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pkg/42081: sysutils/dptutil compilation errors (NetBSD 4.0 / i386)

>Number:         42081
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       sysutils/dptutil compilation errors (NetBSD 4.0 / i386)
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Sep 17 15:15:00 +0000 2009
>Originator:     Robert Elz
>Release:        NetBSD 4.0 / i386    pkgsrc current 2009-09-17
        Prince of Songkla University
System: NetBSD 4.0_STABLE NetBSD 4.0_STABLE 
(JADE-1.696-20080517) #9: Fri May 23 18:55:13 ICT 2008 i386
Architecture: i386
Machine: i386
        sysutils/dptutil (dptutil-3.31nb1) fails to compile on a
        NetBSD 4.0 release system.

        I use pkg_comp with libkver and NetBSD 4.0 release sets installed
        to get a fairly pure (clean and repeatable) NetBSD 4.0 release
        environment in which to build binary packages.  I use pkgsrc modular
        xorg instead of the 4.0 release x* sets.

        In that environment (which might, or might not, be relevant)
        I see ...

makedepend -I. -I/usr/include/g++ -D_DPT_UNIX -D_DPT_FREE_BSD 
-D_DPT_DEFINE_SEMUN -D__unix__ -Dunix addr_rng.cpp  array.cpp  connect.cpp  
core.cpp  core_ccb.cpp  core_con.cpp  core_dev.cpp  core_mgr.cpp  core_obj.cpp  
debug.cpp  del1.cpp  del2.cpp  device.cpp  dpt_buff.cpp  dptalign.c  dptcbuff.c 
 driver.cpp  eata2i2o.c  eng_sig.c  eng_std.cpp  eng_unix.c  engcalls.c  
engfile1.cpp  engfile2.cpp  engfile3.cpp  engine.cpp  englists.cpp  engmsg.c  
findpath.c  funcs.c  gbl_fns.cpp  hba.cpp  hba_log.cpp  kill.cpp  lockunix.c  
manager.cpp  msg_str.cpp  object.cpp  osd_unix.c  ptrarray.cpp  raid.cpp  
raid_bcd.cpp  raid_dev.cpp  raid_hba.cpp  raid_mgr.cpp  raiddrvr.cpp  
scsi_bcd.cpp  scsi_ccb.cpp  scsi_con.cpp  scsi_dev.cpp  scsi_hba.cpp  
scsi_log.cpp  scsi_mgr.cpp  scsi_obj.cpp  scsidrvr.cpp  semaphor.c  
stat_log.cpp  swap_em.c  threads.c  unreslvd.c
makedepend: warning:  debug.cpp (reading debug.h, line 7): cannot find include 
file "fstream.h"
        not in ./fstream.h
        not in /usr/include/g++/fstream.h
        not in /usr/include/fstream.h
makedepend: warning:  debug.cpp (reading debug.h, line 8): cannot find include 
file "iostream.h"
        not in ./iostream.h
        not in /usr/include/g++/iostream.h
        not in /usr/include/iostream.h
makedepend: warning:  debug.cpp (reading debug.h, line 9): cannot find include 
file "iomanip.h"
        not in ./iomanip.h
        not in /usr/include/g++/iomanip.h
        not in /usr/include/iomanip.h
g++ -I. -I/usr/include/g++ -Dunix -D__unix__ -D_DPT_FREE_BSD -D__UNIX__ 
-DNEW_LOGGER -DDEFAULT_PATH=\"/usr/pkg/sbin\"  
-D_NBSD_LIBEXEC=\"/usr/pkg/sbin\" -c -c swap_em.c
g++ -I. -I/usr/include/g++ -Dunix -D__unix__ -D_DPT_FREE_BSD -D__UNIX__ 
-DNEW_LOGGER -DDEFAULT_PATH=\"/usr/pkg/sbin\"  
-D_NBSD_LIBEXEC=\"/usr/pkg/sbin\" -c -c osd_unix.c
./device.hh:12: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 
./device.hh:13: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 
./get_info.h:362: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'uCHAR'
./get_info.h:363: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'uCHAR'
./mgr.hh:9: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptCaddr_S'
./mgr.hh:10: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptCaddr_S'
./hba.hh:9: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptIOaddr_U'
./hba.hh:15: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptHBAid_U'
./hba.hh:55: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 
'dptChanInfo_S [3]'
./mgr.hh:9: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptCaddr_S'
./mgr.hh:10: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptCaddr_S'
./mgr.hh:9: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptCaddr_S'
./mgr.hh:10: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptCaddr_S'
g++ -I. -I/usr/include/g++ -Dunix -D__unix__ -D_DPT_FREE_BSD -D__UNIX__ 
-DNEW_LOGGER -DDEFAULT_PATH=\"/usr/pkg/sbin\"  
-D_NBSD_LIBEXEC=\"/usr/pkg/sbin\" -c -c engfile1.cpp
In file included from /usr/include/g++/backward/fstream.h:31,
                 from debug.h:7,
                 from allfiles.hpp:123,
                 from engfile1.cpp:28:
/usr/include/g++/backward/backward_warning.h:32:2: warning: #warning This file 
includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header. Please consider using 
one of the 32 headers found in section of the C++ standard. Examples 
include substituting the <X> header for the <X.h> header for C++ includes, or 
<iostream> instead of the deprecated header <iostream.h>. To disable this 
warning use -Wno-deprecated.
raid.h:252: error: extra qualification 'raidDef_S::' on member 'raidDef_S'
device.hh:12: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 
device.hh:13: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 
get_info.h:362: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'uCHAR'
get_info.h:363: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'uCHAR'
mgr.hh:9: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptCaddr_S'
mgr.hh:10: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptCaddr_S'
hba.hh:9: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptIOaddr_U'
hba.hh:15: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptHBAid_U'
hba.hh:55: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptChanInfo_S 
mgr.hh:9: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptCaddr_S'
mgr.hh:10: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptCaddr_S'
mgr.hh:9: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptCaddr_S'
mgr.hh:10: warning: 'packed' attribute ignored for field of type 'dptCaddr_S'
connect.hpp:170: error: extra qualification 'dptSCSIcon_C::' on member 
scsi_obj.cpp: In member function 'virtual DPT_RTN_T 
scsi_obj.cpp:424: error: cannot bind packed field 
'basic_P->dptBasic_S::attachedTo' to 'uLONG&'
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /pkg_comp/obj/pkgsrc/sysutils/dptutil/4x/raidmgt-3.31/dpteng
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /pkg_comp/obj/pkgsrc/sysutils/dptutil/4x/raidmgt-3.31
*** Error code 1



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