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pkg/32396: perl5-nb6 failes to compile on Solaris 10 x86_64 with Sun Studio 11

>Number:         32396
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       perl5-nb6 failes to compile on Solaris 10 x86_64 with Sun 
>Studio 11
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          support
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Dec 28 08:35:00 +0000 2005
>Originator:     Krzysztof Raczkowski
Rzeszow University of Technology
SunOS pkgsrc-i64 5.10 Generic_118844-20 i86pc i386 i86pc

Installation of lang/perl5 port (nb6) on Solaris 10 with Sun Studio 11 compiler 
fails with the following error:

gcc -o -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib   -L/usr/lib -L/usr/pkg/lib perl.o  gv.o 
toke.o perly.o op.o pad.o regcomp.o dump.o util.o mg.o reentr.o hv.o av.o run.o 
pp_hot.o sv.o pp.o scope.o pp_ctl.o pp_sys.o doop.o doio.o regexec.o utf8.o 
taint.o deb.o universal.o xsutils.o globals.o perlio.o perlapi.o numeric.o 
locale.o pp_pack.o pp_sort.o  -lm -ldl -lsocket -lnsl
Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
main                                /opt/SUNWspro/prod/lib/amd64/crt1x.o
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to
*** Error code 1

As far as I know, it's something with library paths passing to linker. 
-L/usr/lib and -L/usr/pkg/lib is not enough. In perl5-nb5 there were additional 
paths automaticly detected: -L/opt/SUNWspro/prod/lib/amd64 -L/lib/amd64

As I am new 'pkgsrc on Solaris' user, it'll take a while to create patch.

sync pkgsrc with CVS
cd /usr/pkgsrc/lang/perl5
Downgrade perl5 port to nb5 release or add -L/opt/SUNWspro/prod/lib/amd64 
-L/lib/amd64 paths to additional ld flags.

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