Subject: Re: /dev/ttyXX for first serial port on NetBSD?
To: Thomas Bieg <>
From: Gilles Gravier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/28/2007 11:45:03
Thomas Bieg wrote:
> Gilles Gravier wrote:
>> But the CGI don't build when you "make install".
>> And the build options don't include support for httpd... so did you
>> use the default build options and just hack the CGI files to work?
> I was using the unchanged sources from, so I had different
> default build options.
> You should be able to recompile your package with http support if you
> uncomment the relating lines in your sysutils/apcupsd/Makefile:
> #CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-http # include http support
> #CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-threads # compile threading code
I did a build with that. But it didn't put the CGI files anywhere I
could notice. :(
>> Could you tar-ball the CGI files you have and post them to me?
> Sure I could do that but my apcupsd version is slightly older than
> yours so there's a chance that they won't work as expected. (If you
> want to try them nonetheless just drop me another line.)
I'm ready to try. I assume the CGI actually call apcaccess with proper
parameters... so I think it should work. Could you tar the CGI
directories you use?
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