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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files When checking category Makefile...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 498233:b95238e31c98
user:      rillig <>
date:      Wed Aug 17 10:42:51 2005 +0000

When checking category Makefiles, avoid false warnings about
subdirectories that are in one of filesystem/Makefile, but not in the


 pkgtools/pkglint/files/ |  111 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diffs (167 lines):

diff -r e5b3ebf0ad17 -r b95238e31c98 pkgtools/pkglint/files/
--- a/pkgtools/pkglint/files/ Wed Aug 17 09:43:29 2005 +0000
+++ b/pkgtools/pkglint/files/ Wed Aug 17 10:42:51 2005 +0000
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 # Freely redistributable.  Absolutely no warranty.
 # From Id:,v 1.64 1998/02/28 02:34:05 itojun Exp
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.237 2005/08/17 09:43:29 rillig Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.238 2005/08/17 10:42:51 rillig Exp $
 # This version contains lots of changes necessary for NetBSD packages
 # done by:
@@ -2128,7 +2128,7 @@
                checkline_valid_characters_in_variable($lines->[$lineno], qr"[-\040'(),/0-9A-Za-z]");
                push(@normalized_lines, $lines->[$lineno++]->text);
        } else {
-               $lines->[3]->log_error("COMMENT= line expected.");
+               $lines->[$lineno]->log_error("COMMENT= line expected.");
                $can_fix = false;
@@ -2141,80 +2141,103 @@
        # And now to the most complicated part of the category Makefiles,
-       # the (hopefully) sorted list of SUBDIRs.
+       # the (hopefully) sorted list of SUBDIRs. The first step is to
+       # collect the SUBDIRs in the Makefile and in the file system.
+       my (@f_subdirs, @m_subdirs);
+       @f_subdirs = sort(get_subdirs($dir));
+       my $prev_subdir = undef;
+       while ($lineno <= $#{$lines}) {
+               my $line = $lines->[$lineno];
+               if ($line->text =~ qr"^(#?)SUBDIR\+=(\s*)(\S+)\s*(?:#\s*(.*?)\s*|)$") {
+                       my ($comment_flag, $indentation, $subdir, $comment) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+                       if ($comment_flag eq "#" && (!defined($comment) || $comment eq "")) {
+                               $line->log_error("${subdir} commented out without giving a reason.");
+                       }
+                       if ($indentation ne "\t") {
+                               $line->log_error("Indentation must be a single tab character.");
+                       }
-       my @filesys_subdirs = sort(get_subdirs($dir));
+                       if (defined($prev_subdir) && $subdir eq $prev_subdir) {
+                               $line->log_error("${subdir} must only appear once.");
+                       } elsif (defined($prev_subdir) && $subdir le $prev_subdir) {
+                               $line->log_error("${subdir} must come before ${prev_subdir}.");
+                       } else {
+                               # correctly ordered
+                       }
+                       push(@m_subdirs, [$subdir, $line]);
+                       $lineno++;
+               } else {
+                       if ($line->text ne "") {
+                               $line->log_error("SUBDIR+= line or empty line expected.");
+                       }
+                       last;
+               }
+       }
+       # To prevent unnecessary warnings about subdirectories that are
+       # in one list, but not in the other, we generate the sets of
+       # subdirs of each list.
+       my (%f_check, %m_check);
+       foreach my $f (@f_subdirs) { $f_check{$f} = true; }
+       foreach my $m (@m_subdirs) { $m_check{$m} = true; }
        my ($f_index, $f_atend, $f_neednext, $f_current) = (0, false, true, undef, undef);
-       my ($m_index, $m_atend, $m_neednext, $m_current, $m_source) = ($lineno, false, true, undef, undef);
+       my ($m_index, $m_atend, $m_neednext, $m_current) = (0, false, true, undef, undef);
+       my ($line);
        while (!($m_atend && $f_atend)) {
-               my $line = $lines->[$m_index];
                if (!$m_atend && $m_neednext) {
                        $m_neednext = false;
-                       if ($line->text =~ qr"^(#?)SUBDIR\+=(\s*)(\S+)\s*(?:#\s*(.*?)\s*|)$") {
-                               my ($comment_flag, $indentation, $subdir, $comment) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
-                               if ($comment_flag eq "#" && (!defined($comment) || $comment eq "")) {
-                                       $line->log_error("${subdir} commented out without giving a reason.");
-                               }
-                               if ($indentation ne "\t") {
-                                       $line->log_error("Indentation must be a single tab character.");
-                               }
-                               if (defined($m_current) && $subdir eq $m_current) {
-                                       $line->log_error("${subdir} should only appear once.");
-                               } elsif (defined($m_current) && $subdir le $m_current) {
-                                       $line->log_error("${subdir} must come before ${m_current}.");
-                               } else {
-                                       # correctly ordered
-                               }
-                               $m_current = $subdir;
+                       if ($m_index > $#m_subdirs) {
+                               $m_atend = true;
+                               $line = $lines->[$lineno];
+                               next;
+                       } else {
+                               $m_current = $m_subdirs[$m_index]->[0];
+                               $line = $m_subdirs[$m_index]->[1];
-                               $m_source = $line;
-                       } elsif ($line->text eq "") {
-                               $m_atend = true;
-                               next;
-                       } else {
-                               $line->log_error("SUBDIR+= line expected.");
-                               $m_atend = true;
-                               next;
                if (!$f_atend && $f_neednext) {
                        $f_neednext = false;
-                       if ($f_index > $#filesys_subdirs) {
+                       if ($f_index > $#f_subdirs) {
                                $f_atend = true;
                        } else {
-                               $f_current = $filesys_subdirs[$f_index++];
+                               $f_current = $f_subdirs[$f_index++];
                if (!$f_atend && ($m_atend || $f_current lt $m_current)) {
-                       $line->log_error("${f_current} exists in the file system, but not in the Makefile.");
+                       if (!exists($m_check{$f_current})) {
+                               $line->log_error("${f_current} exists in the file system, but not in the Makefile.");
+                       }
                        $f_neednext = true;
                        push(@normalized_lines, "SUBDIR+=\t${f_current}");
                } elsif (!$m_atend && ($f_atend || $m_current lt $f_current)) {
-                       $m_source->log_error("${m_current} exists in the Makefile, but not in the file system.");
+                       if (!exists($f_check{$m_current})) {
+                               $line->log_error("${m_current} exists in the Makefile, but not in the file system.");
+                       }
                        $m_neednext = true;
                } else { # $f_current eq $m_current
                        $f_neednext = true;
                        $m_neednext = true;
-                       push(@normalized_lines, $m_source->text);
+                       push(@normalized_lines, $line->text);
-       $lineno = $m_index;
        # the wip category Makefile may have its own targets for generating
        # indexes and READMEs. Just skip them.
        if ($is_wip) {

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