Subject: Re: ooRexx package petty problem
To: =?ISO-8859-2?Q?Przemys=B3aw_Pawe=B3czyk?= <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/13/2007 09:55:54
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On Wed, 13 Jun 2007, Przemys=B3aw Pawe=B3czyk wrote:
> BTW. Why bmake isn't in repo in binary form for i386?
I don't know. If you are using NetBSD, you should be able to use "make"=20
instead of bmake. You should not need to bootstrap unless the make and=20
pkg_install family of tools are too old -- which might be the case.
> Second question, why bmake during make process in pkgsrc/devel/bmake=20
> didn't download or compile necessary package of bootstrap-mk-files?=20
> Again I had to do it by myself in another terminal window.
I think this was discussed before. And I thought that was fixed. (If I=20
recall, I am the one that original removed the dependency for the mk=20
files. But a lot has changed since then.)
I assume you are using "NetBSD" since you posted to NetBSD-users list. You=
should not have to use bmake or bootstrap on NetBSD. If you do, please=20
complain by telling us what NetBSD version you are using and show us the=20
If you are not using NetBSD, please consider using the pkgsrc-users@=20
mailing list as it may have non-NetBSD users who can assist with your=20
"pkgsrc" questions.
Have fun and good luck with your packaging ...
Jeremy C. Reed