Subject: Re: Installing a UPS for a NetBSD server... software and procedures?
To: Steven M. Bellovin <>
From: Gilles Gravier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/23/2007 14:27:33

Can you help me there? How do you use that specific line? In what?

Thanks in advance,

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Apr 2007 07:12:19 -0400
> "Courtney R. Spencer" <> wrote:
>> I wrote the maintainers of apcupsd a while back about this in that
>> there is no need to disable uhidev when you take care to declare
>> direct addresses in your kernel.  There is also no need to patch uhid.
>> One maintainer corrected the documentation in an old version but it
>> looks like the new documentation declares the same (non)requirement.
> Well, pkgsrc has an old version...
> FYI, this is the line I used successfully on several machines yesterday:
> 	ugen*     at uhub? port ? vendor "0x051d" flags 1
> The documentation should probably specify it.  (0x051d is the vendor
> code for APC.)
> 		--Steve Bellovin,

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