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Re: pkg/35806: sysutils/top gcc 4.1.2

Sun, Feb 25, 2007 at 11:31:35AM +0000, Alistair Crooks:
> AFAICT, the patch in the PR isn't in pkgsrc.
> Can someone tell me what the status is?
> (I have no Solaris machines easily to hand, I'm afraid)

That does not apply to top 3.6a7 cleanly (the attached does).  it does
build on solaris 10-sparc, though the configure script is adding -xarch=v9
which gcc does not like.  

--- machine/m_sunos5.c.orig     2004-03-31 04:01:00.000000000 +0000
+++ machine/m_sunos5.c
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ int (*proc_compares[])() = {
 kvm_t *kd;
 static DIR *procdir;
 static int nproc;
-static int ncpus;
+static int lv_ncpus;
 /* these are for keeping track of the proc array */
 static int bytes;
@@ -425,11 +425,11 @@ machine_init (struct statics *statics)
 #ifndef USE_KSTAT
-    (void) getkval (nlst[X_NCPUS].n_value, (int *) (&ncpus),
-                   sizeof (ncpus), "ncpus");
+    (void) getkval (nlst[X_NCPUS].n_value, (int *) (&lv_ncpus),
+                   sizeof (lv_ncpus), "ncpus");
-    cpu_offset = (unsigned long *) malloc (ncpus * sizeof (unsigned long));
-    for (i = offset = 0; i < ncpus; offset += sizeof(unsigned long)) {
+    cpu_offset = (unsigned long *) malloc (lv_ncpus * sizeof (unsigned long));
+    for (i = offset = 0; i < lv_ncpus; offset += sizeof(unsigned long)) {
         (void) getkval (nlst[X_CPU].n_value + offset,
                         &cpu_offset[i], sizeof (unsigned long),
                         nlst[X_CPU].n_name );
@@ -583,11 +583,11 @@ int kupdate(int avenrun[3])
        ncpu = 0;
        kn = kstat_data_lookup(ks, "ncpus");
-       if (kn && kn->value.ui32 > ncpus) {
-           ncpus = kn->value.ui32;
-           cpu_ks = (kstat_t **) realloc (cpu_ks, ncpus * sizeof (kstat_t *));
+       if (kn && kn->value.ui32 > lv_ncpus) {
+           lv_ncpus = kn->value.ui32;
+           cpu_ks = (kstat_t **) realloc (cpu_ks, lv_ncpus * sizeof (kstat_t 
            cpu_stat = (cpu_stat_t *) realloc (cpu_stat,
-                       ncpus * sizeof (cpu_stat_t));
+                       lv_ncpus * sizeof (cpu_stat_t));
        for (ks = kc->kc_chain; ks; 
@@ -601,15 +601,15 @@ int kupdate(int avenrun[3])
                cpu_ks[ncpu] = ks;
-               if (ncpu > ncpus)
+               if (ncpu > lv_ncpus)
                    fprintf(stderr, "kstat finds too many cpus: should be %d\n",
-                           ncpus);
+                           lv_ncpus);
-       /* note that ncpu could be less than ncpus, but that's okay */
+       /* note that ncpu could be less than lv_ncpus, but that's okay */
        changed = 0;
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ get_system_info (struct system_info *si)
 #else /* !USE_KSTAT */
-  for (i = 0; i < ncpus; i++)
+  for (i = 0; i < lv_ncpus; i++)
     if (cpu_offset[i] != 0)
       /* get struct cpu for this processor */
@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ format_next_process (
   cputime = pp->pr_time.tv_sec;
   pctcpu = percent_cpu (pp);
-  if (pp->pr_state == SONPROC && ncpus > 1)
+  if (pp->pr_state == SONPROC && lv_ncpus > 1)
     sprintf(sb,"cpu/%-2d", pp->pr_onpro); /* XXX large #s may overflow colums 
     *sb = '\0';

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