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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/devel/py-hypothesis py-hypothesis: updated to 6.14.0

branches:  trunk
changeset: 454602:1a78eb6c84e6
user:      adam <>
date:      Sun Jun 13 18:08:24 2021 +0000

py-hypothesis: updated to 6.14.0

6.14.0 - 2021-06-09

The explain phase now requires shrinking to be enabled, and will be automatically skipped for deadline-exceeded errors.

6.13.14 - 2021-06-04

This patch improves the tuples() strategy type annotations, to preserve the element types for up to length-five tuples.

As for one_of(), this is the best we can do before a planned extension to PEP 646 is released, hopefully in Python 3.11.

6.13.13 - 2021-06-04

This patch teaches the Ghostwriter how to find custom ufuncs from any module that defines them, and that yaml.unsafe_load() does not undo yaml.safe_load().

6.13.12 - 2021-06-03

This patch reduces the amount of internal code excluded from our test suite’s code coverage checks.

There is no user-visible change.

6.13.11 - 2021-06-02

This patch removes some old internal helper code that previously existed to make Python 2 compatibility easier.

There is no user-visible change.

6.13.10 - 2021-05-30

This release adjusts some internal code to help make our test suite more reliable.

There is no user-visible change.

6.13.9 - 2021-05-30

This patch cleans up some internal code related to filtering strategies.

There is no user-visible change.

6.13.8 - 2021-05-28

This patch slightly improves the performance of some internal code for generating integers.

6.13.7 - 2021-05-27

This patch fixes a bug in from_regex() that caused from_regex("", fullmatch=True) to unintentionally generate non-empty strings.

The only strings that completely match an empty regex pattern are empty strings.

6.13.6 - 2021-05-26

This patch fixes a bug that caused integers() to shrink towards negative values instead of positive values in some cases.

6.13.5 - 2021-05-24

This patch fixes rare cases where hypothesis write --binary-op could print reproducing instructions from the internal search for an identity element.

6.13.4 - 2021-05-24

This patch removes some unnecessary intermediate list-comprehensions, using the latest versions of pyupgrade and shed.

6.13.3 - 2021-05-23

This patch adds a .hypothesis property to invalid test functions, bringing them inline with valid tests and fixing a bug where pytest-asyncio would swallow the real error message and mistakenly raise 
a version incompatibility error.

6.13.2 - 2021-05-23

Some of Hypothesis’s numpy/pandas strategies use a fill argument to speed up generating large arrays, by generating a single fill value and sharing that value among many array slots instead of 
filling every single slot individually.

When no fill argument is provided, Hypothesis tries to detect whether it is OK to automatically use the elements argument as a fill strategy, so that it can still use the faster approach.

This patch fixes a bug that would cause that optimization to trigger in some cases where it isn’t 100% guaranteed to be OK.

If this makes some of your numpy/pandas tests run more slowly, try adding an explicit fill argument to the relevant strategies to ensure that Hypothesis always uses the faster approach.

6.13.1 - 2021-05-20

This patch strengthens some internal import-time consistency checks for the built-in strategies.

There is no user-visible change.

6.13.0 - 2021-05-18

This release adds URL fragment generation to the urls() strategy. Thanks to Pax (R. Margret) for contributing this patch at the PyCon US Mentored Sprints!

6.12.1 - 2021-05-17

This patch fixes issue 2964, where .map() and .filter() methods were omitted from the repr() of just() and sampled_from() strategies, since version 5.43.7.

6.12.0 - 2021-05-06

This release automatically rewrites some simple filters, such as integers().filter(lambda x: x > 9) to the more efficient integers(min_value=10), based on the AST of the predicate.

We continue to recommend using the efficient form directly wherever possible, but this should be useful for e.g. pandera “Checks” where you already have a simple predicate and translating manually is 
really annoying. See issue 2701 for ideas about floats and simple text strategies.

6.11.0 - 2021-05-06 now returns the observation value, allowing it to be conveniently used inline in expressions such as assert target(abs(a - b)) < 0.1.


 devel/py-hypothesis/Makefile |   4 ++--
 devel/py-hypothesis/distinfo |  10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diffs (29 lines):

diff -r 7eec9751a069 -r 1a78eb6c84e6 devel/py-hypothesis/Makefile
--- a/devel/py-hypothesis/Makefile      Sun Jun 13 17:56:15 2021 +0000
+++ b/devel/py-hypothesis/Makefile      Sun Jun 13 18:08:24 2021 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.100 2021/05/04 08:10:53 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.101 2021/06/13 18:08:24 adam Exp $
 # Changelog:
-DISTNAME=      hypothesis-6.10.1
+DISTNAME=      hypothesis-6.14.0
 CATEGORIES=    devel python
 MASTER_SITES=  ${MASTER_SITE_PYPI:=h/hypothesis/}
diff -r 7eec9751a069 -r 1a78eb6c84e6 devel/py-hypothesis/distinfo
--- a/devel/py-hypothesis/distinfo      Sun Jun 13 17:56:15 2021 +0000
+++ b/devel/py-hypothesis/distinfo      Sun Jun 13 18:08:24 2021 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.97 2021/05/04 08:10:53 wiz Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.98 2021/06/13 18:08:24 adam Exp $
-SHA1 (hypothesis-6.10.1.tar.gz) = 7f3dc59073f688108e07ba6237fd0a738de6dc68
-RMD160 (hypothesis-6.10.1.tar.gz) = e17954b67cdc85272248e1f9e8db17c7703cba82
-SHA512 (hypothesis-6.10.1.tar.gz) = 4686882e6c1f916b4297bbfc8156d715880a62e9d73fcca31b07874aa6f74eebec052c9251b089e6889ee833afb5fb2fe86d7271c10d23d91bb670f44799ffac
-Size (hypothesis-6.10.1.tar.gz) = 297304 bytes
+SHA1 (hypothesis-6.14.0.tar.gz) = 6e179cf9669568c9fac9132cc7cd93b155b519c8
+RMD160 (hypothesis-6.14.0.tar.gz) = e244fc6d0e2a5f0d316d1752eee7ddaf14d2808b
+SHA512 (hypothesis-6.14.0.tar.gz) = e4ec4b8d45aea97c04857f818a5761a9dc7cb343d60475bd21ee03e3a8d9ab3e63fc38e4a2a689cacdf4a646f7036bb284cc85bddced999ca87ab08ca9d5650e
+Size (hypothesis-6.14.0.tar.gz) = 299367 bytes

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