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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install/files Reduce the use of the syste...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 503504:6ceaedd5fcbc
user:      ben <>
date:      Tue Nov 22 15:44:59 2005 +0000

Reduce the use of the system() function in pkg_install to avoid quoting
problems.  Instead, use exec*() functions.

Replace PUSHOUT() macro and string buffers with a function that
operates on data structures.

If it is necessary to copy files into place from staging area, then use
pax to copy them.

Add functions in pexec.c to create a pipe for sending data to a child
process.  Replace pipe code in create/perform.c with these functions.
Use these functions instead of command-line arguments when copying files
into place from staging area.

Three system() references remain: @exec, @unexec, and vsystem().


 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/    |    4 +-
 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/add.h          |    4 +-
 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/extract.c      |  180 +++++++++++--------------
 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/futil.c        |   70 +++++++--
 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/perform.c      |   25 ++-
 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/create/ |    5 +-
 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/create/perform.c   |   45 ++----
 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/info/perform.c     |   60 +++++--
 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/lib/    |    4 +-
 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/lib/fexec.c        |   60 +++++---
 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/lib/file.c         |   60 ++++++-
 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/lib/lib.h          |   28 +++-
 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/lib/pexec.c        |   93 +++++++++++++
 pkgtools/pkg_install/files/lib/version.h      |    4 +-
 14 files changed, 423 insertions(+), 219 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1135 to 300 lines):

diff -r 2c7f0c2f00ae -r 6ceaedd5fcbc pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/
--- a/pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/        Tue Nov 22 13:04:39 2005 +0000
+++ b/pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/        Tue Nov 22 15:44:59 2005 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.12 2004/08/21 06:33:40 jlam Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.13 2005/11/22 15:44:59 ben Exp $
 srcdir=                @srcdir@
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 CCLD=          $(CC)
 LIBS=          -linstall @LIBS@
 CPPFLAGS=      @CPPFLAGS@ -I. -I$(srcdir) -I../lib
-DEFS=          @DEFS@ -DOPSYS_NAME=\"$(OPSYS)\" -DMACHINE_ARCH=\"$(MACHINE_ARCH)\" -DBINDIR=\"$(sbindir)\" -DMTREE_CMD=\"@mtree@\" -DTAR_CMD=\"@tar@\" 
+DEFS=          @DEFS@ -DOPSYS_NAME=\"$(OPSYS)\" -DMACHINE_ARCH=\"$(MACHINE_ARCH)\" -DBINDIR=\"$(sbindir)\" -DMTREE_CMD=\"@mtree@\" -DTAR_CMD=\"@tar@\" -DPAX_CMD=\"@pax@\"
 CFLAGS=                @CFLAGS@
 LDFLAGS=       @LDFLAGS@ -L../lib
diff -r 2c7f0c2f00ae -r 6ceaedd5fcbc pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/add.h
--- a/pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/add.h      Tue Nov 22 13:04:39 2005 +0000
+++ b/pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/add.h      Tue Nov 22 15:44:59 2005 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: add.h,v 1.5 2005/11/05 13:20:09 wiz Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: add.h,v 1.6 2005/11/22 15:44:59 ben Exp $ */
 /* from FreeBSD Id: add.h,v 1.8 1997/02/22 16:09:15 peter Exp  */
@@ -48,6 +48,6 @@
 int     make_hierarchy(char *);
 int     extract_plist(char *, package_t *);
-void    apply_perms(char *, char *);
+void    apply_perms(char *, char **, int);
 #endif                         /* _INST_ADD_H_INCLUDE */
diff -r 2c7f0c2f00ae -r 6ceaedd5fcbc pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/extract.c
--- a/pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/extract.c  Tue Nov 22 13:04:39 2005 +0000
+++ b/pkgtools/pkg_install/files/add/extract.c  Tue Nov 22 15:44:59 2005 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: extract.c,v 1.12 2005/07/25 13:03:59 hubertf Exp $     */
+/*     $NetBSD: extract.c,v 1.13 2005/11/22 15:44:59 ben Exp $ */
 #include "config.h"
@@ -7,11 +7,14 @@
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <sys/queue.h>
 #ifndef lint
 #if 0
 static const char *rcsid = "FreeBSD - Id: extract.c,v 1.17 1997/10/08 07:45:35 charnier Exp";
-__RCSID("$NetBSD: extract.c,v 1.12 2005/07/25 13:03:59 hubertf Exp $");
+__RCSID("$NetBSD: extract.c,v 1.13 2005/11/22 15:44:59 ben Exp $");
@@ -41,41 +44,70 @@
 #include "lib.h"
 #include "add.h"
-#define TAR_ARGS       " cf - "
-#define TARX_CMD       "|" TAR_CMD " xpf - -C "
+lfile_head_t files;
+lfile_head_t perms;
- * This macro is used to determine if the 'where_args'  buffer is big enough to add the
- * current string (usually a filename) plus some extra commands (the contents of TARX_CMD, and
- * the directory name stored in 'Directory').
- * 
- * The string " 'str'" will be added so we need room for the string plus 3 chars plus the other arguments.
- * 
- * In addition, we will add " 'srt'" to the perm_args buffer so we need to ensure that there is room
- * for that.
+ * Copy files from staging area to todir.
+ * This is only used when the files cannot be directory rename()ed.
-#define TOOBIG(str) ((strlen(str) + 3 + strlen(TARX_CMD) + strlen(Directory) + where_count  >= maxargs) \
-               || (strlen(str) + 3 + perm_count >= maxargs))
+static void
+pushout(char *todir)
+       pipe_to_system_t        *pipe_to;
+       char                    *file_args[4];
+       char                    **perm_argv;
+       int                     perm_argc = 1;
+       lfile_t                 *lfp;
+       int                     count;
+       /* set up arguments to run "pax -r -w -p e" */
+       file_args[0] = strrchr(PAX_CMD, '/');
+       if (file_args[0] == NULL)
+               file_args[0] = PAX_CMD;
+       else
+               file_args[0]++;
+       file_args[1] = "-rwpe";
+       file_args[2] = todir;
+       file_args[3] = NULL;
+       /* count entries for files */
+       count = 0;
+       TAILQ_FOREACH(lfp, &files, lf_link)
+               count++;
-#define PUSHOUT(todir) /* push out string */                           \
-        if (where_count > sizeof(TAR_CMD) + sizeof(TAR_ARGS)-1) {              \
-                   strlcat(where_args, TARX_CMD, maxargs);             \
-                   strlcat(where_args, todir, maxargs);                \
-                   if (system(where_args)) {                           \
-                       cleanup(0);                                     \
-                       errx(2, "can not invoke %lu byte %s pipeline: %s", \
-                               (u_long)strlen(where_args), TAR_CMD,    \
-                               where_args);                            \
-                   }                                                   \
-                   strlcpy(where_args, TAR_CMD TAR_ARGS, maxargs);     \
-                   where_count = strlen(where_args);                   \
-       }                                                               \
-       if (perm_count) {                                               \
-                   apply_perms(todir, perm_args);                      \
-                   perm_args[0] = 0;                                   \
-                   perm_count = 0;                                     \
+       if (count > 0)  {
+               /* open pipe, feed it files, close pipe */
+               pipe_to = pipe_to_system_begin(PAX_CMD, file_args, NULL);
+               while ((lfp = TAILQ_FIRST(&files)) != NULL) {
+                       fprintf(pipe_to->fp, "%s\n", lfp->lf_name);
+                       TAILQ_REMOVE(&files, lfp, lf_link);
+                       free(lfp);
+               }
+               pipe_to_system_end(pipe_to);
+        }
+       /* count entries for permissions */
+       count = 0;
+       TAILQ_FOREACH(lfp, &perms, lf_link)
+               count++;
+       if (count > 0) {
+               perm_argv = malloc((count + 1) * sizeof(char *));
+               perm_argc = 0;
+               TAILQ_FOREACH(lfp, &perms, lf_link)
+                       perm_argv[perm_argc++] = lfp->lf_name;
+               perm_argv[perm_argc] = NULL;
+               apply_perms(todir, perm_argv, perm_argc);
+               /* empty the perm list */
+               while ((lfp = TAILQ_FIRST(&perms)) != NULL) {
+                       TAILQ_REMOVE(&perms, lfp, lf_link);
+                       free(lfp);
+               }
+               free(perm_argv);
 static void
 rollback(char *name, char *home, plist_t *start, plist_t *stop)
@@ -113,34 +145,12 @@
        plist_t *p = pkg->head;
        char   *last_file;
-       char   *where_args, *perm_args, *last_chdir;
-       int     maxargs, where_count = 0, perm_count = 0, add_count;
+       char    *last_chdir;
        Boolean preserve;
+       lfile_t *lfp;
-       maxargs = sysconf(_SC_ARG_MAX) / 2;     /* Just use half the argument space */
-       where_args = malloc(maxargs);
-       if (!where_args) {
-               cleanup(0);
-               errx(2, "can't get argument list space");
-       }
-       perm_args = malloc(maxargs);
-       if (!perm_args) {
-               cleanup(0);
-               errx(2, "can't get argument list space");
-       }
-       strlcpy(where_args, TAR_CMD TAR_ARGS, maxargs);
-       /*
-        * we keep track of how many characters are stored in 'where_args' with 'where_count'.
-        * Note this doesn't include the trailing null character.
-        */
-       where_count = strlen(where_args);
-       perm_args[0] = 0;
-       /*
-        * we keep track of how many characters are stored in 'perm__args' with 'perm_count'.
-        * Note this doesn't include the trailing null character.
-        */
-       perm_count = 0;
+       TAILQ_INIT(&files);
+       TAILQ_INIT(&perms);
        last_chdir = 0;
        preserve = find_plist_option(pkg, "preserve") ? TRUE : FALSE;
@@ -197,8 +207,6 @@
                                                                    "unable to back up %s to %s, aborting pkg_add",
                                                                    try, pf);
                                                                rollback(PkgName, home, pkg->head, p);
-                                                               free(perm_args);
-                                                               free(where_args);
                                                                return 0;
@@ -228,40 +236,18 @@
                                        /* try to add to list of perms to be changed and run in bulk. */
-                                       if (p->name[0] == '/' || TOOBIG(p->name)) {
-                                               PUSHOUT(Directory);
-                                       }
-                                       /* note, if the following line is modified, TOOBIG must be adjusted accordingly */
-                                       add_count = snprintf(&perm_args[perm_count], maxargs - perm_count, "'%s' ", p->name);
-                                       if (add_count > maxargs - perm_count) {
-                                               cleanup(0);
-                                               errx(2, "oops, miscounted strings!");
-                                       }
-                                       perm_count += add_count;
+                                       if (p->name[0] == '/')
+                                               pushout(Directory);
+                                       LFILE_ADD(&perms, lfp, p->name);
                                } else {
                                        /* rename failed, try copying with a big tar command */
                                        if (last_chdir != Directory) {
-                                               PUSHOUT(last_chdir);
+                                               pushout(last_chdir);
                                                last_chdir = Directory;
-                                       } else if (p->name[0] == '/' || TOOBIG(p->name)) {
-                                               PUSHOUT(Directory);
-                                       }
-                                       /* note, if the following line is modified, TOOBIG must be adjusted accordingly */
-                                       add_count = snprintf(&where_args[where_count], maxargs - where_count, " '%s'", p->name);
-                                       if (add_count > maxargs - where_count) {
-                                               cleanup(0);
-                                               errx(2, "oops, miscounted strings!");
+                                       } else if (p->name[0] == '/') {
+                                               pushout(Directory);
-                                       where_count += add_count;
-                                       /* note, if the following line is modified, TOOBIG must be adjusted accordingly */
-                                       add_count = snprintf(&perm_args[perm_count],
-                                           maxargs - perm_count,
-                                           "'%s' ", p->name);
-                                       if (add_count > maxargs - perm_count) {
-                                               cleanup(0);
-                                               errx(2, "oops, miscounted strings!");
-                                       }
-                                       perm_count += add_count;
                                        if (!NoRecord) {
                                                /* note in pkgdb */
@@ -272,6 +258,8 @@
                                                char   *s, t[MaxPathSize], *u;
                                                int     rc;
+                                               LFILE_ADD(&files, lfp, p->name);
+                                               LFILE_ADD(&perms, lfp, p->name);
                                                if (p->name[0] == '/')
                                                        u = p->name;
                                                else {
@@ -299,7 +287,7 @@
                case PLIST_CWD:
                        if (Verbose)
                                printf("extract: CWD to %s\n", p->name);
-                       PUSHOUT(Directory);
+                       pushout(Directory);
                        if (strcmp(p->name, ".")) {
                                if (!Fake && make_hierarchy(p->name) == FAIL) {
@@ -312,24 +300,24 @@
                case PLIST_CMD:
                        format_cmd(cmd, sizeof(cmd), p->name, Directory, last_file);
-                       PUSHOUT(Directory);
+                       pushout(Directory);
                        printf("Executing '%s'\n", cmd);
                        if (!Fake && system(cmd))
                                warnx("command '%s' failed", cmd);
                case PLIST_CHMOD:
-                       PUSHOUT(Directory);
+                       pushout(Directory);
                        Mode = p->name;
                case PLIST_CHOWN:
-                       PUSHOUT(Directory);
+                       pushout(Directory);
                        Owner = p->name;
                case PLIST_CHGRP:
-                       PUSHOUT(Directory);

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