Subject: Re: Which file-system is good for power down?
To: None <>
From: Gilles Gravier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/28/2007 08:40:37
I use this solution as well (UPS with apcupsd) and it has saved my 
life... time and over.

Alternatively, when will we have a port of ZFS on NetBSD? :)


Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 27, 2007 at 11:58:11PM +0800, Water NB wrote:
>> I will setup a NetBSD server for many use: CVS, Samba, ...
>> But our power is down every 1~2 week.
>> Once power down occurs, the NetBSD server will check file system at next
>> startup, it will take as long as 10 minutes.
>> I have done a test on Linux (ext3), it take only 10 seconds to recover.
>> So, I think ffs v1 is not suitable for my environment.
> The right solution is to put your server on a small UPS, and use apcupsd
> or nut to talk to the UPS so that your server shuts down cleanly on power
> failure.  Then it will not have to check the filesystem at all when it
> starts back up.
> Also, if you don't do this, you should disable the write caches on your
> disk drives, no matter what filesystem you use.  That will unfortunately
> make them very slow.
> Thor

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