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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/finance/bitcoin bitcoin: updated to 0.18.1

branches:  trunk
changeset: 340011:cbf6683d41a5
user:      adam <>
date:      Fri Sep 20 16:57:28 2019 +0000

bitcoin: updated to 0.18.1


P2P protocol and network code
- Add tests and documentation for blocksonly
- Avoid logging transaction decode errors to stderr
- fix: tor: Call `event_base_loopbreak` from the event's callback
- Make poll in InterruptibleRecv only filter for POLLIN events

- Add -ignorepartialspends to list of ignored wallet options

RPC and other APIs
- Bugfix: fix pruneblockchain returned prune height
- Document iswitness flag and fix bug in converttopsbt
- Ensure that uncompressed public keys in a multisig always returns a legacy address
- Disallow extended encoding for non-witness transactions
- add 2nd arg to signrawtransactionwithkey examples
- signrawtransactionwithkey: report error when missing redeemScript/witnessScript

- fix the bug of OPEN CONFIGURATION FILE on Mac
- Show "No wallets available" in open menu instead of nothing
- Enable open wallet menu on setWalletController
- Set progressDialog to nullptr
- Fix open wallet menu initialization order
- Set `AA_EnableHighDpiScaling` attribute early
- Enable console line edit on setClientModel
- Assert QMetaObject::invokeMethod result

Build system
- Add test for GCC bug 90348
- Install bitcoin-wallet manpage
- build with -fstack-reuse=none

Tests and QA
- Pure python EC
- Add test for superfluous witness record in deserialization
- Bugfix: test/functional/rpc_psbt: Remove check for specific error message that depends on uncertain assumptions
- Add test that addmultisigaddress fails for watchonly addresses

- Remove text about txes always relayed from -whitelist

- Catch by reference not value in wallettool
- Replace fprintf with tfm::format


 finance/bitcoin/Makefile                                 |  64 +++------------
 finance/bitcoin/PLIST                                    |   5 +-
 finance/bitcoin/distinfo                                 |  14 +-
 finance/bitcoin/                               |  19 +++-
 finance/bitcoin/patches/patch-src_netbase.cpp            |  17 ++-
 finance/bitcoin/patches/patch-src_secp256k1_configure    |  15 +++
 finance/bitcoin/patches/ |  15 ---
 7 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

diffs (245 lines):

diff -r 63abe0d1b869 -r cbf6683d41a5 finance/bitcoin/Makefile
--- a/finance/bitcoin/Makefile  Fri Sep 20 16:53:07 2019 +0000
+++ b/finance/bitcoin/Makefile  Fri Sep 20 16:57:28 2019 +0000
@@ -1,32 +1,23 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2019/09/18 14:17:11 ryoon Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.16 2019/09/20 16:57:28 adam Exp $
-DISTNAME=      bitcoin-0.17.1
+DISTNAME=      bitcoin-0.18.1
 CATEGORIES=    finance
 COMMENT=       P2P electronic cash system
 LICENSE=       mit
-USE_TOOLS+=    gmake pkg-config autoconf aclocal autoheader automake
-# bitcoin-core requires c++11 (but does not need manual --std=c++11).
-# TODO: File bug upstream - configure should add this where it is
-# needed.  Without -fPIC, linking of test_bitcoin fails.
-CFLAGS+=       -fPIC
-# configure does not look in PREFIX for boost unless instructed.
+# bitcoin-core requires c++11 (but does not need manual -std=c++11).
+USE_LANGUAGES=         c c++
+USE_LIBTOOL=           yes
+USE_TOOLS+=            gmake pkg-config
+GNU_CONFIGURE=         yes
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --disable-hardening # uses -fPIE which is problemtic
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-boost=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.boost-libs}
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --enable-hardening
+TEST_TARGET=           check
 .include "../../mk/"
@@ -37,44 +28,17 @@
 # pkgsrc's db4 package installs as db4_, but bitcoin looks for db_.
 BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM+=  l:db_cxx:db4_cxx
-TEST_TARGET=   check
-PLIST_VARS+=   qt
-RCD_SCRIPTS=           bitcoind
-OWN_DIRS=              ${VARBASE}/bitcoin
-EGDIR=                 ${PREFIX}/share/examples/bitcoin
-CONF_FILES=            ${EGDIR}/bitcoin.conf ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/bitcoin.conf
-CONF_FILES_PERMS=      ${EGDIR}/bitcoin.conf ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/bitcoin.conf ${REAL_ROOT_USER} ${REAL_ROOT_GROUP} 0644
-# This is currently unnecessary, but it seems likely we will find a
-# file that references /usr when ${PREFIX} is appropriate.
-SUBST_CLASSES+=                pkg
-SUBST_STAGE.pkg=       post-patch
-SUBST_SED.pkg=         -e "s|/usr/|${PREFIX}/|g"
-SUBST_MESSAGE.pkg=     Fixing /usr references to ${PREFIX}.
-# bitcoin does not actually have releases; only snapshots of the
-# repository from which a release would have been made.  Remedially
-# create and similar.
-       cd ${WRKSRC} && ./
 # TODO: Decide if secp256k1 and univalue are supposed to be installed,
 # and if so where, or if they should be linked with privately.
 INSTALL_DIRS=  ${BUILD_DIRS} src/secp256k1 src/univalue
-# Install the Debian example config file.
-       ${INSTALL_DATA} -m 644 ${WRKSRC}/share/examples/bitcoin.conf ${DESTDIR}${EGDIR}
 .include ""
-.include "../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/"
 .include "../../databases/db4/"
 .include "../../devel/boost-libs/"
 .include "../../devel/libevent/"
+.include "../../net/zeromq/"
 .include "../../security/openssl/"
+.include "../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/"
 .include "../../mk/"
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r 63abe0d1b869 -r cbf6683d41a5 finance/bitcoin/PLIST
--- a/finance/bitcoin/PLIST     Fri Sep 20 16:53:07 2019 +0000
+++ b/finance/bitcoin/PLIST     Fri Sep 20 16:57:28 2019 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.1 2018/07/08 11:13:45 khorben Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.2 2019/09/20 16:57:28 adam Exp $
@@ -19,5 +20,5 @@
diff -r 63abe0d1b869 -r cbf6683d41a5 finance/bitcoin/distinfo
--- a/finance/bitcoin/distinfo  Fri Sep 20 16:53:07 2019 +0000
+++ b/finance/bitcoin/distinfo  Fri Sep 20 16:57:28 2019 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2019/05/13 08:32:56 khorben Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2019/09/20 16:57:28 adam Exp $
-SHA1 (bitcoin-0.17.1.tar.gz) = 4f7e19b5f2980aabd63080d2111d40172ba2d9eb
-RMD160 (bitcoin-0.17.1.tar.gz) = 47ab653936bee50bd9feeb8116e6a9646ddee826
-SHA512 (bitcoin-0.17.1.tar.gz) = a72008004e244ae6d8d7f52eefa7dc7d3de5fb23efad8080bcc52d79d1fb8a43bf7de9c012b37f2586e3e4e2f44014a678d63c429132200eca0ca120c820053c
-Size (bitcoin-0.17.1.tar.gz) = 6219440 bytes
+SHA1 (bitcoin-0.18.1.tar.gz) = 319cecf510805ad7a0844d26564550300eaab5f2
+RMD160 (bitcoin-0.18.1.tar.gz) = 57c4f73f64ca695b649f87ec3fdf1b1659150dbb
+SHA512 (bitcoin-0.18.1.tar.gz) = 40c2d76e7ae9e61ba9daed84a5d9118aab8d9c342ea1a621f730ce5fc02971138fc6eb343876b0950c10b997bdb4fe32b98bd6bb90b812c4abfdc2ef99a05fe7
+Size (bitcoin-0.18.1.tar.gz) = 7379509 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-src_leveldb_port_port__posix.h) = 6a3cde12951b9801e8ffe19b6134ca48ad0d876c
-SHA1 (patch-src_netbase.cpp) = c1357ce9437fab87651df9fd4ca12dd24c59830c
-SHA1 ( = 688e13e1da110bf15557434f19507f43290be8ef
+SHA1 (patch-src_netbase.cpp) = 5f9589a6572ff7d23f5f135beaf6c6533eaafe73
+SHA1 (patch-src_secp256k1_configure) = e3ef7209dc9e2c42e1d70612a774323a28a40abc
diff -r 63abe0d1b869 -r cbf6683d41a5 finance/bitcoin/
--- a/finance/bitcoin/        Fri Sep 20 16:53:07 2019 +0000
+++ b/finance/bitcoin/        Fri Sep 20 16:57:28 2019 +0000
@@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.2 2019/05/13 08:32:56 khorben Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.3 2019/09/20 16:57:28 adam Exp $
 PKG_OPTIONS_VAR=               PKG_OPTIONS.bitcoin
-PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS+=                qt5 miniupnpc
+PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS+=                qt5 upnp
 # qt5 is off because it doubles the footprint of the package.
 # Please do not enable it by default; instead, create a split
 # package.
 .include "../../mk/"
+PLIST_VARS+=   qt
 .if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mqt5)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-gui=qt5
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-qt-bindir=${QTDIR}/bin
 PLIST.qt=      yes
 .include "../../converters/qrencode/"
 .include "../../devel/protobuf/"
 .include "../../x11/qt5-qttools/"
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-qt-bindir=${QTDIR}/bin
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-gui=no
-.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mminiupnpc)
+.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mupnp)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --with-miniupnpc
 .include "../../net/miniupnpc/"
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=       --without-miniupnpc
diff -r 63abe0d1b869 -r cbf6683d41a5 finance/bitcoin/patches/patch-src_netbase.cpp
--- a/finance/bitcoin/patches/patch-src_netbase.cpp     Fri Sep 20 16:53:07 2019 +0000
+++ b/finance/bitcoin/patches/patch-src_netbase.cpp     Fri Sep 20 16:57:28 2019 +0000
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-src_netbase.cpp,v 1.1 2018/07/08 11:13:46 khorben Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-src_netbase.cpp,v 1.2 2019/09/20 16:57:28 adam Exp $
 It is unclear why this patch exists.  NetBSD 6 and 7 have AI_ADDRCONFIG,
 although NetBSD 5 does not.  Arguably upstream should have an autoconf
 test instead.  This is not known to be reported upstream.
---- src/netbase.cpp.orig       2017-04-20 09:28:25.000000000 +0000
+--- src/netbase.cpp.orig       2019-09-20 11:57:52.000000000 +0000
 +++ src/netbase.cpp
-@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ bool static LookupIntern(const char *psz
+@@ -80,7 +80,11 @@ bool static LookupIntern(const char *psz
      aiHint.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
      aiHint.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
      aiHint.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
--#ifdef WIN32
-     aiHint.ai_flags = fAllowLookup ? 0 : AI_NUMERICHOST;
- #else
      aiHint.ai_flags = fAllowLookup ? AI_ADDRCONFIG : AI_NUMERICHOST;
++    aiHint.ai_flags = fAllowLookup ? 0 : AI_NUMERICHOST;
+     struct addrinfo *aiRes = nullptr;
+     int nErr = getaddrinfo(pszName, nullptr, &aiHint, &aiRes);
+     if (nErr)
diff -r 63abe0d1b869 -r cbf6683d41a5 finance/bitcoin/patches/patch-src_secp256k1_configure
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/finance/bitcoin/patches/patch-src_secp256k1_configure     Fri Sep 20 16:57:28 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-src_secp256k1_configure,v 1.1 2019/09/20 16:57:28 adam Exp $
+Portability fix.
+--- src/secp256k1/configure.orig       2019-09-20 12:04:42.000000000 +0000
++++ src/secp256k1/configure
+@@ -15158,7 +15158,7 @@ else
+ fi
+- if test x"$use_jni" == x"yes"; then
++ if test x"$use_jni" = x"yes"; then
+ else
diff -r 63abe0d1b869 -r cbf6683d41a5 finance/bitcoin/patches/
--- a/finance/bitcoin/patches/  Fri Sep 20 16:53:07 2019 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD:,v 1.1 2018/07/08 11:13:46 khorben Exp $
-Portability fix for the configure script generated.
---- src/secp256k1/    2017-04-20 09:28:25.000000000 +0000
-+++ src/secp256k1/
-@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_BENCHMARK], [test x"
- AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_ECMULT_STATIC_PRECOMPUTATION], [test x"$set_precomp" = x"yes"])
- AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_MODULE_ECDH], [test x"$enable_module_ecdh" = x"yes"])
- AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_MODULE_RECOVERY], [test x"$enable_module_recovery" = x"yes"])
--AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_JNI], [test x"$use_jni" == x"yes"])
-+AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_JNI], [test x"$use_jni" = x"yes"])
- AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_EXTERNAL_ASM], [test x"$use_external_asm" = x"yes"])
- AM_CONDITIONAL([USE_ASM_ARM], [test x"$set_asm" = x"arm"])

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