Subject: RE: The Fall of NetBSD (was: RE: Syscall number space)
To: Peter I. Hansen <>
From: De Zeurkous <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/27/2007 21:20:34
On Mon, August 27, 2007 20:24, Peter I. Hansen wrote:
> I'd like to hear more about this Grand Project. Is it real?
It's real, it's real!1111!1 I'm just tired from the xenophobia that arises
almost everywhere I mention it; that's why I'm a little conservative on
rating about it.
Anyway, a general description would be 'an execution environment that
combines the best design elements from UNIX and the Unreal engine'. It
encompasses NetBSD as the lower layer, a bunch of utilities to make shell
programming a lot more powerful (shext; together known as NetNIX), a VM
('FBSF' after an old, silly project of mine) and associated (byte)code
writting in shext, and a layer named Mare (dunno where I got that name
from), consisting of a shell-like language (MareCode), an OO subsystem,
and a layer that directly maps an UnrealScript-like language (MareScript)
onto the latter two. The combined system is called 'Plan 69 from Korax
Productions' >:P
If you want me to elaborate, I'll require a bit more intensive provocation
(BTW, i'll write up some design notes for the general public next Dutch
winter, when I resume serious programming; heat intolerance and all that).
> Or maybe
> vaporware?
This project rose out of my personal sickness about the lack of progress
in computing over the last >8 years. You can bet it'll be there. This
isn't an ego trip (like most free software) nor a net.kookery (like most
commercial and faux 'free software'). It'll be nice to have support from
other for a change, but if necessary I'll fix it myself, like I always
To be precise, I expect to be playing MarePong in an X11 (I'll throw
together my own window system together later) window in a few years. Once
you've got the hang of it, coding the high-level subsystems is actually
very easy. The trouble is the NetNIX part, which level of polishedness and
modularity I intend to increase dramatically.
> If it's vaporware I think I tried to install that a few
> years back and wasn't impressed by it.
Don't forget all those projects where ego drive ruined intially very nice
designs. I count these as 'vaporware' more than anything else.
De Zeurkous
Friggn' Machines!