Subject: pkg/37638: Installing plperl to Postgres database fails
To: None <,,>
From: None <>
List: pkgsrc-bugs
Date: 12/28/2007 19:25:00
>Number:         37638
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       Installing plperl to Postgres database fails
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Dec 28 19:25:00 +0000 2007
>Originator:     Peter Hardman
>Release:        3.1
NetBSD system04.acrecott.local 3.1 NetBSD 3.1 (GENERIC.MPACPI) #0: Tue Oct 31 04:47:22 UTC 2006 i386
Packages installed:

joe-3.5             Joe's own editor
python24-2.4.4      Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming langua
readline-5.2        GNU library that can recall and edit previous input
postgresql81-client-8.1.10 PostgreSQL database client programs
py24-psycopg2- PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
postgresql81-8.1.10 Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS
tcsh-6.15.00        Extended C-shell with many useful features
postgresql81-server-8.1.10 PostgreSQL database server programs
wget-1.10.2nb1      Retrieve files from the 'net via HTTP and FTP
perl-5.8.8nb5       Practical Extraction and Report Language
expat-2.0.1         XML parser library written in C
apr-   Apache Portable Runtime
apache-2.0.61       Apache HTTP (Web) server, version 2
ap2-py24-python-3.2.10 Apache module that embeds the Python interpreter
py24-xml-0.8.4nb2   Collection of libraries to process XML with Python
postgresql81-plperl-8.1.10 PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend

Trying to CREATE LANGUAGE plperl; in psql gives an error:

ERROR:  could not load library "/usr/pkg/lib/postgresql/": /usr/pkg/lib/postgresql/ Undefined symbol "boot_DynaLoader" (symnum = 134)

Can't use Postgres8.2 because no psycopg2 built for this version of Postgres (similarly can't use Apache 2.2 because no mod_python built for Apache 2.2) 

Back to debian...
psql -d template1 pgsql

template1=# create language plperl;
ERROR:  could not load library "/usr/pkg/lib/postgresql/": /usr/pkg/lib/postgresql/ Undefined symbol "boot_DynaLoader" (symnum = 134)