Subject: Re: [HEADS UP] pkg_install pullup
To: Adam Hamsik <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/14/2007 14:38:27
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At Wed, 11 Jul 2007 22:59:56 +0200, Adam Hamsik wrote:
Subject: Re: [HEADS UP] pkg_install pullup
> So be concrete do you use it ? because if we can't find anybody who =20
> use these features.

Yes, I have done so and I would like to be able to do so in the future
again too.  The idea is to be able to use common components and tools to
build binary packages for any *BSD such that the native pkg_install
tools on the target platform will be able to use and manage those

Please have a look at ESP too.  I don't know much about it but it showed
up on the first page of results of a trivial google search I did about
the BSD packaging format.

> > I really very strongly object to making NetBSD's pkg_install
> > incompatible in any API way with FreeBSD (or OpenBSD or anyone else  who
> > has picked up and is using pkg_install).
> >
> We are incompatible now AFAIK.

Well, no, not yet, at least not between any released version of NetBSD
and FreeBSD, at least not so far as I can tell from what I can see and
have used.

There may be minor quirky differences, but I can't even think of any off
the top of my head.  I'd have to do a proper analysis to see.

> Nobody use pkg_install outside pkgsrc.

I'm not sure what you mean by that.  Of course people use pkg_install
outside of pkgsrc (and Ports).  I do.  ESP does.  I'm sure we're not

It's even theoretically possible to cross-build binary packages on, say,
a FreeBSD host that are in effect "universal" packages which would run
not only on any FreeBSD architecture, but also on any NetBSD platform as
well, all in on "pkg" bundle to be installed and managed by the original
pkg_install programs supplied by the target OS.

> In your point of view we have =20
> to implement also rpm parser to pkg_install.

No, I'm not sure where you would get that impression from.

It would be (have been) nice if various different OS platforms,
including GNU/Linux ones, could have agreed upon a standard
interchangeable packaging format for add-on binary software packages,
but that's a much bigger fish to fry than what I'm talking about here.

						Greg A. Woods

H:+1 416 218-0098 W:+1 416 489-5852 x122 VE3TCP RoboHack <>
Planix, Inc. <>       Secrets of the Weird <>

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