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Re: pkgsrc NetBSD 1.6.2/i386 bulk build results 2005-10-27

Hello, I'm Yoshito Komatsu.

Thomas Klausner wrote:

 ===> Building for zope3-3.1.0
 /usr/pkg/bin/python2.3 -q build
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 28, in ?
   File "/tmp/bulktmp/www/zope3/work/Zope-3.1.0/Support/zpkgsetup/", 
line 103, in initialize
     self.scan(depname, pkgdir, reldir)
   File "/tmp/bulktmp/www/zope3/work/Zope-3.1.0/Support/zpkgsetup/", 
line 191, in scan
     self.scan_package(name, directory, reldir)
   File "/tmp/bulktmp/www/zope3/work/Zope-3.1.0/Support/zpkgsetup/", 
line 202, in scan_package
     pkginfo = package.loadPackageInfo(name, directory, reldir)
   File "/tmp/bulktmp/www/zope3/work/Zope-3.1.0/Support/zpkgsetup/", 
line 100, in loadPackageInfo
     pkginfo = read_package_info(directory, reldir)
   File "/tmp/bulktmp/www/zope3/work/Zope-3.1.0/Support/zpkgsetup/", 
line 157, in read_package_info
     data_files[:] = expand_globs(directory, reldir, data_files)
   File "/tmp/bulktmp/www/zope3/work/Zope-3.1.0/Support/zpkgsetup/", 
line 294, in expand_globs
     raise ValueError(
 ValueError: filename pattern '*-configure.zcml' doesn't match any files
 *** Error code 1

Long names of some files was shortened.
This problem comes from limitation of tar with NetBSD 1.6,
and it was fixed on NetBSD 2.0 or later.

pax long link filename fix for zipped files

I think that the workaround to this problem is
to use GNU tar when this package is built on NetBSD 1.6.

Yoshito Komatsu <>

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