Subject: Re: Simple commands to add own patches to pkgsrc softwares
To: None <>
From: Cem Kayali <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/27/2007 06:11:12
Mr. Nemeth, i thank you.=20

Full steps in detail:

Go to pkgsrc directory of the software you want to patch
# cd /usr/pkgsrc/category/software

Exract the software
# make extract

Go to directory of source files
# cd work
# cd src

Edit files via pkgvi and get difference file
# pkgvi file.c
# pkgdiff file.c > patch-zz

Edit patch file, because path of the file may be incorrect. See 3rd and 4th
# vi patch-zz

Move patch to original patches directory
# mv patch-zz /usr/pkgsrc/category/software/patches
# cd /usr/pkgsrc/category/software

Last arrangements
# make mps

Well, it could be better to clean first and then install
# make clean
# make install

I think this should be documented for future reference of standard users.


John Nemeth wrote:
> On Apr 13,  4:01pm, Cem Kayali wrote:
> }=20
> } I would like to apply my own patches and build pkgsrc softwares, but it
> } creates error message. I checked
> } "" already, but it sti=
> } fails, i probably make a mistake.
> }=20
> } Steps:
> }=20
> } 1- Exract original software.
>      You can use "make extract" for this step.
> } 2- Copy original_file.c to original_file.c.orig
> }=20
> } 3- Edit original_file.c
>      You can use 'pkgvi' for these two steps.
> } 4- Run "pkgdiff original_file.c.orig original_file.c"
> }=20
> } 5- Place patch into "pkgsrc/category/software/patches/"
> }=20
> } 6- Run "make makedistinfo" in "pkgsrc/category/software/"
>      You probably just want "make mps" for this step.
> } Once i try to "make install" it says, patch is inappropriate format.
>      Not sure about this.  But, if you are in a subdirectory of the
> package when you do the 'pkgdiff' you may have to edit filename in the
> patch to include the path.  Also, you can use "make patch" to test how
> well your patches are working.
> }-- End of excerpt from Cem Kayali


Cem Kayal=C4=B1

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