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Re: pkg/51281: shared-mime-info fails with configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool

The following reply was made to PR pkg/51281; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Richard PALO <>
Subject: Re: pkg/51281: shared-mime-info fails with configure: error: XML::Parser
 perl module is required for intltool
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 12:55:18 +0200

 Le 27/06/16 10:35, Thomas Klausner a écrit :
 > The following reply was made to PR pkg/51281; it has been noted by GNATS.
 > From: Thomas Klausner <>
 > To: NetBSD bugtracking <>
 > Cc: 
 > Subject: Re: pkg/51281: shared-mime-info fails with configure: error:
 >  XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool
 > Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 10:34:57 +0200
 >  On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 07:30:00AM +0000, Richard Palo wrote:
 >  >  Both intltools and p5-XML-Parser were installed (I believe that is what 
 >  >  you're asking).
 >  Actually, only intltool.
 >  >  The problem, as I indicated, is related more to the perl upgrade where 
 >  >  p5-XML-Parser wasn't upgraded yet as it isn't deemed to be a dependency.
 >  >  
 >  >  Perhaps there needs to be a DEPENDS clause added to mk/tools/
 >  >  for p5-XML-Parser.
 >  No, p5-XML-Parser is a dependency for intltool. We don't want to
 >  expand all dependencies recursively.
 >  I think that if there is a bug here, it's in pkg_rr.
 >   Thomas
 Ah yeah, I see, it's in textproc/intltool that p5-XML-Parser is depended on.
 Okay.  I just checked the log after the pkg_rr restart, and now that shared-mime-info was replaced
 after rebuilding p5-XML-Parser, I see that intltool is finally chosen to be replaced...
 Here is an extract of this:
 > RR> Checking for rebuild-requested installed packages (rebuild=YES)
 > RR> Checking for unsafe installed packages (unsafe_depends_strict=YES)
 > RR> Packages to rebuild:
 > rr> MISMATCH_TODO=[bsdtar engrampa libarchive p5-Archive-Zip libpurple p5-JSON p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth mysql-client mysql-server openldap-client postgresql94-client byacc gettext-tools git git-base git-contrib git-docs git-gitk gmake gtexinfo meld mercurial p5-Capture-Tiny p5-Class-Singleton p5-CPAN-Meta p5-CPAN-Meta-Check p5-Data-OptList p5-Date-Manip p5-Devel-Symdump p5-Devel-Trace p5-Dist-CheckConflicts p5-enum p5-Error p5-Exporter-Tiny p5-File-BaseDir p5-File-DesktopEntry p5-File-Listing p5-File-MimeInfo p5-File-ShareDir-Install p5-File-Slurp p5-File-Which p5-gettext p5-inc-latest p5-Inline p5-Inline-C p5-IO-All p5-IO-CaptureOutput p5-IO-HTML p5-IPC-Run3 p5-IPC-System-Simple p5-List-AllUtils p5-List-MoreUtils p5-List-SomeUtils p5-List-SomeUtils-XS p5-Module-Build p5-Module-Implementation p5-Module-Metadata p5-Module-Runtime p5-Params-Util p5-Params-Validate p5-Parse-RecDescent p5-Path-Class p5-Pegex p5-Perl4-CoreLibs p5-Probe-Perl p5-Scalar-List-Utils p5-Sub-Exporter p5-Sub-
 entify p5-Sub-Install p5-Sub-Uplevel p5-SUPER p5-Test-Deep p5-Test-Exception p5-Test-Fatal p5-Test-Inter p5-Test-LeakTrace p5-Test-MockModule p5-Test-NoWarnings p5-Test-Output p5-Test-Pod p5-Test-Pod-Coverage p5-Test-Requires p5-Test-Script p5-Test-Simple p5-Test-Taint p5-Test-Warn p5-Test-Warnings p5-Try-Tiny py27-cffi py27-mercurial py27-setuptools py27-test vim-share p5-Finance-Quote gsftopkk tex-alegreya tex-cabin tex-dantelogo tex-erewhon tex-fbb tex-fetamont tex-fira tex-fontawesome tex-inconsolata tex-ipaex-type1 tex-knuth-local tex-newpx tex-newtx tex-newtxsf tex-roboto tex-sourcecodepro tex-sourceserifpro tex-tex-gyre-math eom graphviz ImageMagick tex-mptopdf lua53 mutt p5-Email-Valid p5-MailTools p5-Net-SMTP-SSL p5-Math-Round texlive-collection-basic texlive-collection-fontsextra texlive-collection-fontsrecommended texlive-collection-latex libreoffice p5-Business-ISBN p5-Business-ISBN-Data p5-Locale-libintl ffmpeg1 gst-plugins1-base gstreamer1 p5-IO-Socket-INET6 p5-Net p5-
 t-DBus p5-Net-DNS p5-Net-Domain-TLD p5-Net-IP p5-Net-LibIDN p5-Socket6 p5-pkgsrc-Dewey pkglint4 atril cups cups-filters luatex podofo tex-algorithms tex-amsmath tex-babel tex-etex-pkg tex-graphics tex-hyperref tex-koma-script tex-latex tex-latex-bin tex-luatex tex-oberdiek tex-pdfpages tex-pdftex tex-plain tex-tetex tex-texlive-scripts tex-titlesec tex-tools tex-xcolor web2c xdvik mate-polkit openssl p5-Authen-SASL p5-Crypt-SSLeay p5-Digest-HMAC p5-Digest-SHA1 p5-GSSAPI p5-IO-Socket-SSL p5-Mozilla-CA p5-Net-SSLeay p5-pcsc polkit py27-cryptography caja consolekit file p5-File-Copy-Recursive system-tools-backends p5-Encode-Locale p5-File-ReadBackwards p5-Pod-Coverage p5-Text-Balanced p5-Text-Unidecode p5-XML-NamespaceSupport p5-XML-SAX p5-XML-SAX-Base p5-XML-SAX-Expat p5-XML-Simple p5-XML-Twig p5-YAML-LibYAML p5-YAML-Syck p5-DateTime p5-DateTime-Locale p5-DateTime-TimeZone p5-TimeDate marco p5-CGI p5-HTML-Element-Extended p5-HTML-Parser p5-HTML-TableExtract p5-HTML-Tagset p5-HTML-Tree
 5-HTTP-Cookies p5-HTTP-Daemon p5-HTTP-Date p5-HTTP-Message p5-HTTP-Negotiate p5-libwww p5-LWP-MediaTypes p5-LWP-Protocol-https p5-Net-HTTP p5-URI p5-WWW-RobotRules py27-flask py27-werkzeug libmatekbd libxklavier mate-desktop mate-menus mate-panel mate-screensaver qt5-qtwebchannel xkeyboard-config xterm]
 > rr> REBUILD_TODO=[]
 > rr> UNSAFE_TODO=[p5-Locale-libintl mate-system-monitor tex-raleway p5-Encode-Locale vim-share p5-pcsc tex-pigpen gst-plugins0.10-pulse tex-helvetic tex-adfsymbols tex-merriweather tex-yfonts-t1 tex-xkeyval tex-mptopdf p5-Params-Validate p5-DateTime-Locale tex-esrelation goocanvas p5-CGI tex-courier postgresql94-client tex-doublestroke libwmf p5-Test-Warnings tex-aspectratio ImageMagick libnice p5-Test-Fatal tex-fontawesome libgnomecanvas gvfs p5-Math-Round podofo tex-cm-super tex-iwona pulseaudio qt4-qdbus py27-imaging wv gtkhtml314 neon tex-natbib upower py27-lxml tex-frcursive p5-XML-SAX-Expat tex-semaphor p5-HTML-Tagset grantlee tex-sansmathaccent tex-luatex p5-TimeDate automake gtk2+ tex-cabin meld tex-koma-script pluma p5-Test-MockModule gnupg polkit atk luatex t1lib py-gobject3-common cups-filters totem tex-calligra-type1 py27-dbus p5-Inline-C tex-texlive-scripts texlive-collection-basic intltool gdk-pixbuf2 autoconf tex-boondox tex-staves wxGTK30 p5-Class-Singleton p5-Captu
 -Tiny tex-librebaskerville gucharmap tex-antiqua mate-media pangomm vim-gtk2 tex-amsmath tex-mfware tex-carlito python27 tex-comfortaa tex-bbold p5-Path-Class tex-trajan python35 p5-Devel-Trace xdvik w3m tex-eco tex-ocherokee attica mate-power-manager libgnome-keyring tex-wasysym qt4-sqlite3 p5-Net-SMTP-SSL poppler-qt4 tex-antt at-spi libgdata tex-accanthis tex-linearA tex-brushscr tex-recycle libarchive gobject-introspection tex-erewhon texlive-collection-latex p5-Params-Util p5-Business-ISBN-Data groff postgresql94-server farstream tex-libertine libbonoboui qt5-qtbase hal tex-tex-gyre libxklavier mate-menus tex-manfnt-font p5-File-ReadBackwards tex-beton tex-plain tex-babel-english poppler-glib tex-carolmin-ps rasqal tex-amsfonts p5-CPAN-Meta tex-bera p5-Test-Output p5-Net-SSLeay tex-overlock p5-File-MimeInfo texlive-collection-fontsextra tex-xcharter tex-electrum pgadmin3 p5-Crypt-SSLeay tex-gfsdidot glib-networking tex-ocr-b-outline libetonyek mutt tex-comicneue tex-times pkglin
  tex-esvect opensp p5-IO-CaptureOutput xdg-utils tex-baskervald p5-GSSAPI asciidoc py35-expat p5-IO-All marco p5-inc-latest libofa ghostscript-gpl p5-Module-Runtime gtkmm p5-Test-NoWarnings cairo p5-URI webkit24-gtk gsftopkk mysql-server caja-dropbox libbonobo tex-graphics tex-carlisle p5-Test-Taint p5-HTTP-Message tex-archaic tex-clearsans p5-Test-Script p5-File-Copy-Recursive tex-metafont tex-gfsbodoni py27-gobject p5-XML-Simple p5-Digest-SHA1 tex-hyperref tex-symbol tex-algorithms gnome-icon-theme caja tex-babel p5-enum tex-euro tex-fancyhdr libodfgen tex-epigrafica libwnck libgnome tex-cantarell p5-Text-Balanced tex-cm tex-cyklop polkit-qt p5-HTML-Parser tex-amscls libpurple tex-sansmathfonts tex-pdftex elinks pkg_developer tex-knuth-local tex-berenisadf p5-HTTP-Cookies p5-HTML-TableExtract libmateweather libnotify tex-latex-bin p5-Try-Tiny tex-grotesq libsecret tex-libris tex-pxtxalfa tex-mintspirit p5-HTML-Tree gst-plugins0.10-theora tex-geometry p5-Sub-Uplevel tex-mdsymbol te
 listings tex-adforn p5-Module-Metadata dbus-glib p5-LWP-Protocol-https GConf-ui p5-Authen-SASL tex-rsfso uim strigi gst-plugins0.10-good netpbm p5-Data-OptList p5-File-ShareDir-Install gtksourceview2 p5-WWW-RobotRules p5-XML-NamespaceSupport gstreamer1 libreoffice p5-Mozilla-CA mysql-client gnome-vfs p5-libwww tex-caladea libXft firefox24 libsoup tex-newtxtt p5-File-Slurp tex-lm tex-fourier tex-fge tex-gfsneohellenic p5-Net-HTTP tex-metapost tex-mathdesign apr-util tex-lxfonts tex-esstix tex-tex phonon tex-inconsolata policykit gst-plugins0.10-gio libgltf cairo-gobject curl libgpod qca2 gtksourceview3 tex-fbb system-tools-backends at-spi2-atk qt4-tools pidgin docbook-xsl tex-fancybox libass p5-pkgsrc-Dewey tex-fdsymbol xdg-user-dirs ImageMagick6 gst-plugins0.10-ogg eom gupnp tex-ebgaramond gst-plugins1-base p5-XML-SAX-Base xload swfdec p5-List-SomeUtils-XS gst-plugins0.10-soup git-base tex-poltawski p5-HTTP-Daemon libgtop p5-Test-LeakTrace gtar-base mozo tex-latex tex-opensans p5-Te
 -Warn autogen tex-titlesec py27-gobject3 tex-eso-pic yelp-tools p5-Finance-Quote brasero tex-ltxmisc tex-overpic p5-Text-Unidecode p5-Inline tex-initials mate-control-center gutenprint-lib tex-fp gconf-editor subversion-base tex-baskervaldx tex-palatino tex-anonymouspro tex-txfontsb p5-Test-Pod libabw xcursorgen mate-user-share p5-Sub-Identify p5-Dist-CheckConflicts cups tex-mnsymbol gssdp fltk tex-txfonts vte tex-aurical poppler gettext-tools tex-gfscomplutum tex-kurier gdbus-codegen apache tex-rsfs tex-stmaryrd lucene++ tex-belleek loudmouth tex-cm-lgc p5-Perl4-CoreLibs evolution-webcal tex-prodint tex-hfbright raptor2 py27-libxml2 p5-Test-Inter tex-bbold-type1 p5-Exporter-Tiny p5-Scalar-List-Utils tex-rotating p5-Test-Pod-Coverage totem-pl-parser gst-plugins0.10-base libcmis libe-book gsettings-desktop-schemas mate-sensors-applet swfdec-gnome tex-psnfss tex-cmll tex-newpx mate-utils gkrellm libXpm dbus mate-applets openjpeg15 p5-Net-DNS p5-MailTools tex-mathabx-type1 gtk-doc tex-
 cii-font p5-Test-Simple tex-placeins p5-Digest-HMAC tex-augie mate-panel qtscriptgenerator p5-Pegex p5-Test-Deep gimp tex-oberdiek tex-cmextra gcalctool qt4-libs tex-sourcesanspro tex-zapfchan dirmngr evolution-data-server p5-IO-HTML tex-avantgar tex-sourceserifpro p5-Net-DBus tex-dictsym gphoto2 p5-Net-Domain-TLD tex-pdfpages mate-notification-daemon libxslt p5-Email-Valid p5-List-SomeUtils tex-ms mate-screensaver tex-dejavu gpgme gst-plugins0.10-vorbis tex-etex-pkg gio-fam p5-Probe-Perl tex-gillius texi2html p5-IPC-System-Simple tex-kpfonts p5-HTML-Element-Extended xfd aspell gtkmm3 tex-tipa tex-gfsartemisia help2man tex-countriesofeurope libxml++1 libmatekbd libgphoto2 p5-Net tex-tools openjdk7 p5-gettext caja-extensions p5-Date-Manip tex-roboto p5-YAML-Syck py27-qt4 rarian graphviz xterm mate-desktop tex-notoccite libglade tex-wasy2-ps p5-Socket6 tex-xcolor at-spi2-core gtk3+ json-glib gegl tex-bibtex gtkspell p5-SUPER liblangtag tex-cinzel gtexinfo tex-starfont filezilla p5-IO-
 cket-SSL liblastfm tex-cyrillic tex-arev sane-backends mate-terminal p5-Sub-Install libmtp fontforge libdbusmenu-qt tex-colortbl tex-dutchcal p5-File-DesktopEntry libgsf pcsc-tools tex-ncntrsbk tex-librecaslon p5-List-AllUtils libplist tex-dantelogo p5-XML-SAX tex-lm-math texlive-collection-fontsrecommended tex-lato p5-JSON tex-changebar thunderbird24 p5-Sub-Exporter libcroco autoconf213 p5-Net-IP findutils p5-YAML-LibYAML tex-tetex tex-fonetika py27-expat tex-romande tex-superiors gdk-pixbuf2-xlib gnupg2 gnome-doc-utils qjson p5-Module-Build tex-quattrocento gstreamer0.10 tex-sourcecodepro libgxps tex-lobster2 avahi tex-tfrupee tex-pxfonts tex-ccicons tex-gentium-tug tex-bguq p5-Test-Requires foomatic-db-engine gupnp-igd p5-Module-Implementation tex-ae libprelude py27-cElementTree p5-Pod-Coverage tex-fetamont dblatex p5-HTTP-Date tex-alegreya p5-File-BaseDir gst-plugins0.10-flac tex-newtxsf mate-settings-daemon py-gobject-shared tex-droid gmime tex-tex-gyre-math tex-euler libwnck3 
 encv pango p5-IO-Socket-INET6 web2c tex-venturisadf GConf tex-ebgaramond-maths adwaita-icon-theme tex-fancyvrb p5-XML-Twig tex-allrunes dconf p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth tex-phaistos zenity p5-Devel-Symdump p5-File-Listing tex-etex p5-Business-ISBN atkmm tex-minitoc tex-ec mupdf p5-IPC-Run3 icon-naming-utils atril ccid p5-LWP-MediaTypes engrampa tex-bookhands p5-Archive-Zip tex-playfair librsvg tex-bookman tex-foekfont tex-fira tex-gfssolomos libgnomeui transfig p5-File-Which p5-Test-Exception cmake tex-mflogo-font MesaLib p5-DateTime-TimeZone automoc4 tex-fpl p5-HTTP-Negotiate vala tex-lh tex-oinuit openjpeg xmlto gdm p5-DateTime tex-marvosym p5-Net-LibIDN tex-heuristica p5-Parse-RecDescent mate-session-manager tex-hacm tex-ipaex-type1 tex-epsf vino tex-paratype libdbusmenu-glib p5-CPAN-Meta-Check p5-List-MoreUtils poppler-utils tex-eurosym tex-newtx kdelibs4 p5-Error tex-auncial-new tex-universalis tex-stix xorg-cf-files mate-netbook tex-zapfding tex-cfr-lm gnutls]
 > RR> Building dependency graph for installed packages
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting p5-Encode-Locale (textproc/p5-Encode-Locale) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if p5-Encode-Locale has new depends...
 > RR> p5-Encode-Locale has the following new depends (need to re-tsort):
 > rr> [perl<5.26.00]
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting p5-Locale-libintl (misc/p5-Locale-libintl) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if p5-Locale-libintl has new depends...
 > RR> p5-Locale-libintl has the following new depends (need to re-tsort):
 > rr> [perl<5.26.00]
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting p5-File-Slurp (devel/p5-File-Slurp) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if p5-File-Slurp has new depends...
 > RR> p5-File-Slurp has the following new depends (need to re-tsort):
 > rr> [perl<5.26.00]
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting p5-Test-Requires (devel/p5-Test-Requires) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if p5-Test-Requires has new depends...
 > RR> p5-Test-Requires has the following new depends (need to re-tsort):
 > rr> [perl<5.26.00]
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting p5-Module-Metadata (devel/p5-Module-Metadata) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if p5-Module-Metadata has new depends...
 > RR> p5-Module-Metadata has the following new depends (need to re-tsort):
 > rr> [perl<5.26.00]
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting tex-fontawesome (fonts/tex-fontawesome) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if tex-fontawesome has new depends...
 > RR> tex-fontawesome has the following new depends (need to re-tsort):
 > rr> [tex-tetex]
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting p5-Math-Round (math/p5-Math-Round) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if p5-Math-Round has new depends...
 > RR> p5-Math-Round has the following new depends (need to re-tsort):
 > rr> [perl<5.26.00]
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting p5-XML-NamespaceSupport (textproc/p5-XML-NamespaceSupport) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if p5-XML-NamespaceSupport has new depends...
 > RR> p5-XML-NamespaceSupport has the following new depends (need to re-tsort):
 > rr> [perl<5.26.00]
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting p5-HTML-Tagset (www/p5-HTML-Tagset) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if p5-HTML-Tagset has new depends...
 > RR> p5-HTML-Tagset has the following new depends (need to re-tsort):
 > rr> [perl<5.26.00]
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting p5-TimeDate (time/p5-TimeDate) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if p5-TimeDate has new depends...
 > RR> p5-TimeDate has the following new depends (need to re-tsort):
 > rr> [perl<5.26.00]
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting p5-Test-Pod (devel/p5-Test-Pod) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if p5-Test-Pod has new depends...
 > RR> p5-Test-Pod has the following new depends (need to re-tsort):
 > rr> [perl<5.26.00]
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting p5-File-ShareDir-Install (devel/p5-File-ShareDir-Install) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if p5-File-ShareDir-Install has new depends...
 > RR> p5-File-ShareDir-Install has the following new depends (need to re-tsort):
 > rr> [perl<5.26.00]
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting p5-File-Copy-Recursive (sysutils/p5-File-Copy-Recursive) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if p5-File-Copy-Recursive has new depends...
 > RR> p5-File-Copy-Recursive has the following new depends (need to re-tsort):
 > rr> [perl<5.26.00]
 > RR> Tsorting dependency graph
 > RR> Selecting intltool (textproc/intltool) as next package to replace
 > RR> Checking if intltool has new depends...
 > RR> Replacing intltool-0.51.0nb1
 > ===> Cleaning for intltool-0.51.0nb1
 > => Bootstrap dependency digest>=20010302: found digest-20160304
 > => Checksum SHA1 OK for intltool-0.51.0.tar.gz
 > => Checksum RMD160 OK for intltool-0.51.0.tar.gz
 > => Checksum SHA512 OK for intltool-0.51.0.tar.gz
 > ===> Installing dependencies for intltool-0.51.0nb1
 > => Tool dependency gmake>=3.81: found gmake-4.2nb1
 > => Tool dependency nbpatch-[0-9]*: found nbpatch-20151107
 > => Tool dependency pax>=20040802: found pax-20080110nb2
 > => Tool dependency checkperms>=1.1: found checkperms-1.11nb1
 > => Build dependency cwrappers>=20150314: found cwrappers-20160110nb1
 > => Full dependency p5-XML-Parser>=2.34nb4: found p5-XML-Parser-2.44nb2
 > => Full dependency perl>=5.0: found perl-5.24.0
 > => Full dependency gettext-lib>=0.18: found gettext-lib-
 > => Full dependency libiconv>=1.9.1nb4: found libiconv-1.14nb2
 > ===> Overriding tools for intltool-0.51.0nb1
 > ===> Extracting for intltool-0.51.0nb1
 > ===> Patching for intltool-0.51.0nb1
 > blah blah
 So I'm not sure why intltool wasn't selected to rebuild prior to shared-mime-info...
 (now I have a problem with autogen too)
 Richard PALO

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