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pkg/58383: Cannot build databases/db4 on NetBSD/sh3 and cannot specify a 'posixmutexes' option when configure

>Number:         58383
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       Cannot build databases/db4 on NetBSD/sh3 and cannot specify a 'posixmutexes' option when configure
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jun 30 19:00:01 +0000 2024
>Originator:     Yasushi Oshima
>Release:        pkgsrc-current
NetBSD usl5p 10.0_STABLE NetBSD 10.0_STABLE (GENERIC) #0: Fri Jun 28 03:34:19 JST 2024  oshima@sudachi:/export/netbsd-10/20240628/obj/landisk/sys/arch/landisk/compile/GENERIC landisk
NetBSD/sh3 does not have HAVE_MUTEX_(arch)_GCC_ASSEMBLY in dbinc/mutex_int.h of db4, so db4 configure fails as below:

checking for mutexes... UNIX/fcntl
configure: Unable to find a mutex implementation
*** ERROR code 1

So some pkgsrc pacakges that depends to db4 cannot build on NetBSD/sh3.

To fix this, it will be necessary to create a GCC_ASSEMBLY for sh3 in db4, just like any other arch.

However, by specifying --enable-posixmutexes in configure without creating a new code, it uses the POSIX standard mutexes of the pthread library which is provided as a standard library in all NetBSDs.
This option will not be checked automatically, so must be enabled manually.  

When add PKG_OPTIONS to be able to specify --enable-posixmutexes, it will be able to build on NetBSD/sh3.

In addition, an another arch which also does not have GCC_ASSEMBLY in db4 (ex. vax) will become buildable by posixmutexes, too.
If a new arch is added in NetBSD in the future, it will not be necessary to create a special assembly code in db4, as a GENERIC code.
(Of course, for performance or other reason, no problem to create a new code for a specific arch/cpu...)

However, db4's configure has a bug. This not to be able evaluate correctly the type of pthread implementation.

NetBSD's pthread does not have pthread_condattr_setpshared(), pthread_mutexattr_setpshared().
So, it is expected to be generated by configure as follows:


This is recognized to 'POSIX/pthreads/library/private' by 'configure --enable-posixmutexes'.
However it matches POSIX/pthreads* because the order of pthreads-style type in 'case' syntax. HAVE_MUTEX_THREAD_ONLY is not defined.

This reason, fix to db_cv_mutex case in configure.
The db5's configure has been fixed to be correct order.
The db4 is so old, it will be never fixed in upstream, just as everyone expected.

In pkgsrc/databases/db4 on NetBSD/sh3(ex. landisk, hpcsh, ...)
   or NetBSD/vax

1. configure failed
 # make

2. build failed
 # make CONFIGURE_ARGS=--enable-posixmutexes

1. To add NEW option (for example:'posixmutexes') in for --enable-posixmutexes.
2. Add this to PKG_SUGGESTED_OPTIONS when sh3* or vax by default.
3. Fix the case for checking pthreads-style in configure.

An example is here:

The 'posixmutexes' PKG_OPTION may be a good choice in databases/db5 and db6, however I have not used them, so no any test or verified it.

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