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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/graphics/nvtv Better description of Nvtv, as advised b...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 462608:8ce849ed1973
user:      cube <>
date:      Mon Oct 06 04:01:39 2003 +0000

Better description of Nvtv, as advised by salo@.


 graphics/nvtv/DESCR |  19 +++++++++++++------
 1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diffs (23 lines):

diff -r 24bc3e5403e0 -r 8ce849ed1973 graphics/nvtv/DESCR
--- a/graphics/nvtv/DESCR       Mon Oct 06 03:00:32 2003 +0000
+++ b/graphics/nvtv/DESCR       Mon Oct 06 04:01:39 2003 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
-This is a tool to enable TV-Out on Linux for NVidia
-cards. It does not need the kernel, supports
-multiple TV encoder chips. You may use all the
-features of the chip, down to direct register
-access, and all resolutions and sizes the chip
+Nvtv can enable, activate and configure the TV output of most NVidia cards,
+and some others, like some 3dfx ones. Nvtv probes and uses the PCI bus
+directly, thus does not need any kernel support, and allows a very low-level
+access to the multiple TV encoder chips supported. Then you have a direct
+control over the registers of the chip, and can use all the resolutions and
+sizes the board supports.
+Most of the accesses done by Nvtv need root privileges, and a daemon is
+provided to allow non-privileged users control the TV output of the graphics
+Nvtv can integrate into either a GTK1 or a GTK2 environment, with the exact
+same interface.

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