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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/textproc/R-htmltools ^(textproc/R-htmltools) Updated 0...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 454009:0d42d23e2ba7
user:      mef <>
date:      Sat Jun 05 08:02:32 2021 +0000

^(textproc/R-htmltools) Updated 0.3.6 to


* Added shiny as a suggested package.

htmltools 0.5.1

## New Features & Improvements

* Added a new `tagFunction()` for generating `tags` and/or
  `htmlDependency()`s conditional on the rendering context. For an
  example, see `?tagFunction`. (#180)

* Closed #104: `save_html()`'s `file` argument now properly handles
  relative paths. (@haozhu233, #105, #192)

* `save_html()` now has a `lang` parameter that can be used to set the
  lang attribute of `<html>`. (@ColinFay, #185)

* Closed #101: `htmlDependency` & `renderDependencies` now allow the
  `script` argument to be given as a named list containing the
  elements: `src`, `integrity`, `crossorigin`. (@matthewstrasiotto,

* Closed #189: `validateCssUnit()` now accepts `fit-content`. (#190)

* `htmlPreserve()` can now optionally use the Pandoc `raw_attribute`
  extension to enclose HTML.

## Breaking Changes

* Closed #161: `parseCssColors(x)` now requires `x` to be a character
  vector (it no longer accepts a `list()` of strings) and an error is
  no longer thrown when `mustWork = FALSE` and `x` contains `NA`
  value(s). (#194)

## Bug fixes

* `print(as.tags(x))` no longer results in error when `x` is a generic
  `list()` of tag-like objects. (#181)

htmltools 0.5.0

* `tags` is now generated by a script which collects all
  [HTML]( and
  [SVG]( element tags
  documented in [MDN Web Docs](  This feature
  only appends to the existing set of `tags` (#159)

* Removed the Rcpp depedency and the compiled code now uses C rather than C++ (#158)

* BREAKING CHANGE: Fixed #57, #153: `htmlTemplate` output no longer inserts
  extra whitespace around {{...}} replacement values. (#154)

* `HTML()` now takes `.noWS` argument, which can be used to suppress surrounding
  whitespace (similar to the new argument for tags in htmltools 0.4.0). (#154)

* `css()` now returns `NULL` instead of `""` when no non-empty properties are
  specified. (#145)

* `save_html(tags$body(...))` no longer results in double <body> tags being
  written to the .html file. (Note that `save_html(tags$html(...))` is not
  supported at this time.) (#145)

* Trailing commas now permited in `...` arguments to `css()`, `tagList()`, and
  the var-arg mutation functions: `tagAppendAttributes()`, `tagSetChildren()`,
  and `tagAppendChildren()`. (#145)

* Added `capturePlot` and `plotTag` functions, for easily creating image files
  and HTML <img> tags (respectively) from plot expressions. (#150)

* Added `parseCssColors` function, for normalizing the various CSS
  color formats into #RRGGBB(AA) strings. (#155)

* Fixed #156: Now `extractPreserveChunks()` handles strings contain
  Emoji Unicode strings correctly on Windows. (#157)

* The `.noWS` parameter for suppressing whitespace can now take an `"inside"`
  value (equivalent to `c("after-start", "before-end")`). (#163)

htmltools 0.4.0

* Fixed #128: Added support for trailing commas in tagLists and the predefined
  tags. (#135)

* Added some HTML tag functions to `tags` that were missing. (#111)

* Updated RcppExports for new version of Rcpp. (#93)

* `as.character.shiny.tags()` will handle non-ASCII attributes correctly if they
  are not encoded in native encoding.

* Fixed #99: `NA` attributes were sometimes rendered as `"NA"` in the HTML,
  instead of being blank. (#100)

* The error message for trailing commas in tag functions now provides context
  and useful information. (#109)

* Stopped using inline styles to set background color for `save_html`, as doing so
  makes it difficult to override using other CSS rules. (#123)

* Added a `.noWS` argument to `tag()` and `tags` which can be used to suppress
  the automatically generated whitespace around a particular tag. (#131)

* Added a shim for `system.file()` so that htmltools works with `htmlDependency`
  objects created by a package that was loaded with `devtools::load_all()`.

* `validateCssUnit()` now accepts `ch`, `rem`, and `calc()`. (#134)

* Fixed #125: `print.html` removes html dependencies. (#126)

* Stopped extra carriage returns from being inserted by `save_html` on Windows.


 textproc/R-htmltools/Makefile |   9 +++++++--
 textproc/R-htmltools/distinfo |  10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diffs (40 lines):

diff -r 231f5268bbf6 -r 0d42d23e2ba7 textproc/R-htmltools/Makefile
--- a/textproc/R-htmltools/Makefile     Sat Jun 05 07:51:33 2021 +0000
+++ b/textproc/R-htmltools/Makefile     Sat Jun 05 08:02:32 2021 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2019/08/08 19:53:57 brook Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/06/05 08:02:32 mef Exp $
 R_PKGNAME=     htmltools
-R_PKGVER=      0.3.6
 CATEGORIES=    textproc
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
 LICENSE=       gnu-gpl-v2 OR gnu-gpl-v3
 DEPENDS+=      R-digest>=0.6.20:../../security/R-digest
+# Packages suggested but not available:  'ragg'
+TEST_DEPENDS+= R-testthat-[0-9]*:../../devel/R-testthat
+TEST_DEPENDS+= R-Cairo-[0-9]*:../../graphics/R-Cairo
+#EST_DEPENDS+= R-ragg-[0-9]*:../../devel/R-ragg
+TEST_DEPENDS+= R-shiny-[0-9]*:../../www/R-shiny
 USE_LANGUAGES+=        c c++
diff -r 231f5268bbf6 -r 0d42d23e2ba7 textproc/R-htmltools/distinfo
--- a/textproc/R-htmltools/distinfo     Sat Jun 05 07:51:33 2021 +0000
+++ b/textproc/R-htmltools/distinfo     Sat Jun 05 08:02:32 2021 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2018/05/12 21:54:24 minskim Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2021/06/05 08:02:32 mef Exp $
-SHA1 (R/htmltools_0.3.6.tar.gz) = e1c77d1b37509e0e0d44fa2af880dc63b4cd9327
-RMD160 (R/htmltools_0.3.6.tar.gz) = e3a5b959040e9b7f12838cbe0b4132e998af71d5
-SHA512 (R/htmltools_0.3.6.tar.gz) = a0ebe5bdc2fb71c782bfc50686356dec970d0bd67e053df8beb7f0397266416ff9e3cc1bba72df16da39f2dc82f755b32a87046f39d9fe7f52b308d23b017522
-Size (R/htmltools_0.3.6.tar.gz) = 45408 bytes
+SHA1 (R/htmltools_0.5.1.1.tar.gz) = 6be8d7ebdca06c82afc100627de1676e25b92674
+RMD160 (R/htmltools_0.5.1.1.tar.gz) = d2bce997c648851ceaa613b6c2b4fb6b4ddf2a4a
+SHA512 (R/htmltools_0.5.1.1.tar.gz) = 45414e7d71a1d554f89086fbac9938c1cfd299b4480ee678abd86571af84b53acfa021bdd5d2c40194f4acf1163787e2b7539ebe1d1abf7eea57297cca7888b8
+Size (R/htmltools_0.5.1.1.tar.gz) = 71567 bytes

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