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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc Convert to buildlink3.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 474263:67c3d733af9b
user:      snj <>
date:      Tue Apr 27 02:04:06 2004 +0000

Convert to buildlink3.


 databases/gtranscript/Makefile         |   10 +-
 databases/gtranscript/distinfo         |    3 +-
 databases/gtranscript/patches/patch-aa |  632 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 meta-pkgs/gnome1/Makefile              |    6 +-
 x11/gnome-python/Makefile              |   11 +-
 x11/gnome-python/         |    8 -
 x11/gnome-python/         |   21 +
 7 files changed, 668 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 765 to 300 lines):

diff -r 21fdb4e4a574 -r 67c3d733af9b databases/gtranscript/Makefile
--- a/databases/gtranscript/Makefile    Tue Apr 27 01:50:04 2004 +0000
+++ b/databases/gtranscript/Makefile    Tue Apr 27 02:04:06 2004 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.23 2004/03/26 02:27:36 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.24 2004/04/27 02:04:06 snj Exp $
 DISTNAME=      gtranscript-0.0.1
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
 COMMENT=       SQL Database Client with GNOME frontend
-CPPFLAGS+=     -I${LOCALBASE}/include          # <postgresql/*.h>
+#CPPFLAGS+=    -I${LOCALBASE}/include          # <postgresql/*.h>
-.include "../../databases/postgresql-lib/"
-.include "../../x11/gnome-core/"
+.include "../../databases/postgresql-lib/"
+.include "../../x11/gnome-core/"
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r 21fdb4e4a574 -r 67c3d733af9b databases/gtranscript/distinfo
--- a/databases/gtranscript/distinfo    Tue Apr 27 01:50:04 2004 +0000
+++ b/databases/gtranscript/distinfo    Tue Apr 27 02:04:06 2004 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2001/04/18 16:10:58 agc Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2004/04/27 02:04:06 snj Exp $
 SHA1 (gtranscript-0.0.1.tar.gz) = e70c6663b83d5ee6c641277956bf9ec41c0f1f0f
 Size (gtranscript-0.0.1.tar.gz) = 84164 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-aa) = cf68a89ccd3aa7afa21f9b79db2c1318d23a7ae0
 SHA1 (patch-ab) = 99e57ffa114f0bd6d2ef483dcb54c1f2cabc1bb1
diff -r 21fdb4e4a574 -r 67c3d733af9b databases/gtranscript/patches/patch-aa
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/databases/gtranscript/patches/patch-aa    Tue Apr 27 02:04:06 2004 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.3 2004/04/27 02:04:07 snj Exp $
+--- src/gtrans_help.c.orig     2004-04-26 17:59:46.000000000 -0700
++++ src/gtrans_help.c  2004-04-26 18:10:35.000000000 -0700
+@@ -20,317 +20,316 @@
+ static gchar help_text[] = 
+-"GNOME Transcript
+-    0.- Licence
+-    1.- Introduccion
+-    2.- GTransTables
+-    3.- When to use GNOME Transcript
+-    4.- Overview
+-    5.- Connections
+-    6.- Creating and editing GTransTables
+-    7.- Working with the Tables
+-    8.- Contacting the author and contibuting
+-0.- Licence.
+-GNOME Transcript is released under the GPL Licence, you should have recived
+-a copy of the licence with this document, otherwise see
+-1.- Introduccion.
+-GNOME Transcript is a client for SQL databases, currently supporting
+-PosgreSQL only, but I have plans for MySQL an MSQL.
+-GNOME Transcript aims to provide an easy enviroment for the novice user
+-of SQL databases, providing gui replacements for some of the SQL commands,
+-and a powerfull, environment for the experienced user, with SQL engines.
+-In this stages, the early stages, you can see what the environment for the
+-novice users will be about, but the engines for the experiences user are
+-missing but are soon to come.
+-GNOME Transcript may be, and surely is unstable, and a lot of planned
+-features are missing.
+-Other thing you must be aware of is that GNOME Transcript does not allows you
+-to work with regular tables at this stages (this will change soon),
+-instead it provides you with an editor for creating special GTransTables.
+-Read the next to find out more about GTransTables.
+-2.- GTransTables
+-GTransTables are tables, with special config that allows you to edit
+-view and update you data in a special gui environment that you design
+-with the table editor, GNOME Transcript will also support regular
+-tables in a upcoming version.
+-How is it posible for GNOME Transcript to store a configuration for
+-this special and beautiful user designed tables????
+-The first time GNOME Transcript connects to a database creates
+-a table named GTransTables, where the record for the supported tables
+-will be kept, and for each table you create it creates a table for
+-storing its configuration, this way you have the config right where
+-you kept the data. If you create a table that is named \"CompactDiscs\"
+-this table will be created as a regular table, but a table named
+-\"CompactDiscs_def\" will be created to store the configuration.
+-*** IMPORTANT ***
+-Do not try to name your tables with spaces in between, like
+-\"Compact Discs\", or with characters like (.,:-+) and that stuff
+-like \"Compact-Discs.\"
+-This version does not supports that.
+-3.- When to use GNOME Transcript.
+-This version is all about to see if the special gui's could be created and
+-used with regularity, fortunately this works fine, but this version
+-is also missing serious database support, for example when you create
+-a table, all field are type text (this will change soon), so dont use
+-GNOME Transcript for data that the field must be floats and that stuff.
+-One good use that GNOME Transcript serves perfectly well in this version is
+-an addres book, a recipy book, and that kind of stuff.
+-4.- Overview.
+-Ok lets see how to use this program.
+-First of all whe have menus and a toolbar, let see the menus.
+-*** File Menu.
+-      * New   : Starts the GTransTable editor for you to create a new
+-                table, later we will see more about this editor.
+-      * Open  : Opens a GTransTable for editing, here the config file
+-                is a regular file, this is so you could also store
+-                table in regular files and interchange them with
+-                you closest friends.
+-                This is miising a lot of support, dont use field
+-                names longer than 255 characters or use ':' in the
+-                field name.
+-      * Save  : Saves a GTransTable from the editor to a regular
+-                file.
+-                This is miising a lot of support, dont use field
+-                names longer than 255 characters or use ':' in the
+-                field name.
+-      * Close : Closes the table being edited.
+-      * Quit  : Just quits.
+-*** Database Menu.
+-      * Connect    : Starts a connection to a database only supports
+-                     single connection, but in version 0.0.2, we  will
+-                     have multiple connections to multiple databases.
+-      * Disconnect : Finishes the current connection.
+-      * Open       : Opens a table for editing, this one opens
+-                     the config from the database.
+-      * Save       : Saves the GTransTable being edited, also sets
+-                     the record for the supported table, and creates 
+-                     the actual table.
+-      * Save As    : Same as above, but always asks for a name.
+-      * Select *   : Selects al registers from a table and displays them
+-                     guily, ready for you to do some actual work.
+-      * Delete     : deletes a supported table from the database.
+-*** Help.
+-      * About      : the usual about box.
+-5.- Connections.
+-When ever you want to connect to a data base, a special connection dialog
+-will be poped right infront of your eyes asking for the next info.
+-    Database :  The name of the database you wish to connect to,
+-              This field can be null, if so the connection
+-              will be made, to a databease named as the user.
+-    Host     :  The host wuere posgres is running, if null
+-              it connects to the localhost.
+-    Port     :  The port to connect to, can be null and uses 
+-              some kind of default.
+-    Username :  The name of the Posgtres user, this one cant be null
+-              and the user must apear on pg_shadow, read the postgres
+-              manual for more info.
+-    Pasword  :  Pasword for the user, it can be null if the user is using
+-              a db he created.
+-    tty      :  for special debuging info, can be null.
+-6.- Creating and editing GTransTables.
+-To do this you must first start the editor ( see Overview to find out
+-how to do that).
+-Then in the main aplication the editor will apear. This editor consists
+-in a tree displayed in the left side, some buttons in the middle and
+-a preview in the right side.
+-** The GTransItems.
+-The GtransItems are the items (widgets) you use to define you table.
+-The currently available items are, Pages, Labeled Texts, Labeled Entrys,
+-FramedHBox and FramedVBox.
+-*Pages are those things, like pages that you can very oftenly see in any
+-aplication, this page may only go in the root of the tree, i mean the
+-higher part of the struct ans not contained in any other item, this 
+-will be more clear after an example.
+-*Labeled Texts are fileds for inserting large texts, that come with
+-a label acording to its name.
+-*Labeled Entrys are fileds for inserting a line of text, that come with
+-a label acording to its name.
+-* FramedHBox, this widget is a container, this means yo can insert other 
+-items in it, this framed box allows you to insert items and this items
+-are piled from left to right.
+-* FramedVBox, this widget is a container, this means yo can insert other 
+-items in it, this framed box allows you to insert items and this items
+-are piled from top to bottom.
+-** The tree **
+-The tree is for viewing and accesing the widget structure. 
+-For example, press the button that is labeled with the word \"Page\",
+-you will see that in the tree an item apears, and also in the preview
+-Pages are inserted always at the top of the tree, and not in subtrees.
+-Before the page is inserted it will ask you fir a name, this name must
+-not bee null and must not exist in the table.
+-Then, select the page from the tree with a click of the left mouse
+-button. And then press the button labled with \"FVBox\", again
+-a name will be asked, after the name has been validated,
+-the FVbox will be inserted in the preview, to see it in
+-the tree you will have to expand the pafe from the tree
+-by clicking on the + sign on the item and then you will see
+-the FVBox in the tree.
+-Then select the FVbox from the tree and press the button entry,
+-and after you have named it it will apear in the tree (you must expand 
+-the FVBox to see it) and in the preview.
+-The rules are very simple, all pages go in the root tree, so you
+-don need to select a container for it, and for the other items
+-you do must select a container.
+-Names must not be null and must not exist in the table.
+-To Remove an item, just select it from the tree and click the remove
+-button, this item and all its children will be removed.
+-You can add as much as pages to the root tree and as much items to
+-the container as you wish.
+-You can open some expamles for editing from files that come in this
+-distibution, you will pobably find them in
+-where prefix is the installation prefix you selected.
+-You will have to open this examples with the \"Open\" command that
+-apears in the File menu in GNOME Transcript.

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