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pkg/34033: mail/postfix: -DUSE_CYRUS_SASL option is missing

>Number:         34033
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       mail/postfix: -DUSE_CYRUS_SASL option is missing
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Jul 18 23:20:01 +0000 2006
>Originator:     Yoshito Komatsu
>Release:        NetBSD 3.99.22
System: NetBSD 3.99.22 NetBSD 3.99.22 (XEN2_DOMU) #0: Mon 
Jul 17 22:26:02 JST 2006 
Architecture: i386
Machine: i386
        When I use mail/postfix with cyrus-sasl, the following message
        appears in /var/log/maillog:

Jul 19 03:15:23 c10 postfix/smtpd[3216]: warning: unsupported SASL server 
implementation: cyrus
Jul 19 03:15:23 c10 postfix/smtpd[3216]: fatal: SASL per-process initialization 
Jul 19 03:15:24 c10 postfix/master[622]: warning: process 
/usr/pkg/libexec/postfix/smtpd pid 3216 exit status 1
Jul 19 03:15:24 c10 postfix/master[622]: warning: 
/usr/pkg/libexec/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling
        Please run mail/postfix with cyrus-sasl.
        In the latest postfix, we should use -DUSE_CYRUS_SASL option
        to use cyrus-sasl.

--- mail/postfix/        2006-07-19 06:25:37.000000000 +0900
+++ mail/postfix/     2006-07-19 06:25:57.000000000 +0900
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 BUILDLINK_INCDIRS.cyrus-sasl=  include/sasl
 SASLLIBDIR=    ${PREFIX}/lib/sasl2
 PWCHECK_METHOD=        auxprop
 AUXLIBS+=      -L${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.cyrus-sasl}/lib                    \
                ${COMPILER_RPATH_FLAG}${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.cyrus-sasl}/lib \

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