2
        postgresql80            -> 1


 databases/postgresql80-client/Makefile            |   139 +-
 databases/postgresql80-client/PLIST               |  2752 ++++++++++----------
 databases/postgresql80-client/       |    13 +-
 databases/postgresql80-server/Makefile            |    84 +-
 databases/postgresql80-server/PLIST               |  1274 ++++----
 databases/postgresql80-server/files/      |     8 +-
 databases/postgresql80/Makefile                   |     7 +-
 databases/postgresql80/Makefile.common            |   113 +-
 databases/postgresql80/Makefile.mirrors           |   101 +
 databases/postgresql80/distinfo                   |    19 +-
 databases/postgresql80/files/GNUmakefile.libpgtcl |    20 -
 databases/postgresql80/files/Makefile.custom      |    38 +-
 databases/postgresql80/files/Makefile.libtool     |   120 +
 databases/postgresql80/files/dynloader-ltdl.h     |    17 +
 databases/postgresql80/files/netbsd.c             |    73 -
 databases/postgresql80/files/netbsd.h             |    45 -
 databases/postgresql80/                 |    26 +
 databases/postgresql80/patches/patch-aa           |    42 +-
 databases/postgresql80/patches/patch-ab           |    85 +-
 databases/postgresql80/patches/patch-ac           |    45 +
 databases/postgresql80/patches/patch-ad           |     9 +
 databases/postgresql80/patches/patch-ae           |     7 +
 databases/postgresql80/patches/patch-af           |    31 +
 databases/postgresql80/patches/patch-ag           |    15 +
 databases/postgresql80/patches/patch-ah           |    13 +
 databases/postgresql80/patches/patch-ai           |    80 +
 26 files changed, 2804 insertions(+), 2372 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 5453 to 300 lines):

diff -r 5e8cef79e7bf -r cef98eeeaf9a databases/postgresql80-client/Makefile
--- a/databases/postgresql80-client/Makefile    Fri Aug 05 19:31:50 2005 +0000
+++ b/databases/postgresql80-client/Makefile    Fri Aug 05 19:43:44 2005 +0000
@@ -1,79 +1,84 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2005/07/05 23:53:47 grant Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2005/08/05 19:43:45 jlam Exp $
-PKGNAME=               postgresql80-client-${BASE_VERS}
-PKGREVISION=           1
-COMMENT=               PostgreSQL database client programs
+PKGNAME=       postgresql80-client-${BASE_VERS}
+COMMENT=       PostgreSQL database client programs
 .include "../../databases/postgresql80/Makefile.common"
+USE_TOOLS+=            gzip tar
+USE_LIBTOOL=           yes
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-openssl
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-readline
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-zlib
+# The thread-safety test in ${WRSRC}/src/tools/thread does not pass on
+# NetBSD.
+.if ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD"
+.if !empty(PGSQL_THREAD_SAFETY:M[yY][eE][sS])
+.  include "../../mk/"
+.  if (${PTHREAD_TYPE} == "native")
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --enable-thread-safety
+.  endif
+INSTALL_DIRS=  ${WRKSRC}/src/include
+INSTALL_DIRS+= ${WRKSRC}/src/interfaces
+# Without this, the Darwin build fails (related to -bundle_loader).
+BUILD_DIRS+=   ${WRKSRC}/src/backend
+PKG_OPTIONS_VAR=       PKG_OPTIONS.postgresql80-client
+.include "../../databases/postgresql80/"
+USE_PKGINSTALL=        yes
+.for _file_ in pg_service.conf psqlrc
+CONF_FILES+=   ${PG_DATA_DIR}/${_file_}.sample ${PG_ETC_DIR}/${_file_}
+.if !empty(PG_SUBPREFIX)
 # XXX work around core dumps with the native libedit
-USE_PKGINSTALL=                yes
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-openssl
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-zlib
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-readline
-.include "../../mk/"
-BUILD_DIRS=            ${WRKSRC}/src/include
-BUILD_DIRS+=           ${WRKSRC}/src/interfaces
-BUILD_DIRS+=           ${WRKSRC}/src/bin
-BUILD_DIRS+=           ${WRKSRC}/doc
-# without this the Darwin build fails
-# (-bundle_loader related)
-BUILD_DIRS+=           ${WRKSRC}/src/backend
-INSTALL_DIRS=          ${WRKSRC}/src/bin
-INSTALL_DIRS+=         ${WRKSRC}/src/include
-INSTALL_DIRS+=         ${WRKSRC}/src/interfaces
-INSTALL_DIRS+=         ${WRKSRC}/doc
-# As told by Josh Berkus
-.include "../../mk/"
-.if defined(PTHREAD_TYPE) && ${PTHREAD_TYPE} == "native" \
-       && ${OPSYS} != "NetBSD"
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --enable-thread-safety
-# handle additional headers installed by hierarchical queries patch
-.if defined(PGSQL_USE_HIER) && !empty(PGSQL_USE_HIER:M[yY][eE][sS])
-PLIST_SUBST+=          PG_HIER=
-PLIST_SUBST+=          PG_HIER="@comment "
-CONF_FILES=    ${PG_DATA_DIR}/pg_service.conf.sample ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/pg_service.conf
-CONF_FILES+=   ${PG_DATA_DIR}/psqlrc.sample ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/psqlrc
-# Avoid conflict between "${LOCALBASE}/include/openssl/des.h" and
-# "/usr/include/crypt.h" -- we want the definitions in the former.
-.if (${OPSYS} == "SunOS")
-       ${TOUCH} ${BUILDLINK_DIR}/include/crypt.h
-       ${_PKG_SILENT}${_PKG_DEBUG}${_ULIMIT_CMD}cd ${WRKSRC}/src/backend && \
-               ../../src/include/parser/parse.h ../../src/include/utils/fmgroids.h
-       ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PG_DOC_DIR}/TODO.detail
-       cd ${WRKSRC}/doc; for file in                                   \
-               bug.template;                                           \
-       do                                                              \
-               ${INSTALL_DATA} $${file} ${PG_DOC_DIR}/$${file};        \
-       done
-       cd ${WRKSRC}/doc/TODO.detail && \
-               ${PAX} -rwppm . ${PG_DOC_DIR}/TODO.detail
 .include "../../devel/readline/"
 .include "../../devel/zlib/"
 .include "../../security/openssl/"
+# On Solaris, avoid conflicts between "${SSLBASE}/include/openssl/des.h"
+# and "/usr/include/crypt.h" -- we want the definitions in the former.
+.if ${OPSYS} == "SunOS"
+       ${TOUCH} ${BUILDLINK_DIR}/include/crypt.h
+       ${_PKG_SILENT}${_PKG_DEBUG}${_ULIMIT_CMD}                       \
+       cd ${WRKSRC}/src/backend &&                                     \
+               ../../src/include/parser/parse.h                        \
+               ../../src/include/utils/fmgroids.h
+       cd ${WRKSRC}/doc; for file in                                   \
+               bug.template;                                           \
+       do                                                              \
+               ${INSTALL_DATA} $$file ${PG_DOC_DIR}/$$file;            \
+        done
+       ${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/doc/TODO.detail ${PG_DOC_DIR}
+       ${CHOWN} -R ${DOCOWN}:${DOCGRP} ${PG_DOC_DIR}/TODO.detail
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r 5e8cef79e7bf -r cef98eeeaf9a databases/postgresql80-client/PLIST
--- a/databases/postgresql80-client/PLIST       Fri Aug 05 19:31:50 2005 +0000
+++ b/databases/postgresql80-client/PLIST       Fri Aug 05 19:43:44 2005 +0000
@@ -1,1382 +1,1370 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.4 2005/07/05 09:47:04 grant Exp $

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