Subject: pkg/34084: snmpd enters endless loop when using proc, procFix, prErrFix
To: None <,,>
From: Scott Presnell <>
List: pkgsrc-bugs
Date: 07/25/2006 17:15:00
>Number:         34084
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       snmpd enters endless loop when trying to restart a process via proc, procFix, and prErrFix
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Jul 25 17:15:00 +0000 2006
>Originator:     Scott Presnell
>Release:        NetBSD 3.0_STABLE
System: NetBSD 3.0_STABLE NetBSD 3.0_STABLE (SAAR.MP) #2: Sun Jul 16 13:46:10 PDT 2006 i386
Architecture: i386
Machine: i386

Package: net-snmp- Extensible SNMP implementation from pkgsrc-2006Q1, but
also tried net-snmp-5.3.1 from external source distribution.  Last
known working version: net-snmp- (with NetBSD 3.0_STABLE).


If snmpd is configured to watch a process and use a procfix command, when
that process dies, and snmp attempts a restart, snmpd loops forever over
a select call (e.g. blocking on that loop so it doesn't respond to other
clients). From the snmpd full debugging log:

exec:get_exec_output: calling /etc/rc.d/x10s restart
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 237:
run:exec: running '/etc/rc.d/x10s restart'
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 319:
verbose:run:exec:   waiting for child 25939...
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 331:
verbose:run:exec:     calling select
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 357:
verbose:run:exec:     read 45 bytes
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 392:
verbose:run:exec:     15954 left in buffer
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 331:
verbose:run:exec:     calling select
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 357:
verbose:run:exec:     read 15 bytes
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 392:
verbose:run:exec:     15939 left in buffer
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 331:
verbose:run:exec:     calling select
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 343:
verbose:run:exec:       timeout
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 331:
verbose:run:exec:     calling select
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 343:
verbose:run:exec:       timeout
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 331:
verbose:run:exec:     calling select
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 343:
verbose:run:exec:       timeout
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 331:
verbose:run:exec:     calling select
trace: run_exec_command(): mibgroup/utilities/execute.c, 343:


1) configure snmpd.conf with a proc and procfix line like so:
proc x10
procfix x10 /etc/rc.d/x10s start

2) start snmpd, start script (x10s).

3) Kill off watched proc (x10).

4) Run script that checks for listed processes and attempts to set
prErrFix to 1 for a given instance of prIndex (see attached).
Setting prErrFix to 1 asks snmpd to attempt a restart via procfix

a) snmpd will be looping and unresponsive.
b) sometimes multiple procs get started.



Attached script for tracking and restarting procs via snmpd:

# Monitor processes via SNMP
# (based on process.monitor by Brian Moore)
# Modified Oct 2001 by Dan Urist <>
# Changes: added usage, SNMP v.3 support, -P processes option
# unique-ified errors
# Modified Feb 2002 by Dan Urist <>
# Changes: added -C config file option; cleaned up code
# This script will exit with value 1 if any prErrorFlag is greater
# than 0.  The summary output line will be the host names and
# processes that failed in the format host1:proc1,proc2;host2:proc3...
# The detail lines are what UCD snmp returns for a prErrMessage.  If
# there is an SNMP error (either a problem with the SNMP libraries, or
# a problem communicating via SNMP with the destination host), this
# script will exit with a warning value of 2. If the -P process list
# option is used, only the listed processes will be monitored. If a
# process given with -P is not being monitored, the script will exit
# with a warning and a value of 2.
#    Copyright (C) 2001 Daniel J. Urist <>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

use SNMP;
use Getopt::Std;


getopts("hP:R" . &SNMPconfig("getopts"));

my $VERSION = "0.3";
if( $opt_h || (scalar @ARGV == 0) ){
  print join("\n",
	     "$0 Version $VERSION; original version by Brian Moore,",
	     "SNMP v.3 support by Daniel J. Urist <durist\>.",
  print "Usage: $0 OPTIONS host [host ...]\n";
  print "Options:\n";

  print join("\n\t",
	     "\t-h                    # Usage",
	     "[-P proc[,proc...]]]  # Processes to look for",
	     &SNMPconfig("usage"), "\n");
  exit 2;

# Get SNMP options
my %SNMPARGS = &SNMPconfig;

# Get process list
my @Processes = split(',', $opt_P) if defined $opt_P;
my $restart = 1 if defined $opt_R;
my $RETVAL = 0;
my %Failures;
my %Longerr;
my %Restarts;
my $Session;

foreach $host (@ARGV) {
  $Session = new SNMP::Session(
			       DestHost => $host,
  unless( defined($Session) ) {
    $RETVAL = 2 if $RETVAL == 0; # Other errors take precedence over SNMP error
    push @{$Failures{$host}}, "session error";
    $Longerr{"$host could not get SNMP session"} = "";

  my $v = new SNMP::Varbind (["prIndex"]);
  $Session->getnext ($v);

  my @Found;
  while (!$Session->{"ErrorStr"} && $v->tag eq "prIndex") {
    my @q = $Session->get ([
			    ["prNames", $v->iid],	# 0
			    ["prMin", $v->iid],	        # 1
			    ["prMax", $v->iid],	        # 2
			    ["prCount", $v->iid],	# 3
			    ["prErrorFlag", $v->iid],	# 4
			    ["prErrMessage", $v->iid],  # 5
			    ["prErrFix", $v->iid],      # 6
			    ["prErrFixCmd", $v->iid],   # 7
    last if ($Session->{"ErrorStr"});

      if( grep(/^$q[0]$/, @Processes) ){
	# Keep track of which processes from the list we actually found
	push(@Found, $q[0]);
	$Session->getnext ($v);

    if ($q[4] > 0) {
      $RETVAL = 1;
      push @{$Failures{$host}}, $q[0];
      $Longerr{"$host:$q[0] Count=$q[3] Min=$q[1] Max=$q[2]"} = "";

      # If there's a restart command, and we've asked to restart:
      if ($q[7] && $restart) {
	      if (! $Session->set([
				   ["prErrFix", $v->iid , '1', 'INTEGER']
				   ])) {
		      print $Session->{ErrorStr}, ":", $Session->{ErrorInd}, "\n";
	      } else {
		      $Restarts{"$host:$q[0] issued restart ($q[7])"} = "";

    $Session->getnext ($v);

  if ($Session->{"ErrorStr"}) {
    $RETVAL = 2 if $RETVAL == 0; # Other errors take precedence over SNMP error
    push @{$Failures{$host}}, "SNMP error";
    $Longerr{"$host returned an SNMP error: " . $Session->{"ErrorStr"}} = "";

    my $p;
    foreach $p (@Processes){
      if( !grep(/^$p$/, @Found)){
	$RETVAL = 2 if $RETVAL == 0;
	push @{$Failures{$host}}, "process \"$p\" not monitored";
	$Longerr{"process \"$p\" not monitored on host $host"} = "";

if (scalar keys %Failures) {
#    my $f;
#    my @m;
#    foreach $f (keys %Failures){
#      push(@m, $f . ":" .join(",", @{$Failures{$f}}));
#    }
#    print join(";", @m), "\n\n";

  print join ("\n", sort keys %Longerr), "\n" if (%Longerr);
  print join ("\n", sort keys %Restarts), "\n" if (%Restarts);

exit $RETVAL;

# Manage the standard SNMP options
# Arguments are same as netsnmp utils
# If called with "getopts", returns a string for "getopts"
# If called with "usage", returns an array of usage information
# Otherwise, returns a hash of SNMP config vars
# Overloading this sub like this is kinda hoakey,
# but keeps everything in one place
sub SNMPconfig {
  my($action) = @_;

  if($action eq "getopts"){
    return "c:C:t:r:p:v:u:l:A:e:E:n:a:x:X:";
  elsif($action eq "usage"){
	   "[-C configfile]       # SNMP vars config file",
	   "[-t Timeout]          # Timeout in ms (default: 1000000)",
	   "[-r Retries]          # Retries before failure (default: 5)",
	   "[-p RemotePort]       # Remote UDP port (default 161)",
	   "[-v Version]          # 1,2,2c or 3 (default: 1)",
	   "[-c Community]        # v.1,2,2c Community Name (default: public)",
	   "[-u SecName]          # v.3 Security Name (default: initial)",
	   "[-l SecLevel]         # v.3 Security Level (default: noAuthNoPriv)",
	   "[-A AuthPass]         # v.3 Authentication Passphrase (default: none)",
	   "[-e SecEngineId]      # v.3 security engineID (default: none)",
	   "[-E ContextEngineId]  # v.3 context engineID (default: none)",
	   "[-n Context]          # v.3 context name (default: none)",
	   "[-a AuthProto]        # authentication protocol (MD5|SHA; default MD5)",
	   "[-x PrivProto]        # privacy protocol (DES)",
	   "[-X PrivPass]         # privacy passphrase (default: none)",

  # Read config file
  my %Conf;
    unless( open(CONF, $opt_C) ){
      print "$0: Could not open config file $opt_C\n";
      exit 2;
    my $line;
    my @fields;
    foreach $line (<CONF>){
      chomp $line;
      @fields = split(/=/, $line);
      $Conf{ lc $fields[0] } = $fields[1];
    close CONF;


  # Common options
  $SNMPARGS{Timeout} = $opt_t || $Conf{timeout} || 1000000;
  $SNMPARGS{Retries} = $opt_r || $Conf{retries} || 5;
  $SNMPARGS{RemotePort} = $opt_p || $Conf{remoteport} || 161;
  $SNMPARGS{Version} = $opt_v || $Conf{version} || 1;

  # v. 3 options
  if ($SNMPARGS{Version} eq "3"){
    $SNMPARGS{SecName} = $opt_u || $Conf{secname} || 'initial';
    $SNMPARGS{SecLevel} = $opt_l || $Conf{seclevel} || 'noAuthNoPriv';
    $SNMPARGS{AuthPass} = $opt_A || $Conf{authpass} || '';
    $SNMPARGS{SecEngineId} = $opt_e || $Conf{secengineid} || '';
    $SNMPARGS{ContextEngineId} = $opt_E || $Conf{contextengineid} || '';
    $SNMPARGS{Context} = $opt_n || $Conf{context} || '';
    $SNMPARGS{AuthProto} = $opt_a || $Conf{authproto} || '';
    $SNMPARGS{PrivProto} = $opt_x || $Conf{privproto} || '';
    $SNMPARGS{PrivPass} = $opt_X || $Conf{privpass} || '';
  # v. 1,2 options
    $SNMPARGS{Community} = $opt_c || $Conf{community} || 'public';

  return %SNMPARGS;