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Re: pkgsrc HEAD selective NetBSD 5.99.49/x86_64 2011-11-19 23:06

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 04:38:29PM +0000, David Holland wrote:
 > pkgsrc bulk build report
 > ========================

   DVDStyler ap2-chroot ess gated gettext kdebindings-ruby labltk
   libprelude-ruby mldonkey-gui monotone-viz opendnssec swiftsurf
   xentools41 zope210

   emacs-packages kenigma plone3

   ArX adobe-flash-plugin bacula-wx-console bmpanel2 courier-imap
   courier-mta cstore dvb-apps fidogate gnometoaster gtklp
   gutenprint-lib gxine icecc jitterbug kiax majordomo mgetty
   mono-tools netatalk omake openttd osg p5-Mouse fstat qca
   qnetwalk ruby18-rdoc (PR 45606) scribus sqwebmail xulrunner

   advi camlimages flightgear gecko-mediaplayer gnash icedtea-web
   mplayer-plugin openoffice3 p5-Git-CPAN-Patch p5-Method-Signatures
   p5-MouseX-Types p5-Tatsumaki simgear

   ocsigen tct


Some of the broken ones I just hadn't built before (e.g. fidogate,

If anyone's reading this and knows how to beat up qt3 qmake, the
packages icecc, kiax, qca, and qnetwalk are failing because it's doing
something unspeakable that results in trying at install time to do

   cp -f "../icons/account-connected.png" \

(yes, with no slash after .destdir and hallucinating that /pkg is a
sensible place to try to work in)

 > This will be the last of these builds.

apparently not, but we'll see.

David A. Holland

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