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pkg/43725: pkgsrc git repo issue
>Number: 43725
>Category: pkg
>Synopsis: pkgsrc git repo issue
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: pkg-manager
>State: open
>Class: support
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sun Aug 08 20:25:00 +0000 2010
>Originator: Matthew Dillon
>Release: n/a
The DragonFly project maintains a copy of the netbsd pkgsrc repo for DragonFly
users, so we can point them at our copy and not overload the netbsd servers.
We originally used the netbsd cvs repo on a 6 hour cron job but switched to the
netbsd git repo a few months ago.
p.s. the netbsd pkgsrc git repo was really very nice, it takes virtually no
network or cpu resources on either the client or server to keep things in sync
so we could fetch more often and keep things more up-to-date.
However, it recently stopped working. Our git fetch now complains about a
missing file (see below). It appears that a simple 'git update-server-info'
command run on the server in that repo will fix the problem (assuming you guys
are still keeping your git pkgsrc mirror operational).
Please advise if not and I will switch back to using netbsd's cvs pkgsrc repo
on a 6-hour schedule.
git clone
Initialized empty Git repository in /build/tt/pkgsrc/.git/
not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?
It is believed that running 'git update-server-info' in your pkgsrc git repo
will fix the problem, assuming you are still keeping your repo in sync with
your cvs master.
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