Subject: SUCCESS ! Re: Installing a UPS for a NetBSD server... software and
To: Steven M. Bellovin <>
From: Gilles Gravier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/27/2007 22:02:38
OK. I got ugen0 detection once I removed all the uhidev stuff from my
kernel configuration file. When I had uhidev present, the UPS would
always be detected as uhidev not ugen.
Then, with that, I set USBTYPE and CABLE to usb for apcupsd.conf ... and
it WORKS! :)
OK... So building a kernel wasn't too hard. :)
Now... anybody can tell me how to get nut-ups to work with the same?
Seems that nut-ups uses driver hidups (so should I get back to having my
UPS detected as uhidev?)... but what port to use?
I get :
bash-3.2# upsd -D -D -f
Network UPS Tools upsd 2.0.4
Can't connect to UPS [apc] (hidups-usb): No such file or directory
Synchronizing........ giving up
Not looking good.
Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Apr 2007 14:27:33 +0200
> Gilles Gravier <> wrote:
>> Steve,
>> Can you help me there? How do you use that specific line? In what?
> That goes in a kernel config file, for any system 4.0beta or later.
> (That describes all of my machines -- I upgraded the last one
> yesterday to let it talk to at UPS.) You then build a custom kernel
> according to the instructions in the NetBSD guide.
> Here's my config file on that machine:
> include "arch/i386/conf/GENERIC"
> options SHMMAXPGS=32768 # 2048 pages is the default
> options IPSEC # IP security
> options IPSEC_ESP # IP security (encryption part; define w/IPSEC)
> options HZ=1000
> ugen* at uhub? port ? vendor "0x051d" flags 1
> Note the 'include' line -- it saves a lot of trouble if you're willing
> to accept all of the unnecessary drivers in GENERIC. (I am -- trimming
> it down would save me very little memory, as such things go.)
> --Steve Bellovin,
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