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Re: pkg/55269: 'bjam' always 'bus error' on NetBSD/sparc (presumably, other strict-alignement 32 bits arch as well)

Le lun. 18 mai 2020 à 12:50, Martin Husemann <> a écrit :
>  Please report this upstream, it is plain broken code.

It is, however it will work as long as alignment rules are respected,
which is always the case except for data atom with an alignment
requirement larger than the size of a pointer. The exception never
happens 'for real' except 8-bytes data atom with 4-bytes pointer and
strict alignment rules, so pretty much only 32-bits sparc and maybe
some other 32-bits RISC architecture are affected... not a primary
concern for Boost, I would guess.

I'll fill a bug in GitHub and see what happens :-)


Romain Dolbeau

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