Subject: pkg/28926: pkg_install's configure script doesn't warn if it can't find libraries to link against
To: None <,,>
From: None <>
List: pkgsrc-bugs
Date: 01/10/2005 04:24:00
>Number:         28926
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       pkg_install's configure script doesn't warn if it can't find libraries to link against
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Jan 10 04:24:00 +0000 2005
>Originator:     David H. Gutteridge
>Release:        Varlous
The configure script for pkg_install doesn't warn if it can't find ncurses/termcap/etc. (or db1) to link against, causing builds to fail during linking.  I've submitted a proposed patch to to fix this.  (I previously submitted this back in May under pkgsrc, I've realized I filed it incorrectly.)  I didn't put an exit statement into the  db1 check, I wasn't sure if that was necessarily fatal.
Compile pkg_install from pkgsrc (via bootstrap or on its own) on a machine that doesn't have a relevant ncurses/termcap/etc. linker name symlink available, e.g. Debian Linux, which provides linker names only when pertinent library development packages are installed.
---	Sun Jan  9 20:08:28 2005
+++	Sun Jan  9 20:15:17 2005
@@ -68,8 +68,11 @@
 dnl Checks for libraries.
-AC_CHECK_LIB(db1, dbopen)
-AC_SEARCH_LIBS(tgetent, [termcap termlib curses ncurses])
+AC_CHECK_LIB(db1, dbopen, ,[echo "No db1 library is available to link " \
+	"against."])
+AC_SEARCH_LIBS(tgetent, [termcap termlib curses ncurses tinfo], ,
+               echo "No curses library is available to link against.  "\
+               "Please install termcap or ncurses or similar library."; exit)
 dnl Checks for header files.