Subject: Re: Promise SATA 300 confusion
To: None <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/23/2007 11:07:19
Simon Burge --> netbsd-users (2007-06-23 17:50:40 +1000):
> reinhold roppert wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Am Freitag, 22. Juni 2007 um 18:23 schrieben Sie:
> >
> > > is anybody running a Promise SATA 300 controller, either the TX4 (PCI
> > > ID 0x3d17) or the TX2plus (0x3d73)? What's the chipset of those cards?
> > > I found contradictory information while comparing Promise's Linux
> > > driver, NetBSD, FreeBSD and
> >
> > > Linux NetBSD FreeBSD PCI DB
> > > TX4 PDC20718 PDC40718 PDC40718 PDC40718
> > > TX2plus PDC40775 PDC20775 PDC40775 PDC20775
> >
> > > Assuming that the PCI IDs are correct, I suppose this is just a typo
> > > in the FreeBSD code and a double typo in the vendor's code, and that
> > > both NetBSD and the PCI DB are right, and that both controllers work
> > > with NetBSD. Can anybody confirm this (especially the last point ;-))?
> >
> > We are running an TX4 under Netbsd 3.1 without problems. Our
> > Controller did not run under previous NetBSD Versions.
> >
> > The Controller-Chip is PDC40718.
> I've got a couple of these here as well, 300 TX4/PDC40718. One is in a
> NetBSD 3.1 i386 box and is my main server, and the other wanders around
> between -current MIPS, ARM and PowerPC systems.
> The manual that comes with the SATA 300 TX4 is for four controllers:
> SATA 150 TX2plus
> SATA 150 TX4
> SATA 300 TX2plus
> SATA 300 TX4
> Just a guess, but maybe the 20xxx parts are the 150's and the 40xxx
> parts are the 300's? The manual doesn't mention the 20xxx and 40xxx
> part numbers at all.
They seem to be numbered less reasonably... In the meantime I noticed
that even the vendor's Linux drivers lists them inconsistently:
[1]Linux 2.4:
Chipset Adapter Name
-------- ------------
PDC40518 Promise SATAII150 TX4
PDC20575 Promise SATAII150 TX2plus
PDC20579 Promise SATAII150 579
PDC20718 Promise SATA 300 TX4
PDC40775 Promise SATA 300 TX2plus
PDC40779 Promise SATA 300 779
[2]Linux 2.6:
Chipset Adapter Name
-------- ------------
PDC40518 Promise SATAII150 TX4
PDC20575 Promise SATAII150 TX2plus
PDC20579 Promise SATAII150 579
PDC40718 Promise SATA300 TX4
PDC20775 Promise SATA300 TX2plus
PDC20779 Promise SATA300 779
i.e. the SATAII150 chipset numbers correspond, but the SATA300 ones
Since the 2.6 numbers match with what NetBSD uses I assume everything
else is a typo and go for a SATA300 TX4 ;-)
Thanks, Reinhold and Simon!
Regards, Jukka
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