Subject: Re: none
To: Greg Troxel <>
From: Rakhesh Sasidharan <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/07/2007 11:47:07
Greg Troxel wrote:
> You can update to various branch or point tags
> netbsd-4-0-RELEASE (future)
> 	the 4.0 release itself
> netbsd-4-0 (future)
> 	branch tag for security fix branch for 4.0 (4.0.1 will be along
> 	this branch)
> netbsd-4
>        branch tag for release branch (already exists).  This will be
>        what 4.1 and 4.2 are from.
> Unless you are in a production environment where you really really want
> to control changes (running servers in a data center where your company
> will annoy customers if they fail), I would recommend tracking the
> normal stable branch (netbsd-4).


I had a quick look at the NetBSD docs. This link -- -- is what I should be 
follwing to keep up-to-date right?

I  assume I can skip the intial parts of the document all the way upto the 
"Using Anoncvs" section coz I'll be installing a binary version from the 
CD rather than compile from scratch? So once I'm done installing, I just 
check out the sources and keep updating them. Something like:

# /usr/src is where the sources will be
cd /usr

# checkout the src directory
# -P for pruning empty dirs, -A for retrieving the HEAD, checkout src
# this is as one time operation. 
cvs checkout -A -P src

# update the local stuff
# -P, -A same as above, -d to create any dirs if needed
# lather, rinse, repeat once a while :) 
cvs update -A -Pd

If I want to get off at the netbsd-4-0 branch (NetBSD 4 plus security) 
then I replace -A with "-r netbsd-4-0". Else continue with the -A.

(I am new to cvs. So I went through the link above and then through the 
cvs manpage to make sense of what's happening. Please correct me if I am 

Thank you for all your inputs so far. Much appreciated.


ps. If I should continue any further questions to this topic on another 
list, please do let me know.