Subject: Re: /dev/ttyXX for first serial port on NetBSD?
To: Thomas Bieg <>
From: Gilles Gravier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/27/2007 19:16:17
So... apsupsd is configured with :

# defines the type of cable that you have.
UPSCABLE 940-0128A
# UPSTYPE [ backups | sharebasic | netups |
#           backupspro | smartvsups |
#           newbackupspro | backupspropnp |
#           smartups | matrixups | sharesmart ]
# defines the type of UPS you have.
# name of your serial port
DEVICE /dev/tty00

And when I launch it, I get the following :

bash-3.2# apcupsd -d 10 -b
0.000 apcupsd: apcupsd.c:211 Options parsed.
0.000 apcupsd: apcupsd.c:234 Config file 
/usr/pkg/etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf processed.
0.000 apcupsd: apcupsd.c:253 Attached to driver: dumb
0.002 apcupsd: apcupsd.c:355 Netmaster thread started.
0.003 apcupsd: apcnet.c:922 Master/slave network code disabled. Use 
--enable-master-slave to enable.

So... seems that something is wrong. It is compiled with the default 
options... and has :

# UPSCLASS [ standalone | shareslave | sharemaster | netslave | netmaster ]
# normally standalone unless you share a UPS with multiple machines.


# Unless you want to share the UPS (power multiple machines).
#  this should be 

# UPSMODE [ disable | share | net | sharenet ]
UPSMODE disable

#NETACCESS <string> [ true | false ] Enable Network Access Support
NETACCESS false             

So surprising...



Thomas Bieg wrote:
> Gilles Gravier wrote:
>> Now I need to figure out what kind of serial cable APC sent me and 
>> talk to my UPS. :)
> Please share what you find out. From what you can read there:
> it will most probably be a "dumb" signalling cable.
> I built the "smart" cable described there myself but it didn't work and
> I've read from others with the same UPS model (CS 650) that they also
> weren't able to get smart signalling over RS232 working. To me it seems
> that APS has removed this (undocumented) ability from the newer models.
> Regards,
> Tom

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