Subject: Re: Re: not working on intel-chip because of agpgart?
To: <>
From: Chavdar Ivanov <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/23/2007 12:08:04
On Nov 22, 2007 11:34 PM,
<> wrote:
> I tried to enable agp in the NetBSD 4.0/RC2 configuration file of the kernel. But this didn't configure/compile.
> Now in RC4 it's removed entirely.
> It seems to me that there will be no workaround in the days to come?
> Do you think NetBSD/i386 will work on this computer? I know you can always avoid problem with good old 32bit, but this wont help for the future. And for geeky reasons, I want to live on the cutting edge if possible.

If you really want to be on the cutting edge with respect to graphics,
go ahead and install 32 bit -current. I have the same graphics on my
laptop and have been running modular-xorg + drm for quite some time
now (with the invaluable help of Yorick Hardy, Blair Sadewitz and
tech-x11). Beryl 0.2.1 works just fine and you will get some street
cred by not running it on a prepackaged Linux distro... and you can
run Blender and BZflag with accelleration. Mind you,with this chipset
the difference between DRI and software rendering is seen with windows
close to full screen.

I managed the other day to compile even the latest compiz 0.6.2, but
it refuses to run - no GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap. Google seems to
suggest to preload suitable late Mesa library, but I could not get
anywhere this way, at least for now.

> As the unix-system I grew up with, I'd be happy to have NetBSD on my portable machine, too.

Hear, hear...

> Bye,
> Jeff

/dev/random says:
	Did you expect mere proof to sway my opinion?
Chavdar Ivanov   | Talbot Way, Small Heath Business Park
Delcam UK        | Birmingham B10 0HJ, United Kingdom
Customer Support | (+44)121-6831014