Subject: Re: Has much thought been given to having more third-party software in binary form?
To: netbsd-users <>
From: Leonardo Taccari <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 11/10/2007 06:10:39
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Hello Rick,
> I wonder if there has ever been much consideration to have more
> third-party software in binary form?
> It would seem to make it easier to install on older systems and
> systems that aren't online (install from CD).
> I have a Pentium II that is online and tar zxvf pkgsrc.tar.gz is still
> running after over 2 hours.
Yes, don't worry it will take about 3-4 hours. I did a ``tar xzf
pkgsrc.tar.gz'' some months ago on a pentium1 133mhz and it toke
something like 5-6 hours.
However I run pkgsrc on my desktop (this machine, a pentium3 733mhz) and
on my ``small server'' a pentium2 350mhz. On the pentium2 isn't too bad.
For example i builded lighttpd and 50% of things via pkgsrc (the
pentium2 doesn't have X, so i don't need X).
So, if you have a faster computer you can try to make packages[1] your
self, with ``make package'' or different solutions.
Good luck Rick
Ciao, leot :)
--leot (Leonardo Taccari)
mail: leonardo1990[at]gmail[dot]com | weblog:
jid: leot[at]jabber[dot]linux[dot]it
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