Subject: pkg/29481: devel/p5-Log-Dispatch build fails after p5-Module-Build update
To: None <,,>
From: None <>
List: pkgsrc-bugs
Date: 02/21/2005 11:32:00
>Number:         29481
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       devel/p5-Log-Dispatch build fails after p5-Module-Build update
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Feb 21 11:32:00 +0000 2005
>Release:        NetBSD 1.6.2
System: NetBSD nixsys 1.6.2 NetBSD 1.6.2 (NIXSYS) #10: Thu Mar 4 22:20:38 EST 2004 root@nixsys:/usr/src/sys/arch/alpha/compile/NIXSYS alpha
Architecture: alpha
Machine: alpha

===> Configuring for p5-Log-Dispatch-2.08nb1
# running Build.PL installdirs=site
/usr/pkg/bin/perl Build.PL installdirs=site
Creating custom builder _build/lib/ in _build/lib
Checking whether your kit is complete...
Looks good
Creating new 'Build' script for 'Log-Dispatch' version '2.08'
Unknown 'build_class', defaulting to 'Module::Build'
===> Building for p5-Log-Dispatch-2.08nb1
/usr/pkg/bin/perl Build --makefile_env_macros 1
Sorry, PREFIX is not supported.  See the Module::Build
documentation for 'destdir' or 'install_base' instead.
*** Error code 255

	update p5-Module-Build, rebuilding all its dependencies, which along the line includes p5-Log-Dispatch.